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Business Marketing

Long-Term Success Takes More Than Sales



Yeah, I’m guilty of this. Along with much of the marketing advice and how-to that’s out there I tend to talk a lot about attracting and converting prospects into clients. Definitely a necessary and critical part of business but here’s the thing…

Creating clients is only half the battle to increasing sales (insert old-school “Yo, Joe!” yell).

Quite frankly, the other half is arguably more important…

See, the 3 ways to increase your bottom-line results is three-fold:

  • Increase the number of people you do business with
  • Increase the amount of every transaction

And then the vital piece for “long-term sustainability” is:

  • Increase repeat and referral business

With that being the case…

What happens after closing?

A lot of Realtors tend to focus more on transactions – they simply try to do more business with more people. Since you’re an Agent Genius you already know the benefits of continuing the relationship after closing:

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  • Happy clients come back to you
  • Happy clients tell friends
  • Happy clients give testimonials
  • And so on

I really believe you’re in business not just to sell a home and collect a commission check. You want to do something worthwhile. To make a difference.

So, while you need a system to generate sales, you also need a system to create those longer, more profitable relationships (repeat sales and referrals).

What types of things should you be doing after closing to continue providing value to the relationship… and ensuring long-term success?

Written By

Mark Eckenrode is a Certified Master of Guerrilla Marketing raised on comic books, punk rock, and Pepsi. He's also the chief marketing trainer at HomeStomper where AgentGenius readers can learn unconventional methods for winning with social media.



  1. Bill Beavers

    June 1, 2009 at 10:47 am

    What you have said is so true. My wife is a Broker and I am a licensed agent and loan officer. Most agents walk away from the client when escrow closes. This opens the door to another agent to walk in. I know because I’ve done it, too many times. We sometimes forget that this is not their last deal. We sometimes forget about their family and their extended families. Clients and friends for life, that’s what they should become. All the best.

  2. Lani Rosales

    June 1, 2009 at 10:52 am

    @markeckenrode I *love* when you talk about the “simple stupid” concepts such as “stay in touch with clients.” you have a particularly appealing brand of drip marketing that i really enjoy. for anyone not subscribed to mark’s content on his site (click “home stomper” in his bio), you’re missing out!

  3. Brandie Young

    June 1, 2009 at 8:40 pm

    Hi Mark,

    So true. I keyed in on your use of the word “Happy” as in happy clients. That’s quite different than “Satisfied” clients. Satisfied clients feel you did your job – but if you failed to delight them, they are not likely to evangelize you.

  4. Mark Eckenrode

    June 1, 2009 at 9:34 pm

    @bill – sounds like you’re a step ahead of many agents if you’re continuing to reach out and market to past clients. what methods are working well?

    @lani – blush grin 😉 doesn’t it seem that the most simple and common sense approach to things usually has the biggest long-term payoff?

    @brandie – i always thought “satisfied clients” was setting sights kind of low. heck, “shoot for ecstatic” and everyone wins

  5. Missy Caulk

    June 1, 2009 at 10:31 pm

    Gosh Mark, I couldn’t have said it better myself. LOL

    It’s really not that hard and actually I miss my clients for weeks after the transaction is over so not hard to stay in touch.

    In my 14 year career, I have only deleted 2 people. No regrets.

  6. Joe Loomer

    June 2, 2009 at 6:58 am

    My wife cooks Christmas cookies every year – about eight or nine different types – our kitchen looks like one of Chris’ MLS fail shot episodes when it’s in full throttle. She cooks ’em, bags ’em up in nice dollar-store bags with pretty ribbons and a business card, and I divide up the map, get in the car for a full week straight and deliver them to all our past clients.

    That’s our “major” evolution, but we call, write, host BBQs, do what we can throughout the year. Staying in touch is such a basic, ingrained part of our psyche now that NOT doing it would be harder and feel weird.

    One year we both got sick about halfway through the Christmas cookie delivery and failed to get them to about 20 of our past clients until after Christmas – the phone and email messages were full of polite (but anxious) “Where’s my dang cookies!” messages.

    Navy Chief, Navy Pride

  7. Mark Eckenrode

    June 2, 2009 at 10:35 am

    @joe – i’ve known other Realtors to regularly host parties and BBQs and they swear by them, too. so… about those cookies 🙂

    @missy – wow! that’s got to be a healthy database you have. how do you keep in touch with so many and continue that relationship?

  8. Louise Scoggins

    June 2, 2009 at 10:44 am

    I definitely believe in following up with your clients post-closing. We do a closing congrats letter right away, follow up after their move, send a monthly magazine with recipes and home tips, and send personal letters once a year as well. It’s not the BEST follow system but at least it is one that’s in place. I have been in biz long enough now that I have “moved up” a few of my first clients into their second homes. I do get referrals from my past clients as well, so that’s always nice. Your past clients can offer warm leads, especially if you have done a great job with them…just don’t let them forget you or how to get in touch with you!

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