
COVID-19: How one Realtor’s quiet actions have set an example for all

(EDITORIAL) One Realtor’s kindness to her neighbors has earned her business for life, and caught our attention as a strong example to follow in the COVID-19 times.

COVID-19 is the first global pandemic any of us experienced, and it has pushed all business practices and mental health to the limit. It is an extreme situation, unforeseen, and nearly impossible to navigate.

Yet here we are, navigating through these murky waters together.

We’ve heard amazing stories of how the real estate community has banded together, but one lone act of kindness caught our attention.

We have numerous local neighborhood Facebook Groups, co-moderated by different types of community leaders, some by brokers. In one Austin group run by a member of the neighborhood, a simple call was put out:

Lise Lucci is a broker at JP & Associates Realtors, and the President at the Austin Chapter of NAHREP (the National Association of Hispanic Real Estate Professionals).

She lives in the neighborhood she services, and driving through, you’ll see her signs down the tree-lined streets. But she’s not flashy, she doesn’t have boofy hair and she doesn’t talk loudly on the phone in the Starbucks so everyone know she’s in real estate, no, she’s a professional practitioner doing what is right in her own backyard.

This is a remarkably simple way one broker is quietly taking care of her community instead of just sending out calendar magnets with a 1989 glamour shot, and is a move the neighbors will never forget.

One local told us, “I wish all Realtors were like this, and she has never asked for my business in a cheesy way, but after seeing this, she’ll GET my business from now on.”

Lucci tells us, “My offer will continue until we are finished with this pandemic. My kids do this during normal times for home bound people who are going through illnesses. I hope everyone continues to be taken care of.”

Even this comment reveals her nature – to care for those around her. And isn’t that the real reason most folks get into real estate?

“I do my best to provide value first before letting people know I’m a Realtor,” Lucci noted. “And as communities we must take care of each other. Service first.”

We are deeply moved. We’ll remember this selfless act if you bring it up in 2030.

If you have the capacity to safely do this in your own neighborhood, it’s a beautiful gift to give.

Contact us if you know of any stories of Realtors shining in this dark time of the COVID-19 pandemic.


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