Business News

McDonald’s employee asks if customer’s breasts are real

An employee at McDonald’s gave a woman more than she ordered for dinner, when he boldly asked her twice if her breasts were real.

An employee at McDonald's gave a woman more than she ordered for dinner, when he boldly asked her twice if her breasts were real.


McDonald’s employee puts foot in mouth

A young couple got quite the shock as they were recently out to dinner at McDonald’s. Jodie Marks, 26, was twice asked by the front counter employee if her breasts were real as she went to pay for her her and her husband’s double cheeseburgers.

Marks said, “The young man gestured toward my chest and said ‘are those real or fake?’ I was dumb founded. He repeated the question again; totally unaware that he was being offensive. It was pretty obvious what he meant.”

She said that there were four people behind her in line, as well as other staff around who were within earshot as well. “I was humiliated because so many people saw and heard,” Marks added.

The couple asked to speak with the manager who, according to Ms. Marks, basically told them that the incident was no big deal. Marks alleges the manager then refused to provide her with the number for the franchise owner.

Conflict is escalated by a manager

“I’m not as upset with (the counter staff’s) behavior, he’s only a kid. It’s the manager and the way she fobbed it off and tried to tell me it wasn’t a big deal. And the running around trying to get to speak to the franchisee,” Marks said.

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They were eventually able to speak to the restaurant owner, and were told that the employee has been moved to another area in the store, away from front-counter duties.

Skye Oxenham, McDonald’s spokeswoman, said it a written statement, “We are sorry that this occurred and the restaurant has apologized to the customer. This type of behavior is not tolerated and we are taking the appropriate actions with the employee.”

Lessons for your own company

Businesses of every size are vulnerable, because any brand is only as good as its lowest level employees, so when customers call your service line and are not treated well, your brand is damaged. When someone calls your office and you don’t call back until two days later, the brand is damaged.

While this young employee’s gaffe was forgivable, even by the woman, the manager should have known better, reiterating to all readers that training at all levels is essential, but offering empathy can be the fastest route to repairing any situation.

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  1. Tinu

    July 12, 2013 at 10:35 am

    Exactly. A proper apology and a reprimand and we never would have heard about it. And perhaps it’s not a big deal? But if it had been a female employee asking loudly why some guy’s penis was so small? Some ignoramus asking a person from any varieties of cultures about their big nose?

    It is completely backwards to me when people say one insult or another is no big deal, as if the recipient is supposed to just expect to be treated poorly and deal with it.

    • Guest

      August 8, 2013 at 12:38 am

      “Offend one, and they tell a friend who tells a friend and eventually it gets in the paper.. then it costs you sponsors, backers, most customers…”

      Do you honestly think this incident affects McDonald’s bottom line in even the slightest way? Now if there was a consistent problem with crappy McDonald’s employees, maybe they wouldn’t be in business still… oh wait, there are consistent problems with crappy McDonald’s employees for the last 20 years at least and yet, they are still the largest fast food chain in the world. Weird.

  2. doodlebug2222

    August 4, 2013 at 2:48 am

    Employees need to be reminded they are not there to become friends with the customer, nor join in friendly conversation or banter. They are there to serve the customer.. by being attentive, take their order, ensure the order is correct and the financial part of the transaction goes well.

    Customers are not there to answer their questions unrelated to the order – and personal questions such as this, are not necessary and yes – the Manager needs to handle it quickly and offer an apology.

    People seem to think because these are small amounts of money changing hands, rather then millions – it is okay to be rude, offensive and no big deal. But it’s not about the amount of funds or the power of the purchaser – it is understanding that …. it all adds up.

    Offend one, and they tell a friend who tells a friend and eventually it gets in the paper.. then it costs you sponsors, backers, most customers and > potential millions. Ripple effect..

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