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Why you don’t have to pay to attend the next BASHH

BASHH doesn’t charge attendees which blows minds – here’s why we do it that way AND how.

Big Ass Social Happy Hour August

This will be our first BASHH since before the pandemic hit and we’re just as nervous as you are, but let’s do this!

We got an email yesterday from someone upset that they couldn’t buy tickets. The idea that it is a free event didn’t make sense to them. There was no “buy” button, and that can’t be right!

But it’s true – for nearly a decade and a half, we’ve pulled this event off without charging attendees. Why do we do that? Because this event is our love letter to Austin, a way to bring the community together. Sometimes even $10 can be restrictive for some people – gas money may already be a challenge for some. We may charge some day, but we’ve been able to avoid that because of companies that want to support BASHH, to support you, to MEET you.

That’s why we sincerely ask you to check out our sponsors for the next BASHH.

Click to learn more about them – they deserve it for supporting this event and keeping it free to you!

Vultr $50 credit offer

Are you starting to think that Big Tech clouds are overpriced and overcomplicated?

Find a cloud partner who provides better margins, with less complexity.

As companies begin the transition to migrate to hybrid cloud, they are faced with complex decisions about choosing a strategic cloud partner who is able to support their continued growth at an affordable cost. Buyers are more educated now than ever about what technology they need to scale their business, and value a partner who is invested in supporting their growth.

At Vultr, the largest privately-owned Global Hyperscale cloud provider supporting over 1.3 million customers, we believe developers and businesses should feel the freedom of the cloud, and should be empowered to do what they do best: develop and build a company. We take care of the infrastructure work and let you do the rest.

When evaluating your cloud partner, it’s important to assess if a partner not only meets your technical requirements but can commit the time and resources to help your company scale. However, with scale, comes increased cloud computing costs at a rate you probably weren’t expecting. The cause? Hidden bandwidth costs which may seem trivial but they can add up exponentially.

Vultr is a founder-owned and bootstrapped business so an important key differentiator for us is our focus on Infrastructure vs. Bandwidth; our customers are not subject to punitive and unnecessary network utilization charges. We continue to focus on building Enterprise grade cloud infrastructure that is easy-to-use, well-documented,scalable, cost-effective, and we make the right decisions for customers and support our clients’ continued growth.

Join Vultr today and gain better performance, have lower operational costs, and access to a greater global reach for all your raw cloud infrastructure needs.


Invited MBA information

Virtual 12-week part-time mini-MBA

The Invited MBA is an affordable, accessible, and fully virtual 12-week part-time mini-MBA program that will give you the tools you need to level up your career!

– Gain essential business skills and boost your financial acumen

– Compete in our award-winning cohort-based business simulations

– Solve real-world problems, collaborate on peer projects, and increase your competence and confidence

– Connect with and learn from experienced mentors and successful business executives

Mention Big Ass Social Happy Hour in your application to receive an automatic $200 scholarship for the Fall 2021 cohort.

The final application deadline is September 9, 2021.


Lani is the COO and News Director at The American Genius, has co-authored a book, co-founded BASHH, Austin Digital Jobs, Remote Digital Jobs, and is a seasoned business writer and editorialist with a penchant for the irreverent.

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The Big Ass Social Happy Hour is our monthly networking event offline, and is beloved for being casual and no-pressure. Because we hate smarmy networking events, we built a monthly gathering for like-minded business professionals to mingle without being hard sold anything. It’s well known for being the birthplace of many startups, inspired many partnerships, and endless business opportunities (all over a beer). The American Genius, LLC Copyright © 2005-2024