Meet a BASHHer: Kristin Sheppard

BASHH Big Ass Social Happy Hour

Meet a BASHHer: Kristin Sheppard

Sometimes it’s easier to go to your first BASHH or feel compelled to seek out new people if you have some familiar faces to approach, so in that spirit, meet Kristin Sheppard, she’s the brains behind one of our favorite Austin blogs, Mad Betty, where she’s not afraid to introduce you to new food trucks while making controversial statements about local influencers and celebs. You can creep her at the Mad Betty Facebook Page, or on the the Mad Betty Twitter handle.

The following interview is unfiltered, uncensored, fun, and a great way to meet a BASHHer, so let’s go!

Who are you? What do you do, Kristin?

What do you do as your day job?

I’m a copywriter. I’ve been fortunate to have steady freelance work in Austin. There’s no shortage of people looking for content in this city! While I would be happy to go back to agency life one day, as I miss working side by side with artists and account people, it’s also nice to work in my pajamas. Right now I’m doing a lot of digital writing and also consult on strategic promotion and social media.

I started my blog in 2011 as a creative outlet. Working in advertising means you need to stay sharp on what’s cool and relevant in pop culture. I am really passionate about TV, movies, music, books, restaurants, and even celebrity gossip and commercials. Madbetty is a way for me to write about the things I love in a casual voice that’s all my own. As a copywriter, I am paid to NOT use my own voice, but rather the voice of my clients. Blogging is a way for me to be me.

I’m a member of the Austin Food Blogger Alliance, so I write about local restaurants all the time. I love checking out the hottest new spots with blogger friends, all of us snapping a million photos before we ever take a bite. But the posts that bring thousands of readers from around the world are my movie reviews and TV recaps. My irreverent take on shows like Mad Men, Breaking Bad, and Downton Abbey get the most attention. Every day I get emails from people who want to talk about the shows they love. It’s just a fun thing I get to do and I never tire of it.

Tell us about your first BASHH

Tell us about your first BASHH – how did you hear about it, end up there, and how did it go?

I learned about BASHH in the same way probably most people do, on Twitter. It sounded fun and fell on a night that was convenient for me. A friend of mine decided to join me and we were pleased to not be the only new people there.

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As a matter of fact, on that night it seemed that most of the attendees were first-timers. So we settled in, had some drinks, and mingled. We made a few new friends and ran into some familiar faces, too. We ended up staying for hours, long after the evening was supposed to end.

“It’s a different experience every time.”

What keeps you coming back?

It’s a different experience every time. Some nights feel more like professional networking while others feel like a casual party. Everyone has a different agenda, so you can really make the night what you want it to be. My friend and I make this our monthly ritual.

We have dinner at Whole Foods and catch up on things, then head over to BASHH. Some nights we’ll work the room and some nights we’ll just hole up in the corner and gossip, soaking up the BASHH vibe and waving hello to acquaintances.

For anyone who is shy or afraid to show up, I’d strongly encourage him or her to go. Introduce yourself to the friendly volunteers at the door and tell them it’s your first time. You’ll be welcomed with a smile and a nametag.

Once you start introducing yourself to strangers, you’ll realize you’re all in the same boat. Before you know it you’ll be attending every month with your own Twitter badge.

“My new friends have enriched my life”

What connections have you made at BASHH that have been the most meaningful and successful to you?

I haven’t attempted to find any job leads at BASHH, although I’m not ruling that out for the future. The connections I’ve made have primarily been social. My new friends have enriched my life in more ways than I can count.

Sounds awesome, right? We know!
Come to the next BASHH and make new friends – maybe Kristin will be one of them!

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