Social Media

The Price of Leadership


This afternoon the Arizona Diamondbacks acquired reserve first baseman Tony Clark from the San Diego Padres for a couple of minor-league prospects.

Why are we reading the sports report? What’s next, traffic and weather on the 10s?

What the Diamondbacks presumably discovered over the past couple of months was you can’t put a price on leadership and survival without leadership nearly is impossible. Tony Clark was a stabilizing influence in a clubhouse filled with players in their 20s, most of whom have seen only a fraction of what Tony has seen during his fairly lengthy baseball career.

Much of what Tony brings to a clubhouse, at least in my opinion, comes from his not having forgotten how little he really knew when he debuted with the Detroit Tigers once upon a time. He remembers, he shares and his knowledge has credibility because it’s based on real-life experience.

And after the break, your five-day forecast …

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Real Estate 2.0 – Leaders Wanted

What has become apparent over the past couple of years with the expansion of social media marketing and the proliferation of sites where agents can create a profile and attempt to build a presence for free – Trulia, Active Rain, Zillow, RealTown – is that the vast majority of agents don’t have the slightest idea what they’re doing. They mean well but the old-fashioned notion of getting your face out in the public as often as you can – your personal branding – is rather difficult to surrender.

They’ve added a word count to the sidebar, Dalton … get to the point!

Today on Trulia Voices I ran across a question about Sun City, California. It only appeared because there’s also a Sun City here in Arizona. In any event, upon clicking on the question I discovered that the soft ball about Sun City, California not only was asked by an agent but also answered by the same agent.

Rather than attempt to help the public and build a profile that way, this agent decided to interview herself! Maybe the thought is if someone looks up Sun City, California they’ll see her smiling face but outside of that small possibility … what exactly is the point?

My theory is she doesn’t really know what else to do. What’s missing is the leadership element, the mentor, the person who can sit down and explain if you’re going to use Trulia Voices to build a web presence, this is what you need to do.

We all know what to do. Answer as many questions as possible so you move up the charts.

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Editor’s note: The italicized voice has been fired as that last comment was completely uncalled for … probably even caused Mr. Bacharty to fall out of his La-Z-Boy right there.

Real Estate 2.0 Mentors Needed

Some swear by the concept of mentoring in real estate, to the point that some even have suggested that it become a mandatory part of licensing akin to what appraisers have to complete before hanging out their own shingle.

What also is needed is mentoring in the Real Estate 2.0, people who are willing and/or able to reach out to the newbies (at least those who choose to listen) and help guide their path. I’m not a great choice because I happen to be a cynical human being who believes others are here for my own amusement. But I’m but one dark cloud in an otherwise blazing sky.

Leadership is needed here as surely as it was needed in the Diamondbacks clubhouse. The D-Backs made their move to rectify the situation.

Will you?

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  1. Bill Lublin

    July 17, 2008 at 5:29 pm

    Jonathan – Just wanted to let you know that I have a new job in Philadelphia –

    I have been recognized as an indispensible literary device that no author will ever tire of using to make a point – I am also useful for people with split personalities

    In my new job, I will be used to generate both questions and answers for the real estate industry

    The italicized voice LLC, A Literary Device for the Ages Available in Multiple Languages

  2. Benn Rosales

    July 17, 2008 at 5:39 pm

    They’ve added a word count to the sidebar, Dalton … get to the point! lol

    Thanks WordPress v2.6! haha

  3. Jay Thompson

    July 17, 2008 at 6:02 pm

    “Will you?”

    Ya know, I’ve actually tried. Numerous times at my old brokerage, I gave classes. Not-so-much on “real estate 2.0” because let’s face it, that term hadn’t been coined a year or two ago.

    But I set everyone up on a free web site. I explained how we used it. I talked (at length) about blogging, and offered to set up blogs for other agents.

    Out of the 25+ web sites I distributed two years ago, you want to guess how many are used today?


    Out of the 9 WordPress blogs I set up, want to guess how many have been posted to in the last six months?


    Happens with every blogging seminar I speak at too. People get all fired up, they hunger for help and info and within as little as days, you hear crickets chirping.

    But I’m not giving up. I agree, mentors are needed. But will they be listened to and accepted?

  4. Jennifer in Louisville

    July 17, 2008 at 6:13 pm

    Excellent points. Leaders are definitely needed. But as Jay remarked: the vast majority don’t follow through. Many persons are looking for a silver bullet. Telling them they have to work – and to do it consistently isn’t what they are wanting to hear. They want to hear “I set up my blog, wrote 2 posts that took 5 minutes (cause I copied/pasted them from another site) and got a $2 million deal closed out of it within a week.”

    The vast majority I think just want to cross it off their checklist so they can say: Yup, I have a blog (or website) – so they can go back to doing what they have been doing in the past. They aren’t truly wanting to put forth the effort to make it work.

  5. Lani Anglin-Rosales

    July 17, 2008 at 6:21 pm

    Hey Lani, what do you think about this article?
    Well, that’s a good question, Lani…

    I agree that leadership is desperately needed (although would never suggest it be mandatory on any level other than the broker level). In this environment of everything being so shiny and new, so many are proclaimed “experts” or “coaches” and resemble the 20-somethings in the D-Back clubhouse rather than Tony who isn’t selling “the secret,” any kind of snake oil or charms, or charging for DVDs of his speeches or late night TV appearances.

    I sincerely believe that most of the most qualified, sincere, knowledgeable guides of Real Estate 2.0 exist on the sidebar of this very platform- Matthew Rathbun, Jay Thompson, Russell Shaw, Mariana Wagner to name just a few, all live and breathe this stuff *every day* rather than the people who buy an Apple and proclaim expertise (yet are nowhere to be found in any social stream other than their site).

    I’m with you, JD- who *else* will lead? The pool of names with Tony-like qualities is so small but I’m excited to see it growing, our industry needs it!

  6. Matthew Rathbun

    July 17, 2008 at 6:26 pm

    This is a great calling. I think that BHB is actually doing some type of blog-mentoring program and that’s a great start. Jay and Jennifer, I hear what your saying – so those agents whoare willing to help need to concentrate on those who are willing to learn.

    A new agent came into my office very excited today, because she closed her first deal in her third week and now has a great (expensive) listing. It was fun to see someone who was excited to be in business again. She wanted to know any new 2.o tricks that I could give her in a 10 minute session. It was VERY refreshing to see someone willing to learn.

    Lastly, there is simply leading by example. Each of you have someone watching – good, bad or otherwise. If you are doing what you say and it’s there is success attached – folks will imitate.

  7. Eric Blackwell

    July 17, 2008 at 6:30 pm

    You read my mind. I am in the BUSINESS of mentoring agents on Web 2.0…. x 120 agents. That is all I do (except for the SEO business). I work, sleep, eat and breathe this stuff and yet my take rate is not much better than yours.

    My pride and joy is that I have a team of individual friends (agents) in our office who each have their own niche and WORK it online. They ARE REALTORS who are leaders. We do need leadership. More than that we need agents who are willing to put forth the effort and dig in…Our office ROCKS in this regard, but I am disturbed to look around the RE world and see the paucity of committed entrepreneurs.

    Everybody says they would kill or die to work with a guy like Jay….but would they? And for how long.

    I am not giving up, either…I am passionate about it.



  8. Eric Blackwell

    July 17, 2008 at 6:34 pm

    BTW- Jennifer is one of those in my office that I am proud to call a leader. She and her husband Jon WORK it…I think folks like that IS what we need more of.

    @Matthew- Yeah..we are doing that at BHB and it has been fun. Truly nice to see good people dig in and go for it. Kudos to Teri L. for getting that ball rolling.

  9. Vance Shutes

    July 17, 2008 at 6:38 pm


    There’s something about leadership which can be read between the lines of this fabulous post:

    Leadership is hard to define, but we SURE know it when we see it.

    After spending so much time lately reading about the lives and times of the patriots during the Revolutionary War era in America, I’ve concluded that leaders just “emerge” out of the coming-together of a group of brilliant minds. They choose themselves as often as they are chosen.

    >”Leadership is needed here as surely as it was needed in the Diamondbacks clubhouse. The D-Backs made their move to rectify the situation.

    >Will you?”

    Let the coming-together of a group of brilliant minds here at Ag produce the leaders that you yearn for.

    They will.

  10. Mark Eckenrode

    July 17, 2008 at 6:39 pm

    i’ve often thought about this and i fully believe that there needs to be more of an education beyond what’s taught in order to get a real estate license. the education should include basic business and marketing know-how at a minimum.

    mandatory mentorship? sure, let’s do it. if anything it’ll filter out those that are jumping into the profession as opportunity seekers from those that actually give a damn about building something worthwhile. we don’t need opportunity seekers… they’re the ones searching for the silver bullet.

    now, i’m also a proponent of sink-or-swim. yeah, let those that don’t get it fall by the wayside… as fast as possible, please. however, i think everyone at least deserves the opportunity to succeed and sticking them into a few more hours of classes should give them some ideas beyond, “i’ll send a postcard and everyone will call me.”

    marketing plan, anyone?

    mentoring in 2.0, though? the same fundamentals of good business and good marketing are the same whether online or off. start with the fundamentals… if they then grow to be a REnet agent, then they can move on to the next class. let’s just get some basic know-how going first.

  11. Bob

    July 17, 2008 at 6:46 pm

    I’m sorry to see Tony leave San Diego, but happy to see him go back to the Dbacks. He brings more value to the Dbacks than he does to San Diego. That isn’t a slam against Tony, who is a class act and a future major league manager (you read it here first) but an observation that some fit better in certain environments.

  12. Ginger Wilcox

    July 17, 2008 at 6:52 pm

    Like Jay, I have taken a number of excited new bloggers under my wing, set up the wordpress and even created their custom image header. Most of them never did anything with it. They keep telling me they want to start when they find the time. sigh. I would love to mentor someone that gets excited and takes off with it. I do have a couple of newbie agents I am mentoring, but they haven’t decided blogging is for them yet. I think even experienced bloggers need a mentor. I would be happy if someone wants to be mine. 😮 )

  13. Larry Yatkowsky

    July 17, 2008 at 7:07 pm

    Having a senior’s moment here thinking about Jay’s comment:

    Question is:

    Is it possible that those who don’t go to sea – view leaders in Web 2.0/REnet as disguised Ahab’s in pursuit of Moby?

  14. Bill Lublin

    July 17, 2008 at 7:15 pm

    Jonathan; Finally got rid of the inner voice for a moment to comment myself. (Boy can he be annoying!)

    I used to think that people either, led, followed or got out of the way – but Larry is right – some stand on the shore and watch, some wade into the shallows and run back to shore, and some set sell and find adventure. Wherever the journey leads, the ride is bound to be pretty interesting, and I like sitting in the front of the ship with you guys!

  15. Matt Stigliano

    July 17, 2008 at 7:26 pm

    I hate being late to the party (comments). By the time everyone’s commented, I find I have more to remember to comment about and wind up forgetting everything. Grrrrr.

    So, what did I want to say?

    1) Mentoring. Mentoring is only as good as the people being mentored. In my office, we have a pretty great training schedule which I attend as much as humanly possible (I have missed a few classes here and there for various reasons), but half the time, no one shows…except me and one other newer agent. That’s it. I’ve taken some of the classes three times now and I still go back, because they’re informal enough that the actual material you learn changes each time. Why does this matter? You can mentor and teach all you want, but if the agents aren’t listening, you’re only going to wind up with stats like some posted in comments above.

    2) Web 2.0. I think part of the definition of Web 2.0 should be expanded to include those of us who spend our time seeking knowledge and trying to learn from “leaders” in the industry (I put leaders in quotes for the sole fact that the post asks who will be those leaders). I came here by my own hand. My broker didn’t suggest it and may not even know it exists, I don’t know. He’s not huge on technology, I know that for sure. But I am. And I’m a real estate agent. So therefore I sought out the knowledge I needed to help guide me. I have a lot to learn, but as you’ve seen from my comments before, I’m doing what I can to learn.

    3) Blogging. I think the simple fact that most people aren’t great writers scares the crap out of them. I’m a terrible writer…I love commas too much, I ramble, my thoughts aren’t always flowing clearly, I sometimes forget my point…I use words like “grrrrr” and “huh” regularly. I write how I think though, so for me, it is a personal connection I’m making when I write, not just a “if I write this, people will buy houses from me.” I think a lot of people are not looking at the organic factor of growth out of the various skills in Web 2.0…they’re just waiting to (as someone wrote earlier) write “…2 posts that took 5 minutes (cause I copied/pasted them from another site) and…” get “…a $2 million deal.”

    4) Leadership. This is my real point I guess. Leadership is where you find it. That is, if you want it. I know people here that I consider to be my mentors and I’ve never come out and said “will you be my mentor”…they just are. They don’t have to call me everyday, I don’t have to check in with them. I know they’ll guide me when I go astray or do something that could have been done better. I know I can call them (before midnight at least) and ask questions. I know that when I’m ready to pack it in because something wrong, they’ll be the first people to stop me and lift my spirits a bit and get me back to where I need to be. I don’t know much about Star Trek (referring to Larry’s Borg references), but to me, the community is my leader. I will take what I need, be given what I need, and learn what I want to and need to.

    Will you all be a mentor and a leader? I think you will, even when you don’t know it.

  16. Larry Yatkowsky

    July 17, 2008 at 7:34 pm


    No question – when your at sea staring down the crest of a wave it’s a whale of a time. 🙂

  17. Jay Thompson

    July 17, 2008 at 7:40 pm

    Matt wrote: “I write how I think though, so for me, it is a personal connection I’m making when I write, not just a “if I write this, people will buy houses from me.”

    THAT is 99.9 percent of “it”.

    Keep that attitude and that “style” and people will buy houses from you.

  18. Michelle DeRepentigny

    July 17, 2008 at 8:13 pm

    Blood Hound does have 12 of of they are helping in a very hands on manner. I consider myself very fortunate to be one of the “pups” with full contributor status. The experience levels of the pups range from brand new to a few of us who have been blogging a while, but still need help optimizing the technology available or just getting over being scared to blow the d*rn computer up -my new quad core server arrives next week so I can write that fear off 🙂 It’s an informal program chock full of info and everyone is invited to grow along and ask for help with what they need.

    As much as some people like to deride Active Rain, for points and pointless comments, the sharing spirit is there, as it is here on AG. The unofficial mentors abound on Active Rain and the knowledge is there for everyone. I’ve received hand holding, help, and a kick in the a** from AR members and staff, when I need it. Although there can be family squables that can turn into ugly blogwars anywhere, the overall spirit is here. I try to give back on an informal basis, I actively encourage the few other bloggers who are my competition because I remember what it felt like to blog in a void and I will always appreciate those who took the time to offer their assistance.

  19. Benn Rosales

    July 17, 2008 at 8:26 pm

    Michelle, I’ve always said AR is a great primer, but I don’t agree that it can quite go as far as what you’re doing now or what we do here- you should eventually graduate from something, but there, it seems people dwell and aren’t taught to grab their consumer audience… that is what’s missing- the ability to redirect your blog link out to a stand alone… I think once AR offers that ability, they’ll always fall victim to falling short, you know what I’m saying? You get many kudos for doing what you’re doing- I’m not sure I’d call you a pup though! 😉 You’re pretty damn savvy from what I’ve seen.

  20. Michelle DeRepentigny

    July 17, 2008 at 9:30 pm

    Benn, I think the reason I got to see the big picture so early on AR is that I stumbled across it at the very beginning of Project Blogger. I didn’t even realize what AR was, I just saw all the Project Bloggers creating or ramping up “outside blogs” and knew I wanted one, I would have done a lot of things different back then, if I had just had a little patience to learn more before I jumped in, now I get to go back and clean up some of my messes (like using go daddy’s Quik Blog platform).

    I get what you are saying. I too think the AR guys are innovative and provide a marvelous platform for learning and socializing, but it does leave something missing – the control issue and the rapport that you build with a hyper local independent blog. I just don’t see the stickiness with the local consumer that I get with my own blog. Maybe that is what they are envisioning with the new “outside blogs” and Localism. AR’s networking ability and support cannot be denined, IMHO. It all comes back to motivation, I am a control freak – and I want to own my primary residence, even though I will pay rent to have a spot to hang out occasionally at other locations 🙂 AND thanks – but I have a lot to learn still, and hopefully share.

  21. Mack in Atlanta

    July 18, 2008 at 5:25 am

    Maybe AgentGenius should be required reading for all agents with less than say 10 years experience. I have learned a lot here.

  22. Matt Thomson

    July 18, 2008 at 8:54 am

    I just taught some classes in my office this week, one day on static sites, one day on blogging. Putting forth the disclaimer that I’m not an expert but rather someone who likes to and is constantly learning. The classes went very well. Many of the agents who attended are excited to dive in, and (my biggest success I think) is that many of the agents realized that blogging isn’t for them.
    A bad blog is far worse for your business than no blog. Web 2.0 is a great tool for folks who are eager to use what’s out there, but for many agents it’s just another thing to do. I don’t door knock, I don’t cold call, I quit working expireds, ’cause I wasn’t any good (’cause I hated doing them). I think I’m a good blogger, and my blogs generate business.
    Part of leadership is helping folks see that this may not be for them.

  23. Vicki Moore

    July 18, 2008 at 11:03 am

    Seems to me that everyone needs a coach/mentor no matter what level they’re at. We should always be interested in learning and finding those who are willing to take the time to teach.

    I have to agree with the other commentors in the sense that I’ve put several mentoring groups together – focus groups – in different forms. I found that they fell apart very quickly when the members wouldn’t/couldn’t devote the time to maintain the commitment.

    Jonathan – Great post. I enjoyed the analogies and the Linda Blair voice.

  24. Mark Eckenrode

    July 18, 2008 at 11:17 am

    @vicki – agreed, the best in any business always have a coach… whether informal or formal, they’re getting coached. it’s silly to think a single person has enough clarity to navigate life/business all by their lonesome.

    as far as the workshops/coaching groups that fall apart or lack attendance… there’s a huge difference between interest and commitment. plenty of people are interested in being a successful realtor, but not enough are willing to make the commitment to make it so.

  25. Ken Smith

    July 18, 2008 at 2:04 pm

    Leaders in a locker room are so important to any team’s success. An agents locker room just happens to be their sphere of agents they converse with. This might be those in their office, other local agents, agents that you have met at large conventions that aren’t local, or those we trade ideas with on a regular basis online that we may never meet in person.

    Luckily for real estate agents we don’t have to shell out top prospects to learn from the best, we don’t have to pay millions to bring a leader to our team, we just have to take the time seek out the leader in the niche we want to learn about and someone is almost always willing to share the information for free.

    So thanks to all those that freely share information. Thanks for taking your valuable time to give your knowledge.

  26. Benn Rosales

    July 18, 2008 at 2:50 pm

    It’s really crazy how you can be somewhere else and have a thought on a article and feel a need go and comment on that article…

    I’m giving a lot of thought to how agents are treated in general, essentially treated like a piece of meat when it comes to lousy products and services at ridiculous amounts of cash. They’re really nervous about the “next new thing” and I can imagine that anxiety comes from experience in having adopted something new and spent 1000s on it- here it’s not cash, it’s not automated, but it does cost in labor.

    So what I’m wondering is how do we go about the business of educating agents on paying money to people who know nothing of the online venue posing as in the know folks. I think we’re about to see an influx in big business into the coaching scene, namely homegain, activerain, and others, and quite honestly, I’m not so sure it’s really a great idea when you understand exactly this on/off again relationship noobs have with blogging- they fail miserably.

    Will the big media players leave the poor joes out there like flopping fish out of water? I have a feeling that is exactly what is going to happen, but obviously by numbers far larger than 10-15 in an office.

    I once saw a 1000 people come out to hear an investor speak- 99.9% agents. That guy left town when it was over and 999 people ran out to make a million bucks with nothing more than a $499 cd.

    I see big disaster coming our way…

  27. Matt Stigliano

    July 18, 2008 at 3:21 pm

    Benn – I was in my backyard when my phone buzzed its little “you’ve got mail” message. I read your comment and found myself hurrying to get inside and comment back.

    As I’ve stated before, I’m a new agent and I know what you’re talking about. You’ve all been through it before and seen it 1000 times, but I’m just now experiencing it. Yesterday, I had phone duty. I got a call about a referral from CO. I was interested…who wouldn’t be? I thought, wow, this could be good. But as I listened more and more to the man speaking to me, I realized, wait, this guy didn’t call to give me a referral…this guy called to SELL me leads. Best part is, he kept saying how his broker really wanted to speak to me, but then followed that up with the fact that they have a problem with their phones so I would need to call them…at an 800 number and give the ID# REEXPERT. At least try and disguise the ID to not sound so “I’m selling you something.” Grrrr.

    Its true though, I have people coming at me left and right (in all areas, not just online/tech world) and offering to make me tons of money and help me out (and they all use the phrase “we can all use a little help, right?”). Luckily, I’m smart enough to see a lot of it for what it is, but I think many agents probably don’t. Why do you think the drop out rate is so high? I could easily be up to about $10K in stuff right now and that’s without me even looking for it. An agent in my office just told me (today) of how he tried everything that came his way when he started. None of it did the trick.

    As for blogging and the internet in general, I think there will be a lot of money made and a lot of failures had. I think agents will drop out because of it and I feel for them, cause someone preyed on them as a “noob” and left them with nothing more than a “$499 CD.” Some more experienced agents will probably go for it too, as some people will tend to grasp at straws hoping to find the answers, but not understand the theories behind those ideas they’re given.

    I heard a lot about Trulia and I went there and did some Q&A stuff at first. I didn’t like the way I wrote things at first, cause I felt like I was “grasping for straws” and trying to get business the wrong way. I felt like I was doing the online version of cold calling or door knocking in a way. I still answer the occasional question there now, but all within my local area. We have Realtors from all over TX and outside answering questions for San Antonio, which I find ridiculous (unless there’s an open ended non-local question). They’re “grasping” in my opinion (as well as just trying to push their counts up) and I know I, as a buyer or seller, would see right through it. That’s why I’ve changed my direction there and only answer when I feel I truly have the right to do so. It may not make me the most famous person there, but when someone reads it, they (hopefully) will see the real me and not just some guy begging for business.

    Wow, I think i just got off track there. My apologies…it is something I do a bit of when writing. It all sort of comes flooding out at once.

    Anyway, I truly hope that more agents discover posts like this and read down through the comments before making committments to buying this or that new solution. If you (we) can get through to a few of them, then all is not lost. You can’t save everyone, but one is better than none.

  28. Benn Rosales

    July 18, 2008 at 3:33 pm

    Matt, you are a Top Producer and you haven’t even realized it yet, and I’ll tell you why- you have a nack for seeing a wide perspective for a person young to the industry and it is that perception that makes me read every word of your comments.

    Having said that- I do believe blogging and social media are winners in a play book of a player that can run the 100 versus the 50. I’d take the distance runner any day over the guy who can run 50 yrds in less time.

    The reality is, I’ve followed a log of blogs that honestly fail, not because they do not try, or do not care- everything seems right, but their writing really sucks. I’ve seen the most horrible blogs make money, BIG money.

    The reason is simply that someone who can see a broad picture and go out and learn why he or she is failing and adapt will be successful. Those left with just enough to get their head in the door with little less than an ink pen for their time will essentially die because there was noone left to hold that door open for them until they were safely inside.

    I fear the modern day coach that demands large numbers- for my money, I want someone local, in my backyard that can stop by starbucks to have some coffee and talk strategy AFTER the seminar is over.

  29. Maureen Francis

    July 19, 2008 at 3:56 am

    My experience is like Jays. I have set up things for people, given talks and done a lot of hand holding. This is not for everyone. I guess it is not for most people. Brad Inman’s post this week about finding a Realtor for his parents was interesting. He was not impressed with the blogging Realtors he found in terms of their experience as Realtors.

    I am a frustrated blogger and a busy Realtor. My business pretty much quadrupled this year. The blog takes a back seat now. That might be a mistake but I just don’t have time after dealing with clients from dawn until dusk.

    But I agree, Jonathan. When I check in to AR. Trulia, et al the comments and the posts irritate me. I try not to let them but they do.

  30. Paula Henry

    July 19, 2008 at 7:07 am

    Jonathan – I have had several people ask me what I do and how. Not surprising, they want to know, but don’t have the time or inclination to make it a part of their business.

    Blogging and an online presence is not for everyone – there are still a lot of Realtors who think they can make big money in real estate with very little effort. As in life, anything worth having is not easy or big money!

  31. Glenn fm Naples

    July 19, 2008 at 8:29 am

    Jonathan – good thoughts however as discussed here in other posts and other real estate blogs – the global issue is the accountability for the actions or lack of actions of independent contractors. We might actually see a major change via the IRS – they are looking more closely at real estate agents and have issued new guidelines which “which mandate that individuals spend no less than 750 hours on qualified real estate activities” or about 15 hours per week.

    There are agents that desire mentoring, but the question becomes are they willing to put in the time and effort?

  32. Glenn fm Naples

    July 19, 2008 at 9:18 am

    Jay – I read your comment

    and my thoughts turned towards the lines of do we (as brokers) really realize that giving “free” education, training, web-sites and blogs – really does not mean agents will use them. Maybe I am jaded, because I had the same experience. We might want to think about charging.

  33. Ken Smith

    July 19, 2008 at 9:54 am

    “which mandate that individuals spend no less than 750 hours on qualified real estate activities” or about 15 hours per week.

    Glenn when did the new IRS rule go into effect?

  34. Benn Rosales

    July 19, 2008 at 10:02 am

    Well, we knock that 15 hours out of the park and in fact, I may be several years ahead on my accrual of that yearly 750.

  35. BawldGuy Talking

    July 19, 2008 at 4:14 pm

    I used to get discouraged with those I’ve mentored. My success ratio is, in baseball parlance, just above the Mendoza line.

    Leaned not to get discouraged, as most who want what I have to offer simply don’t have the desire, or won’t do what it takes. There’s always a reason.

    The most recent example is this year on BHB. I took on nine agents around the country who asked me to mentor them. This wasn’t some email once a week, and we’ll keep in touch stuff. This was ‘here’s my cell, let’s talk a long time, and we’ll get ya goin”.

    They’re all gone. They were good folks too.

    I’ve concluded mentoring one on one is the only way to go, at least for me. I’ve mentored my son now for almost four years, (he’s now 27) and he now has more knowledge and hands on experience than I did at 40. ‘Course it doesn’t hurt that he’s smarter than I by orders of magnitude. Two others I mentored began by working for me as assistants. When they decided to take the bit, they both exploded. In fact, one of them opened his own office last year.

    I’ve not figured out the answer yet, but one thing’s for sure: When I’ve had students willing to put the pedal to the metal, they’ve gone on to produce big time.

    Conclusion? Ultimately, successful mentoring is 49% mentor, 51% student.

  36. BawldGuy Talking

    July 19, 2008 at 4:16 pm

    BTW, I watched Tony Clark here in San Diego since he was in high school tearin’ it up on the basketball court. Everyone first thought he’d be NBA. His body though, couldn’t stand NBA punishment. Bad back. He’s always been a leader, and he’s always been very well liked and respected.

  37. Glenn fm Naples

    July 20, 2008 at 6:00 am

    Ken –

    The IRS ruling came into effect around December 2004, but there is a greater emphasis when looking at tax returns. It seems strange that a regulation in 12/04 has not created a greater stir until now.

  38. Ken Smith

    July 20, 2008 at 8:09 pm

    Glenn I hadn’t ever heard about that. Not that it ever would have anything to do with me personally, but it does apply to a LOT of part timers out there. Would bet most of them don’t do 5 hours a week, forget 15 hours.

  39. Paula Henry

    July 20, 2008 at 10:27 pm

    @BawldGuyTalking – I wondered how your experiment went. I was one who found my way to the post too late to participate. What a wasted opportunity, but you’re right – it is more about the student.

  40. Glenn fm Naples

    July 21, 2008 at 11:22 am

    Ken –

    Shhhhhhhh! Don’t you tell them either – just let them be surprised.

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