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How Nordstrom is rocking Pinterest, and how you can emulate

Nordstrom has an amazing following in Pinterest, and it’s because they have done all of the right things instead of crossing their fingers that people will follow.

nordstrom pinterest

nordstrom pinterest

Nordstrom rocks Pinterest

Looking for some “Pin-spiration” for your business? Look no further than Nordstrom’s Pinterest account. Nordstrom was one of the earliest adopters of Pinterest, as they began using the service to tell stories about current trends.

Long ago, they added the “Pin It” button to their website so customers can collect their favorite items and instantly share them with friends. They have also created several interactive events for pinners: “live-pinning” at Fashion Week, seasonal boards to showcase the changing fashions, and adding catalog content to Pinterest before catalogs are available.

What does this come down to? On Pinterest, Nordstrom focuses its Pins on products. There are very few Pins that do not directly link/show/talk about Nordstrom products. Here are a few of the things Nordstrom has done “right” to get those 4.4+ million followers:

Have a “Top Pins” board

One thing I have noticed as a Pinterest addict, is that many companies have a “top pins” board which contain the most popular, customer-driven pins. This is important for several reasons; first, people are more likely to pin images so they will make it on to this board, and second, people are more like to pin, and subsequently others will re-pin, images they know are already popular.

Pinners are more likely to go directly to the “top pins,” see what is trending and pin from there. By keeping a board of top pins, you will be giving your followers easy access to your most popular item/pins.

Pin Daily

Pinning is a bit like blogging; for it to be effective, you need to do it daily. Nordstrom aims at 20-30 pins per day to keep their followers engaged with their content. They also promote their Pinterest page across their other social media platforms, as well as, in their emails, website, and in-store. By cross-promoting, they are constantly and consistently reminding their customers of their online presence.

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Respond to Followers

Another important way Nordstrom keeps the attention of their followers is by regularly responding to their follower’s comments on their pins.

Followers enjoy being noticed and recognized; it makes them feel like they are a part of the brand, and thus likely to spread the word around about your products/services. Their followers have learned that Pinterest is a good place to learn about sales and upcoming events, so they check in with Nordstrom’s Pinterest boards, regularly; as they know they will get a response.

Connect Online to Offline

Nordstrom uses Pinterest to influence which products they carry in-store. Products that receive the most pins are displayed in-store with the red Pinterest “P” logo on them, which relates their online presence to their offline one.

Jennifer Walpole is a Senior Staff Writer at The American Genius and holds a Master's degree in English from the University of Oklahoma. She is a science fiction fanatic and enjoys writing way more than she should. She dreams of being a screenwriter and seeing her work on the big screen in Hollywood one day.

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  1. Pingback: How to optimize right now to get your Pinterest game on point - AGBeat

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