Opinion Editorials

NAR board votes to raise dues, members consider quitting

Dear NAR, I quit

Over the weekend, the National Association of Realtors voted to pass an increase in dues of 50% to support the new Realtor Party Political Survival Initiative (RPPSI) in response to a recent Supreme Court ruling that changes how political fundraising works.

Our sources tell us that the concept of RPPSI was born by member-driven committees and not NAR executives, and most expected it to pass despite numerous member surveys (including one here at AG) that indicate a lack of member support.

For those that tell us off record that they support RPPSI, they note that NAR has always contributed to political campaigns regardless of the new Realtor Party and that it is important for NAR to remain competitive politically despite reasons given and that sometimes associations contribute to politicians because of their office and not who is in the seat.

Real estate coach Matthew Ferrara said, “What NAR didn’t say was, the Supreme Court decision will unleash tons of union cash in future elections, so… NAR needs to become much more like a trade union than a trade association in order to buy as many politicians as the other unions.”

Realtor responses

When we broke the story that the vote had passed and shared it on Facebook, the responses were heated:

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Gregory Bain said, “I have an invite to put my license with RealtyMark and letting me decide to work in a NON-REALTOR office. I’m thinking of jumping ship again.”

Al Lorenz noted, “In response, at least half of us need to quit as members. I’m working on it.”

“Time to start another Association of Certified Real Estate Agents …” said Art Vuilleumier.

Velda Miller said, “Figures. Maybe a new organization should spring up for Real estate agents to join.”

Others noted that it wasn’t a shocking development and Matt Thomson explained, “Folks, NAR doesn’t decide for you who to support politically. NAR finds the candidates that they feel best support your business needs. You still have the chance to vote for whomever you’d like. When was the last time NAR increased dues? My HOA has increased. Gas has increased. Rent has increased. My opinion…and it’s just that, my opinion…is that MOST (not all) of the people upset by this are not involved in the Realtor association any more than paying their dues. If more Realtors were involved, they’d know what NAR does for our industry, and they’d be more okay with this.”

What do you think?

We formally polled prior to the vote but today are asking simply what you think now that it is a reality? Are you one of the people thinking about your non-NAR options, are you upset but willing to pay up and move on, or do you believe the RPPSI vote is healthy for the membership? How does this change YOUR world?

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  1. Sig

    May 18, 2011 at 6:51 am

    Well I am one who has been involved politically with NAR for decades. I have all of the honors that go with it. I am against NAR telling us we will contribute and they will decide who we support and if we don't like it they don't care.When they take our money we are forced to support anyone they want us to. we don't have to vote for them, but we are forced to support them with our money. This is the typical lying spin of the cowards who say this was not enacted by NAR executives but was member driven. It was not conceived by NAR Staff but it was conceived by NAR Leadership, Phipps ET El., who hand picked the committee who voted for it in spite of every poll out there of members that was overwhelming against it. Their spin is perhaps worse than the measure. They (the NAR executives) say they listen to the members. This was definitely not true in this case. This is their initiative designed for their benefit. NAR does a lot of good things for the members and should be applauded for it, but this was not one of the good things. This is morally wrong.

  2. Mark Brian

    May 18, 2011 at 5:57 pm

    I am involved with my local RPAC and I am not happy about this decision in some ways. But I see what has happened to other real estate professionals such as mortgage brokers and appraisers. I think we are the next target for the banks to either destroy or control.

    I feel that my state and local association does work for me and listens to me. NAR on the other hand…..

  3. Al Lorenz

    May 19, 2011 at 11:33 am

    It is one the agenda for our next local brokers' meeting to discuss ending the requirements of being a Realtor to obtain mls access. Choice is a good thing.

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