Opinion Editorials

Move that Bus

Bus Driver….. “Move That Bus”

I use to watch Extreme Make-Over all the time. It got boring after awhile, but I still get teary eyed when I hear the crowd call out, “Bus driver, move that bus”. The family that is getting the new home, is excited beyond their wildest expectations. Their emotions are palatable, and I can feel them through the TV screen.

Why are they so excited?

They have received a “gift” that was something beyond their expectations.  They did not earn it, they did not pay for it. They only received it.

When was the last time you received a gift and were so excited, because the gift was beyond your expectations? Oh, I know maybe the “move that bus” has not occurred very often in our lives. But, we can definitely be grateful for even the small things.


Thanksgiving is a day set aside to remember our past and reflect on how this nation was formed. It is a time to be grateful for ALL the good things we have in our lives. Last week, I sent out Thanksgiving cards to my clients both past and present. I started doing that a few years ago instead of Christmas cards. It just meant more sense to me to express my gratitude to them during the time of year we set aside to focus on thankfulness. I hand address them all and write a personal note.


One tradition we do in my family at Thanksgiving dinner is put a piece of popcorn under every plate. Then after we are all stuffed and dessert is served we pass a basket, and as it goes around the table we each say something we are thankful for in our lives during the past year.  Over the years, it has evolved from the silly to the sincere. But, deep down my children love it and one of them never fails to ask me, if we are doing the “popcorn this year”.

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Regardless of how you celebrate, “move that bus” and give someone something they don’t deserve. Experience the joy of giving.Have a thankful heart for all you have received. Reflect on your blessings. I like I tell my kids, there will always be people better off than you and worse off with you.True joy comes from the giving.

Photo Credit Randall Sanderson, Flickr


  1. Cathy Tishhouse

    November 24, 2008 at 1:34 pm

    We are having the biggest family dinner yet at my niece’s new home and I have been treating it like “another holiday” dinner. She has been posting about it on Facebook and it is a really big deal. Thank you for the post so that I can be present to the special event it is and all that I have to be thankful for. Maybe I will bring some popcorn.

  2. Vance Shutes

    November 24, 2008 at 3:57 pm


    I want all of the readers here at AG to know how blessed I am, personally, to be able to work with you in our local market. You’re truly a treasure, and I’m thankful to be able to call you friend. Have a blessed Thanksgiving.

  3. Elaine Reese

    November 24, 2008 at 8:38 pm

    I like the popcorn idea. This is the year where everyone is “at the inlaws”, so maybe we can try it next year. My family has had some high spots and some low spots this year, so we need to always remember to be thankful for what we have … which is each other.

  4. Vicki Moore

    November 24, 2008 at 11:31 pm

    I never want to feel like I missed telling someone how important they are to me. I hug, compliment and support as much as possible. I don’t know who feels better – me or them.

    I can’t watch that dang show without crying.

    Thanks Missy.

  5. Paula Henry

    November 27, 2008 at 8:51 am

    Missy – It is the traditions carried on through the years which make holidays special. Whether it’s a special desert or favorite dish prepared with love, each of us have our own.

    The same can be said about the traditions we mantain with our clients which make them feel special.

    Blessings, my friend!

  6. Linda Davis

    November 28, 2008 at 7:58 pm

    It is such a coincidence that you wrote this just as I was named Lead Volunteer Coordinator for our Eastern CT Extreme Makeover! I hope you’ll watch on February 8th!

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