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Business Marketing

Smore flyer creator: simple, chock full of analytics

Smore is an online flyer creator that is not only extremely simple to use, but is beautiful, and actually comes with analytics. Genius.

smore flyer

smore flyer

Smore flyer creator: simple, beautiful

Remember the days when you used to hand out flyers to your neighborhood for your lemonade stand, upcoming soccer game, or because you wanted to earn money babysitting? Life seemed so much simpler and friendlier then. Fortunately, you can get some of that back. Flyers are making a comeback, except this time it’s all about online flyers. And let’s just say these modern flyers are much more aesthetically pleasing and useful than its predecessors.

Smore flyer creator is an online platform that gives you the tools to create online flyers from a variety of templates. Smore guides you through flyer-making every step of the way. All you have to do is enter your desired content, drag and drop pictures into the right spots, and then choose an awesome background. It can take about five minutes to complete, and the finished product actually looks high quality. No matter if you want to advertise a new product, a local event, or a customer appreciation day, you can create a flyer to match your needs perfectly.

Embed multimedia in flyers

But you’re not limited to pictures and text. You can embed videos, online reviews and testimonials, and even your most current tweets or Facebook posts. The Smore pages you create are hosted on the Smore site, and you can actually use your own domain name or choose a Smore address. It’s completely up to you. Smore will also compile your flyer’s traffic and analytics. Another great thing about creating and publishing a Smore page is that it’s SEO-friendly, meaning Google can crawl it and rank it.

When you publish instantly, that also means it’s readily available on your customers’ mobile devices and tablets. And you don’t have to pay a thing for it since it’s currently in Beta. Thanks to Smore, now you don’t have to technologically-advanced to create your own pages. Smore flyer creator does all the hard work while you plug in your information. Smore makes it easy to add a unique layer to your marketing and outreach and helps you create shareable and potentially-viral content.

Video demo of Smore flyer creator

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Written By

The American Genius Staff Writer: Charlene Jimenez earned her Master's Degree in Arts and Culture with a Creative Writing concentration from the University of Denver after earning her Bachelor's Degree in English from Brigham Young University in Idaho. Jimenez's column is dedicated to business and technology tips, trends and best practices for entrepreneurs and small business professionals.

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