Real Estate Marketing

Do you need a squeeze page instead of a landing page?

(MARKETING) You already know you should have a landing page, but squeeze pages have merit in the industry, too – let’s discuss what they are and how they can boost your lead gen efforts.

If you’re looking for a fairly quick and easy way to generate leads, consider testing out a “squeeze page” on your website.

A “squeeze page” is a specialized type of landing page that appears when a user first visits a website. This type of page is designed to “squeeze” an email address out of the user.

This is usually achieved by offering a perk in exchange for the email address. This could be anything from a coupon or free service, to access to exclusive content such as videos, newsletters, a podcast, or some other downloadable tool.

Squeeze pages are highly effective for generating leads, producing some of the highest conversion rates compared to other kinds of landing pages. They don’t come off as annoying like a SPAM email, because the user is being offered something in exchange for their information, and because the user is already interested enough in your product or service to be visiting your site in the first place.

Getting as many of those visitors as possible to stay connected to you through email just makes sense. While a squeeze page can be a detailed, full-length webpage, it’s usually better to keep it short and simple.

The page should have a headline that announces the special gift the user will receive, a sentence or two explaining why this is valuable, and an embedded form for the user to fill in their name and email without leaving the main page. If you plan to follow up with further emails (and that’s kind of the whole point, isn’t it?) you’re legally required to disclose this fact before someone provides their address.

Once your squeeze page starts generating email addresses, be sure to follow up. Automate your systems to confirm the person’s email immediately and be sure to deliver the prize or coupon you promised, without delay.

Sync your squeeze page with Salesforce or any other marketing software you are using so that new email addresses are added to your database. And make sure that when a user provides an email address, they are taken to another page just to say thank you, and to offer any additional information about what happens next.

Other than that, your squeeze page could have endless variations. You can also make providing an email address optional after offering a coupon or some other benefit/service. This is a less aggressive tactic that still generates a lot of leads because the user sees that you are already offering something valuable and becomes curious about what other deals they might get if they sign up for your email list.

Because squeeze pages are easy to make (here’s a guide and template), you can quickly test many variations to optimize results for your user base.

squeeze page template



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