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Less Meeting: taking the hurt out of endless work meetings

(Tech News) Less Meeting has launched to add a dash of tech to your meeting schedule to become more productive before, during, and after meetings and focus on what’s important – work.


Less Meeting helps you to get on task and stay there

In the US alone, there are over 3 billion meetings a year. In any given meeting, you are combating the meeting hogs, hijackers, and late arrivers that completely destroy productivity with their own agendas. It can be difficult to keep track of everything you have to do, let alone the people you work with; Less Meeting helps you get your to-dos done on time, without the hassle of managing your meetings on your own.

Less Meeting helps with your meeting planning, execution, and follow-up. This allows you to reduce time spent planning, reduce bad behavior in meetings, and eliminate tedious follow-up activities. To reduce bad behavior in meetings, and keep your team on task, you can create agendas using the Outlook plugin, Google Apps, and iCal templates that automatically sync with Less Meeting. And if someone on your team does not use Outlook, they can connect and share through the intuitive web interface. Everyone you invite to the meeting knows exactly what the meeting is about so they come prepared, stay on topic, and leave on time.

Eliminating follow-up activities can greatly increase your team’s productivity and reduce your stress. If you have trouble remembering what was discussed at the last meeting, automated reminders allow users to assign and check off action items so that you are not constantly worrying if items have been completed. You can also refer back to the previous recurring meetings without having to dig through your saved documents and easily track what you need to do from your actions page without constantly reminding others what needs to be done.

Collaboration, short cuts, and analytics

Simplify meeting minutes with real-time collaboration and keyboard shortcuts to allow your team to instantly capture and share important meeting minutes, actions, and decisions. Instantly share all your meeting minutes the second the meeting ends; never have an employee stuck in the meeting for the sole purpose of furiously scribbling out meeting notes again. Use team analytics to track how often your team is meeting and leave anonymous feedback to constantly improve the way your meetings run.

Meetings are frequently held on-the-go which can result in the loss of Internet connection, but with Less Meeting, you can sync your information as soon as you are back on the Internet without losing any information. This also allows you to plan on-the-go as well. The integrated task sync automatically syncs with your favorite to-do program and creates a task in Less Meeting, so you can check off the task in your to-do app later.

The Less Meeting service is hosted at Microsoft’s highly available, scalable, redundant, and secure Azure Infrastructure. You can try it free for fourteen days to see if it is a good fit for you, afterwards plans begin at $12/month.

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Jennifer Walpole is a Senior Staff Writer at The American Genius and holds a Master's degree in English from the University of Oklahoma. She is a science fiction fanatic and enjoys writing way more than she should. She dreams of being a screenwriter and seeing her work on the big screen in Hollywood one day.

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