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Business Entrepreneur

SBA: free business advice from Uncle Sam for small businesses

When a small business or entrepreneur is getting started, sometimes the budget consists of zero dollars, and pricey consultants are a pipe dream – that’s where Uncle Sam’s SBDCs step in to give free advice and help, which can be a massive advantage for any business owner.

Running on the tightest of budgets

We recently covered the pros and cons of hiring a consultant versus a full-time employee. But, what if you can’t afford either option? What if you need help and advice but your budget is small or non-existent? There is a convenient, accessible solution, no matter in which area you live within the United States. Whether you currently have your own business and need business advice or your goal is to become an entrepreneur sometime in the near future, Uncle Sam can help.

All across the United States, Small Business Development Centers, also known as SBDCs, are physical resources for entrepreneurs in all industries. Located in all fifty states and several U.S. Territories, SBDCs provide educational and consultation services for free. All you have to do is go into your local center and attend a workshop and ask those tough questions that have been plaguing you—topics ranging from marketing, engineering, or even organization and product production.

Boosting your brand’s success

Although you may feel embarrassed seeking free assistance from the government, there is absolutely no need. Even so, all consulting and provided services are kept confidential. This is to protect you, your business, and your customers. These Small Business Development Centers are fully staffed and fully funded, consisting of full-time staff members and volunteers qualified to advise business professionals.

These days, valuable business advice is rarely free. However Uncle Sam understands the importance of small businesses for the vitality and livelihood of the current economy. These centers make professional goals easier to achieve and even more worthwhile and rewarding for everyone involved. Even if you are confident in your knowledge about how to run a business, getting pointers and advice from other professionals can only help to further your efforts.

Depending on your own professional success, consider volunteering in the future. You could be the saving grace for a professional just starting out, just like someone was for you. The small business community should be about supporting each other. The Small Business Development Centers are a great place to start.

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Written By

The American Genius Staff Writer: Charlene Jimenez earned her Master's Degree in Arts and Culture with a Creative Writing concentration from the University of Denver after earning her Bachelor's Degree in English from Brigham Young University in Idaho. Jimenez's column is dedicated to business and technology tips, trends and best practices for entrepreneurs and small business professionals.



  1. Jack Cassedy

    May 24, 2012 at 11:05 am

    I want YOU! …to make more money 😛

  2. usamen24

    December 8, 2012 at 7:03 am

    Wonderful small business tips and tricks.

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