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Strong Foundation Required


The word foundation has been swimming around in my head for days. Houses need them and so does a real estate business – really, any business. So how do you create a good solid – no, a concrete-solid business? Where do you start? How do you start? What works and what doesn’t and how do you know?


For a while all we heard was people shouting, “Get back to the basics!” What basics? Depending on when you started in the business your basics are different. Door knocking is basic for some; while Facebook is basic for others.

The Rebar

The rebar of our business – door knocking or Facebook – is people. Like many, I’m always looking for the magic key: What’s going to get me there fastest with the least amount of pain. Last year I decided the answer was nothing – nothing but me is going to get me there.  It’s not the latest Top Producer software, social networking site, postcard mailing or anything else.

The Answer

So all gather around while I whisper the solution to more business. Ready….shhhh….get in front of more people, more often.

How ever you can do it, you should. Jeffrey Gitomer’s book Little Black Book of Connections got me started. In it he says: Find a group and lead them. There are a lot of ways to do that. Find one that works for you.

Need Suggestions?

MeetUp. I was on there looking around and saw that there wasn’t a dining out group in my area. The nearest group was in San Francisco – which can be another world for those of us who live on the Peninsula; it had over 1400 people in it. So I started a group. In four months we’re about to hit over a hundred people.

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Social Media Club.  Is there one in your area?  No?  Then start one.  Join one.  Offer your office for your local group meetings.  Offer to supply the beer.

BNI.  The group near you already have a Realtor in it?  Mine did up until a few months ago.  I bet the same thing’s happening in groups near you.  Become the secretary or president.

EWomen Network.  Is there already a group rockin’ in your community?  Get on the leadership team.

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Written By

As a lifelong resident and local Realtor, Vicki has established herself as a respected member of the San Mateo County real estate community. She’s known for her wit, sarcasm, and her personality that shows through in her posts. You can find her spouting off at Twitter, here at ag, and her personal blog, San Mateo Real Estate



  1. Dan O'Halloran

    January 20, 2009 at 9:07 am

    Vicki–Can’t agree with you more that it’s all about getting in front of people. Thanks for the tip…never heard of that and just found some interesting ones in my area. Thanks!

  2. Jack Leblond

    January 20, 2009 at 12:09 pm

    Before relocating to Texas, I was a member of the local Chamber of Commerce’s “Ambassador” group. We would do ribbon cuttings etc for new businesses and milestone anniversaries. Access to new members of the business community was quite beneficial in many ways.

  3. Vicki Moore

    January 20, 2009 at 12:52 pm

    Absolutely. You’re so welcome Dan.

  4. Mark Eckenrode

    January 20, 2009 at 6:59 pm

    good ideas, vicki. once that might also be considered is Toastmasters – not only will you meet people but you’ll also sharpen your presentation skills.

  5. Vicki Moore

    January 20, 2009 at 7:02 pm

    Thanks for the suggestions. They’re super helpful!

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