Business News

Kickpipe is for anyone that sells anything to anybody

Kickpipe is a tool that is poised to dramatically streamline your process and improve lead conversions.

A Real Kick in the Pants: Kickpipe

When it comes to Customer Relationship Management (CRM) tools, anything that streamlines my workflow means I can allocate the time saved for other things. A new kid on the block, Kickpipe, is shaking things up with an all-in-one system for managing client interactions, dealing with future and current customers, optimizing and systematizing relationships.

How Kickpipe works for your business

Kickpipe is a complete company solution for sales, marketing and projects. It’s ready to use from the first login. I know because I tried it. Kickpipe offers users a varied pallet. The work templates are broken down into categories such as CRM, Social CRM, Marketing Automation, Projects, Forms and Affiliate Marketing.

It allows me to arrange and automate my work. And believe me, if there is something in my life that needs arranging and automating, it’s my work flow. Just ask my wife. But I digress.

It’s easy to see that Kickpipe has the best interests in mind for anyone trying to get a Start-up off the ground and up and running with as few problems as possible. I am particularly impressed with the free templates that I can access based on my current (and sure to be evolving) business needs.

Less is more

The thing that comes to mind is how efficient Kickpipe is at keeping me organized. Pipeline is the easiest and most effective way to manage tasks. For example, you can organize all your social media platforms (Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and LinkedIn) in one place.

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You can schedule posts, publish auto updates, increase engagement, discuss and generate leads and sell from social media. I can effectively manage my work and the work of other employees. Not to mention keeping my documents and files in order.

Kickpipe’s story

Thanks to the internet, the world has become much more linear. So I am not that surprised that Kickpipe originates out of Warsaw, Poland and was co-financed by the European Union, thus making Kickpipe’s appeal truly global in scope. The EU helps small businesses obtain EU funding through grants, loans and guarantees. Grants provide direct support, while other funding is available through programs managed nationally. Funding is managed according to strict rules to ensure there is tight control over how funds are used and that the money is spent in a transparent, accountable manner.

The most successful businesses in the world all began somewhere. Begin yours with Kickpipe. It’s that simple.


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