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Workfrom helps you find the best places to work remotely

(Entrepreneur) Workfrom profiles the best spots in your city to work remotely, showcasing details of everything from coworking spots to coffee shops, keeping in mind what freelancers need.


Work remotely, find your people

Working in a freelance position definitely has its perks; you can work from home, not have to worry about a commute, and can stay in sweatpants all day long. However, like everything else in the world, freelancing is not perfect. Working, for the most part, on your own can be very limiting in terms of inspiration and collaboration.

With having the freedom of freelance, it can be difficult to stay motivated. Many times, the best work comes from having inspiration from other people or differing surroundings. For example, while writing this article I had to stop and watch clips of “The West Wing” to give me the inspiration (okay, illusion) of feeling smarter.

You can find inspiration from around the house, but your options are limited. Or you can go out into the world and immerse yourself in a brand new work environment.

Now, you may be wondering, where is the best place to work from outside of the home? Look no further because Workfrom has the answer for you. According to their website, Workfrom has helped many freelancers find a great and reliable space to work from.

Switch up your surroundings

The website offers a list of locations, broken down by city. They then go a step further to categorize locations so that you are able to find your perfect niche. Categories include spaces that have reliable Wi-Fi, are open later in the evening, have a quieter surrounding, or offer food.

The suggested cafes, coffee shops, and bars give freelancers a chance to switch up their surroundings while meeting up with other remote workers. The website allows you to sign up and join their community in order to read location reviews and share your thoughts with other users. WorkFrom is free to use and currently offers a variety of locations in: New York, Portland, Los Angeles, Austin, Omaha, Seattle, San Francisco, and Washington, D.C.

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Expanding their offering

Staffers are currently in development of expanding their location suggestions for cities including: Chicago, Denver, and Nashville. They will also be expanding their expertise outside of the U.S. with cities such as: Amsterdam, London, and Singapore. If your city is not listed, you can read the website’s Ambassador Guide in order to learn how to showcase your city.

While freelancing and working from home is great, it is also nice to step outside of your comfort zone every once in a while. Some of the best work is found to come from unexpected places, and Workfrom can help you find the perfect spots.

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