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Social Media

How to appeal to specific types of social media users

(Social Media) There are challenges when executing your social media strategy, namely in appealing to different types of users. Here is the roadmap.

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We’re all happy little snowflakes. Or are we?

When you were younger, you might have heard that you were like a snowflake. Although there are many others who appear to be similar to you, upon further inspection, you are wholly unique. This is true, to an extent. Don’t worry, your parents didn’t lie to you. You’re special and one in a million and yadda yadda yadda.

But take a step or two back and you start to realize trends among people. Sure, they are all one of a kind, but in certain ways, they can be categorized. This is true especially in the cases of the users of social media. I’m here to break it down and help you speak to your fans and followers in a way that will best resonate with the type of user they are.

Start with the cheerleaders

One of the easiest types of users to engage is the cheerleader. This guy loves everything you do, for better or worse. He will repin, reblog, comment, share, and click just about every other button he can because he is simply that pumped.

The best thing you can do to appeal to this dude is to post things that are sharable and easy to get excited about. You know – coupons, special weekend deals, etc. Play it up.

How to deal with the trolls

On the other end of the spectrum sits that fuming bull, blowing smoke out of his nostrils, who rants about everything. It’s like he’s sitting behind his computer, one hand in a Doritos bag and the other on his mouse, scrolling and searching for something to type in all caps about.

The best way to deal with a user like him is to stay mature and not engage in conversation that does not concern your business. He’s baiting you, so don’t bite.

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How do you reach the lurkers?

Unlike both of the aforementioned users is the quiet guy, which is typically me. I don’t comment or share content or participate in branded posts that much, even if it interests me. I just don’t feel compelled to do so.

So how do you talk to guys like me? You post content that is engaging and calls for audience participation. Polls, images, questions, and videos are dynamite ways of getting your more subdued followers involved.

Check out the diagram below to learn about other types of social media users and how to work with them, courtesy of Bigshot Inbound:
social media fans

Written By

Staff Writer, Johnny Crowder, is a hard working creative with a Bachelor's Degree in Psychology and a deep passion for writing. In his other life, he is the front man for signed metal band, Dark Sermon. He has a wicked sense of humor and might literally die if he goes a day without putting pen to paper.

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