Real Estate Marketing

Analytics for Instagram is super basic and super easy to use

(MARKETING NEWS) With it’s simple tracking, and easy to use interface, Analytics is sure to be a hit for the Instagram- obsessed minimalists.

For all of us Instagram fanatics, there is now another reason for us to be obsessed with the photo sharing app, as if we really needed another. Edward Marks brings us Analytics for Instagram, a new, simplified way of monitoring followers, followings and posts.

For the Instagram minimalist

We’ve all seen similar apps, most of them offering additional analytics such as counting ghost followers, followers who aren’t following back, and popularity ratings over a period of time; and while we appreciate all of the bells and whistles, sometimes simplicity reigns supreme. Especially when simplicity translates into saving time, and money for business owners. With it’s simple tracking, and easy to use interface, Analytics is sure to be a hit for the Instagram obsessed, statistical minimalists.

Easy and free

Once the user gives the application permission to connect with their Instagram, the app immediately begins tracking total followers, new followers, total following, new following, total posts, and new posts; and can be viewed by toggling between day, week or month. For each “Total Category” (i.e. Total followers, total posts) is a detailed line graph that gives an accurate account of activity over time. For each “New” Category (i.e. new followings, new posts) is an easy-to-read bar graph that does the same, along with calculating percentage change, again nothing too complex.

In case the ease in maneuverability isn’t enough to catch your attention, I’m sure this will: the app is completely free for use with a single account!

Have multiple accounts? No worries, with a low cost of $0.99 per month, this app is still cheaper than most of its competitors.

No more wasting time

Right now, Analytics for Instagram is only available in the Apple app store, and because it’s so new, there’s no word if Android users will have access. But, like all early apps, it is expected to continue developing, hopefully including Android users, adding more accessibility options, and fixing any operating issues while maintaining simplicity.

So, if you want to accurately monitor your Instagram statistics without wasting time and money on other apps, this is the perfect app for you. Head to GetAnalytics to check it out.



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