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Social Media

Is this the legitimate option to buying Twitter followers?

As competition in the social media game is always increasing, the question remains how to accurately grow your Twitter following.

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Does low follower count = low interest?

In the competitive world of social media, the perception seems to be that you are only as good as the size of the audience you are preaching to. Whether you are blogging, branding, or vying for prom queen, social media followership, in many minds, is the end-all-be-all for success.

When thinking about this, I tried to think of a way to play devil’s advocate and negate that perception, but it is unavoidable that to some consumers, your social media status is based on how many followers you have. You could be producing the greatest content known to man, but without a strong audience, it may not translate to much.

How do you build my followership?

So with this, I must pose the dreaded question: How do you build your followership? There are many tactics including: Following others hoping they’ll follow you back, hashtagging your life away, etc. But, does it really matter if you don’t have the right audience?

Something we’ve touched on before, and will likely do time and again, is the concept of there being “a guy for that.” In any situation where one may need help, there is always someone you can turn to for assistance (i.e. repair person, child care giver, Realtor, assistant, the list goes on and on).

Audible Growth designed to strategize Twitter following

However, one may not necessarily have “a guy” for social media assistance. But, after perusal of the Internet’s Roledex, there is in fact a guy, actually an entire team of people dedicated to helping Twitter users grow their following. Audible Growth. They’re specifically focused on that one moving part in the engine.

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Audible Growth’s website invites users to “Hire an expert to do the work” and they can help users to gain up to 2,000 monthly followers.

They say they’re “an online marketplace that gives prospects the ability to hire an expert to grow their Twitter following with real, targeted followers. It’s the go-to place for anyone looking to increase conversions and enhance engagement. It’s designed for busy entrepreneurs looking to grow their brand with minimal effort done on their part.”

How it works (minus the fluff)

Growth is found in a series of steps: First, submit your Twitter information and explain your target audience or who you’re looking to follow you. Second, Audible Growth analyzes social groups and builds connections which then generates a pinpointed following.

You can monitor your results every day, and you’ll receive performance updates periodically.

Audible Growth works to determine your target audience and competitors while engaging with that audience and building connections. According to the site, this service is geared toward brands, start ups, or product launches.

It is also used to enhance your social game and increase engagement and conversations.

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What are you willing to pay for?

While the option of buying followers is available to Twitter users through other sites, this endeavor falls through the cracks after Twitter cleans up spam pages and fake accounts.

Investing in a growth strategy that seeks out audience members appropriate for your brand may be worth while.


Staff Writer, Taylor Leddin is a publicist and freelance writer for a number of national outlets. She was featured on Thrive Global as a successful woman in journalism, and is the editor-in-chief of The Tidbit. Taylor resides in Chicago and has a Bachelor in Communication Studies from Illinois State University.

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