Opinion Editorials

You’ve never seen an office memo as harsh as Steve Harvey’s

(EDITORIAL) Steve Harvey feels he’s been taken advantage of with his lenient communications policy so he upped the ante, by like a million percent.

Price of fame

Privacy. Something we all crave at one point or another in our day-to-day lives. For me, I crave quite a bit of alone time. If I am subjected to socializing for extended amounts of time, I either face a panic attack, or forcing myself to create a reason to make a graceful exit before the panic attacks grabs hold of me completely. But at one point does a need for privacy become too demanding?

We all have certain needs that must be met in order to be fully functional, happy adults, but one adult in particular seems to be having an issue with stating these needs in a congenial manner. The adult in question? Steve Harvey.

An irritated email

By now you’ve likely heard something about the emailed letter Harvey recently wrote to his staff, detailing his new “rules” for interacting with him. I’d like to start right here. Rules and guidelines for interactions, especially in a work place that is by nature, social, makes people feel uneasy and unwelcome. I can understand the need for some alone time.

Okay, I can understand the need for a great deal of alone time, but the problem is, you’re a celebrity.

You work on a television set and for your show to be successfully and completely produced (read: ready to air), you do not complete this process solo. You have a team. You have co-workers, production teams, editing staff, runners, assistants, make-up artists, writers, set directors, custodial staff, marketing, audience members, security staff and the list goes on and on. You do not do the show alone.

Perhaps a different tone

Here is the now infamous email Harvey sent to his staff. I can understand not wanting to be disturbed while sitting in the makeup chair. This is typically the time when actors, musicians, and other creative performers, center themselves, focus on lines, and get ready for the day ahead. Hallways, however, seem like an acceptable place to approach someone, especially when you are already part of the “team.”

Threatening to have security remove someone for opening a door, seems a bit extreme as well.

Most actors have people coming in and out of their rooms and trailers all day long. He’s no exception. It almost comes with the territory. Privacy once you’ve left the studio, is another matter. Then, I think everyone is entitled to their own time and space, but that’s just my opinion.

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Maybe we don’t have all the facts

I will however, play devil’s advocate and state that if (and it’s a big if) he was having problems with staff members taking and posting photos to social media, making unreasonable or indecent requests, then I can certainly see why he felt this email and perhaps even tone were necessary. However, as it sounds like it was addressed to nearly the entire staff/team, I think he should’ve asked someone to proofread it for him, because it is indeed quite disheartening, given the positive message he aims to portray on the show.

The lesson here, if there is something positive we can gleam from such a condescending note, is to appreciate your staff and appreciate your position.

Remember where you came from and how hard you had to work to get there. Remember all the people you stopped in hallways, doorways, elevators and the like, seeking to get one tiny little step up on others dreaming of the same thing.

Support teams only work if they’re supportive

While I respect anyone’s need for privacy, Mr. Harvey needs to re-evaluate how he addresses his support team, especially when asking for privacy. Everyone likes to be appreciated and respected, and there has to be a more amiable way to detail your needs without sounding like it’s a dictatorship.

Good leaders inspire people, not put them down.


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  1. Robert Lee

    May 16, 2017 at 3:43 am

    On the real!!!

  2. Oregon Smitty (@OregonSmitty)

    May 17, 2017 at 9:54 am

    This man is a verifiable tool. #1 His show, “Family Feud,” is dedicated to making fun of black folks. #2 So are shows like “The Real Housewives of Atlanta.” #3 The Race Hustler Industry will NEVER call these travesties out.

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