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Castle of sick

In speaking to a new client, she just had to tell me that she needed to call me back so she could run to the toilet.  Oh boy, I’m so excited to go over there tonight for a CMA.  My alcohol wipes will be poised and ready on the seat when I return to the car.

It’s Tuesday morning tour: the family grabs the snot gobbler and runs out of the house.  They leave behind used tissues and acrid air.  All of the windows are closed up tight.  It’s winter.  It’s cold.  The heater is on spreading the airborne molecules.  We parade in flu-shot naked falling victim to cold/flu/stomach ache/headache/runny nose/diarrhea – Pepto Bismol.

After shaking a few hands, we run in the rain back to the car.   

The first sign of transfer comes later in the day when someone says, “Did lunch make you sick?”

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Written By

As a lifelong resident and local Realtor, Vicki has established herself as a respected member of the San Mateo County real estate community. She’s known for her wit, sarcasm, and her personality that shows through in her posts. You can find her spouting off at Twitter, here at ag, and her personal blog, San Mateo Real Estate



  1. Athol Kay

    December 6, 2007 at 8:19 pm

    What you were raised in a plastic bubble? 🙂

    >>After shaking a few hands… The first sign of transfer comes later in the day when someone says, “Did lunch make you sick?”


    /throws hands up in disgust

  2. ines

    December 6, 2007 at 10:45 pm

    Oh shush Athol!…..I’m a germ freak as well Vickie! I have a bottle of germ-x in my car and my kids know to pump at least once when they get in the car. (or my OCD kicks in)

  3. Vicki Moore

    December 7, 2007 at 12:13 pm

    Yeah – Athol – shush! 🙂

    I didn’t talk about getting attacked by fleas in a vacant house.

  4. Athol Kay

    December 7, 2007 at 9:09 pm

    WTF?!? You guys shushed a nurse suggesting people should wash their hands before eating!??!

    I can’t work with you people!



  5. Mariana

    December 8, 2007 at 3:47 pm

  6. Mariana

    December 8, 2007 at 3:50 pm

    wow. my comment auto-moderated itself. Weird.
    What it SAID was …

    … door to trailer slams shut. Picture of fluffy bunnies falls of of wall. …

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