Opinion Editorials

Can I Supercharge My Business in A Weekend?

Pretty simple question, isn’t it?

Being real estate agents we are out constantly trying to build our business. Makes you wonder what more you can do and in less then a weekend, eh?

When I was offered the writing gig here on AG, that is exactly what I was doing, business building! I was participating (and organizing) Startup Weekend Columbus (SWC). After it was said and done, not only were there 11 new companies built, my real estate career kicked into OVERDRIVE! My phone is ringing off the hook, and my email is piling up since July!

So, what was SWC you may ask? In a nutshell, it was a regional event for Startup Weekend. Startup Weekend is an intense 3 day event where you create a company from pitch to launch in less then 54 hours. They call it “jazz for entrepreneurs!” I call it a great event to build and bond with your local network, which is exactly what I did!

How can you use this to help your business?

It gives you an excuse to contact your sphere of influence with something NON-Real Estate related! The first thing you will need to check is the Startup Weekend City Vote Page and find out if your city is up on the voting list. If not, email the CEO and get it up there. After that, it is all persuasion on your part.

Tap in to your Linkedin contacts, push it on your blog, and tell all of your Twitter friends about it. Do what you can to bring this worthwhile event to your area! Get excited, and get your sphere involved.

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So we made it to the top now what?

Email the Startup Weekend CEO and let him know you want to organize the local event. Find like minded individuals in your area that can help find venues, plan food, entertainment, and find sponsors, the whole nine-yards. Take a leadership role and help define the good times!

How does this help me?

If it is anything like the Columbus event, you will meet highly motivated, creative people and create a lasting bond with them. It will introduce you to your online community and help you “engage” them in the real world (anyone paying attention to Jeff Turner?). It will be an opportunity to meet local techie types to and intermingle with local business leaders (I met the great grandson of the founder of White Castle and VP of Human Resources), and lastly, pass out hundreds of business cards!

Not only am I part of a new company, I am connected to an up and coming crowd who I intend to be friends with for life that we shared a unique experience with. If I happen to make a sale or few out of the endeavor, then that I would consider gravy.

To Continue On or Not to Continue On?

There are the proverbial “tweetups” that you can help organize, Open Coffee Clubs, meetups, mixers, minglers, and what not. The great thing about social networking and getting out from the computer is you are limited by your own self.

So what are you doing to “engage” in NON-Real Estate Related events?

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  1. Phyllis

    August 12, 2008 at 3:53 pm

    Great tips! I am glad to hear that you really benefitted from engaging with people/activities outside your “normal” network or area of expertise.


  2. Melissa | Talk San Francisco Real Estate

    August 12, 2008 at 3:56 pm


    Great post! This is such a good informative post for Realtors like myself. Being able to get your face out from behind the computer and get out there in the community is so crucial. I am a Gen X girl, so I am in between the two. A part of me is tied to the computer so much, but not to the point where I text message my friend in the next room. (my brother in law is a Gen Y, and will do that!) I’m so glad to hear that all of the work that you put in to the start up event is definitely paying off. It sounds as if you have made some great contacts. Whether or not you do make a sale out of this or not (which you most likely will) takes second position, because you will get so much more by being around motivated and successful people. Good luck!

  3. Ines

    August 12, 2008 at 6:39 pm

    Rocky – I have so many ideas in my head and would wish there was a way for me to split in two to accomplish at least 1/2 of them. This sounds like an amazing opportunity and I thank you for sharing. There are tons of networking opportunities and it goes back to that “face-to-face” that is so important.

  4. Ginger Wilcox

    August 13, 2008 at 9:26 am

    Now this is a rockstar idea!! I keep wondering how to connect with different people in my community as I tend to network over and over again with the same people. Did I say rockstar idea??

  5. UK Investment Sales

    August 13, 2008 at 4:30 pm

    “Jazz for entrepreneurs!” is a great concept and this is a very subtle and cunning networking tactic. Respect is due.

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