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How to adjust your marketing strategy from Millennials to Gen Z

Gen Z will have more purchasing power, be prone to spending, and will be at a homebuying age before you know it – it’s time to adapt.

Group of college people

Research on Gen Z is increasing as they graduate and enter the workforce. The biggest misconception is that they are just another kind of millennial. In fact, they are similar to the generation raised during the Great Depression.

And while they might share a dependence on technology and short attention spans with the millennial crowd, some trends in Gen Z are remarkably different. This just might include their views on homeownership and the American Dream – while millennials seemed to have overwhelmingly rejected these things, Gen Z might be surprisingly traditional. We will be keeping an eye on them as they begin to enter adulthood. For now, your marketing strategies will need to be adjusted accordingly.

Trying to get them on the phone?

Unlike millennials, Gen Z does not prefer all the digital interactions available. They are more likely to use click-to-call features, especially after texting or chatting first.

Once on the phone, though, the Gen Z cohort is more likely to hang up quickly, curse at the person on the line, or be frustrated if there is no immediate answer.

In a world where there are several avenues of communication with a company, Gen Z seems to want a more personal touch.

But they are more impatient about waiting for it.

Why does it matter?

This impatience and short attention span are tied to Generation Z being the most plugged-in group, like, ever. “Gen Z consumers can be speaking to a customer agent, research everything that agent is saying, and simultaneously tweet about how great or awful their experience is,” Sabrina Gravlee, Analytics Manager at the Marchex Institute.

Millennials, who prefer to make even large purchases digitally without any face-to-face or phone contact, got a lot of people thinking that was a trend that would change everything, and permanently. No car lots, no cashiers, no person-to-person selling. And that still might happen. But the Gen Z research suggests that a balance might be struck finally.

Perhaps the millennials were the opposite end of the pendulum from their baby boomer parents, and now we are back in the middle ground.

Marketing strategies ‘on fleek’

In any case, businesses would be wise to consider a hybrid approach as Generation Z becomes a bigger part of their consumer base.

Some sources predict that they will have more purchasing power, and be more prone to spending than the generations before them.

“The faster businesses can understand the patterns and preferences of Generation Z, the faster they can gain footing with this next wave of consumer growth and ensure their own success,” says Gravlee.

Companies that adapt quickly to their youngest potential customers will be ahead of the game as we see Gen Z grow into their consumer status.

See the full report here.

Felix is a writer, online-dating consultant, professor, and BBQ enthusiast. She lives in Austin with two warrior-princess-ninja-superheros and some other wild animals. You can read more of her musings, emo poetry, and weird fiction on her website.


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