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Job-hopping at an all time high, what can employers do?

With job-hopping at an all time high, why are brands leaking talent, and how can they avoid an outright flood?


A changing job hunting climate

As you might have heard, the economy went and jacked everything up for everybody. It’s been a roller coaster to say the least. Unless you’re above the law, part of the “one percent,” or you just snagged that golden star in Mario that makes you flash rainbow colors, you’ve had to find new ways to adapt to the shift and stay afloat. The job market is one of the areas that are especially affected, but just exactly how different are things now?

Although it sounds strange, job seekers have an interesting amount of sway in their corner when they’re shopping around. According to Jobvite, almost half of workers will bail on a current position for something new, even if they’re already content with where they are. They go on to say that over one quarter of all job seekers see their day job as a springboard into another position. Like it or not, folks are trying to move on up. *Insert clip of The Jeffersons theme song here*

The study asserts that in recent years, it has become progressively easier to find work. This is great news for most, but it means that you, as an employer, ought to give your employees ample reason to stay.

Why people are leaving their jobs

Almost a third of people who leave their jobs are doing so because the pay is inadequate. Are you running a sweatshop or a business, Mr. Krabs? If you’re paying your employees a competitive rate, they might not go sniffing around for other, perhaps more lucrative, opportunities.

Opportunities for growth are also supremely important if you’re trying to keep your hardworking crew invested. Say you have an employee who carries out all of his or her assigned duties with impeccable proficiency. This person could land just about any gig they wanted, and they aren’t planning on setting up camp in an entry-level position. They’re on the move. The warning I’ll give you is that if you don’t expand with your employees and provide them with the upward mobility they’re seeking, they’re likely to trade up.

In a nutshell, job-hopping is a huge thing nowadays. It’s important that you, as an employer, provide the proper incentives to achieve a high retention rate of employees. Take care of your staff and they’ll take care of you. That way, everyone’s back is getting scratched.

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