Real Estate Marketing

Is social media faltering? Nope, and here are the stunning stats about current use

(SOCIAL MEDIA) From time to time, there are grumblings that social media isn’t working, or it is about to die, but the stats tell a different story, and anyone marketing anything should know this data.

(SOCIAL MEDIA) From time to time, there are grumblings that social media isn't working, or it is about to die, but the stats tell a different story, and anyone marketing anything should know this data.

If you haven’t connected with long lost members of your high school graduating class on Facebook, yet, started photographing your food to share on Instagram, or tweeting your thoughts in 140 characters or less, now is the time to join because social media isn’t going away any time soon.

There’s been much speculation on whether social platforms are simply a fad or if they’re in it for the long haul. Despite headlines claiming popularity is dwindling, the opposite it actually true. With ever expanding digital media platforms, millions of people across the globe can interact with others through a variety of means. Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, and Google + rank among the most popular social networking sites, with Instagram, Tumblr, Vine, Yelp, Meetup, and Snapchat following close behind.

According to Global Web Index’s survey of Americans aged 16-64, a staggering 93 percent of participants report having at least one social media account.

Social media is clearly a staple

As one would expect 16-24 year olds reported the highest number of social media users (95 percent) and 55-64 year olds the lowest (82 percent), but overall the breakdown across ages is fairly level. Social media is equally popular with men and women, with 93 percent of women and 92 percent of men reporting usage. Additionally, participationcrosses income levels, as well, with low, middle, and upper income each reporting 94 percent participation on social networks.

Social networking is clearly a household staple that businesses can continue to leverage for advertising and marketing campaigns. According to more than 88 percent of US companies with over 100 employees used social media advertising in 2015, with that number projected to grow steadily in the future.

So, if you haven’t jumped on the social networking bandwagon yet don’t worry, there’s always 2016. And if you have and you’re concerned with rumblings that social media is becoming less relevant, you’re on the right track, so stick with it.



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Social media likes don’t equal people ‘like-liking’ you. There are other interactions at play like shares, comments, followers, and more.

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