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Google’s freshly announced sharing app Spaces could be big

Google Spaces could be perfect for group sharing where you never leave the comfort of the app. Ooh la la.

Share and share alike

I don’t know if friends or colleagues actually get together anymore to talk. It seems so old school. In this day and age, I guess it’s much easier to connect by not being connected. Which is why a new app from Google, appropriately called Spaces is so intriguing. Spaces lets people get people together instantly to share around any topic and you don’t have worry about getting bogged down by a lot of face time or any of that touchy feely stuff that made conventional get-togethers so unique back in the day.


Big fun for small groups

With Spaces, it’s simple to find and share articles, videos and images without leaving the app, since Google Search, YouTube, and Chrome come built in. When someone shares something new to a space, the conversational view lets you see what the group is talking about without missing a beat. And if you ever want to find something that was shared earlier, articles, videos, comments or even images, a quick search lets you pull it up in a snap. You can create a space with just one tap for any topic and invite anyone via messaging, email, a social network, or whatever way you like.

Easy to maneuver

Admit it. Group sharing isn’t easy. Sharing things typically involves hopping between one app and another as you attempt to copy and paste links. Group conversations often go astray and don’t remain on topic. Original topics get buried in endless threads and that make it difficult to get back to. The creators of Spaces are sharing your pain. Whether it’s micro-blogging or group sharing, Spaces looks to create a better overall experience.

You and your friends can get together in the cyber space and share articles, video and images and never leave the comfort and security of the app. With Spaces, it’s simple to find and share articles, videos and images without leaving the app, since Google Search, YouTube, and Chrome come built in.

Spaces. Cause everyone needs their space, right?

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Written By

Nearly three decades living and working all over the world as a radio and television broadcast journalist in the United States Air Force, Staff Writer, Gary Picariello is now retired from the military and is focused on his writing career.



  1. Geoge

    May 20, 2016 at 2:59 pm

    For my purposes I have immediately moved over from Slack to Spaces. I like it better already!

    • Roz Bahrami

      June 3, 2016 at 1:55 pm

      For a great alternative to Spaces, check out Boost!

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