Business Marketing

How to create more interactive demos to show off to clients

Providing demos to your customers and clients of your products or services is great way to get them more intrigued to make a purchase.

There are three major ways of learning in life: By listening, by being shown, and by getting hands-on with the material yourself. This applies to everything, and that includes potential clients and customers learning about your products.

There are times though when showcasing your product is difficult, to say the least. You try to make it as clear-cut as possible but it can still be a little confusing. You are the expert but most of the people flocking to your website aren’t. That’s why they are there in the first place.

What if we took those components of learning, showing, listening, and being hands-on, and made them easy to apply to an online product? It would take your business to a whole new level, right?

Arcade is trying to do just that. The newly developed company wants to help you make creative and interactive product demos!

They explain how simple it is as well. It’s not any downloaded program or crazy 14-step process to get it done. It’s just a simple browser extension and then you are all set to go. You can hit record from the nostalgic joystick icon in the corner and it starts to record your screen as you go through your demo. And don’t worry, they leave your open tabs out of it so no one gets a behind-the-scenes look.

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After you are done recording, you can edit your demo and share it. Arcade even has analytics built in so you know how your demos are performing over time. This is such an amazing opportunity for anyone with a more complicated yet in-demand product. The company already has over 1,000 users including names like Angels List and Upflow.

Right now the program is free. Though it has paid tiers if your looking for more features, the base usage of the program is free. If I’ve said it once, I’ll say it a thousand times: If it’s free, give it a shot.

Giving your customers the chance to experience it before they buy will really drive home the sales for those sitting on the fence.

I can see this program really growing larger in the future as the digital age of consumerism continues to thrive. It could be used for anything, like showing someone how to navigate a website or explaining to a company how to use their new CRM tools. The sky is the limit with Arcade and I am really excited to see where it goes.

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