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The American GeniusThe American Genius
A woman leaned back in her desk with a pen in her mouth as a thoughtful expression, pondering a Tumblr site open on a laptop. A woman leaned back in her desk with a pen in her mouth as a thoughtful expression, pondering a Tumblr site open on a laptop.

Tech News

Two blogging giants, Tumblr and WordPress, are experiencing major pushback against their newest AI content partnerships.

A small crowd around a military person holding up an American flag in a ceremonial fashion. A small crowd around a military person holding up an American flag in a ceremonial fashion.

Business News

This plastics company denied a promotion to a deserving employee due to upcoming military service - here's what to learn from this misstep.

A man and a woman sit in a coworking space working at their computers, establishing their freelance rates. A man and a woman sit in a coworking space working at their computers, establishing their freelance rates.

Business Entrepreneur

It can be difficult to figure out your freelance rates, especially starting out. But this free tool uses its database to remove guesswork.

Featured AG Columnists

Person looking at phone representing marketing and experience design Person looking at phone representing marketing and experience design

Business Marketing

The field of marketing has been around the sun and back, whereas experience design is a newer, but growing field. Where do they overlap?

AG on Tech Trends

An iPhone with Airpod headphones sitting next to it with the Apple logo facing up and the logo for Google Gemini AI next to it.

Tech News

When it comes to AI, Apple's Siri and Google Gemini are some of the market leaders, and rumors suggest they may collaborate.

Tech News

Wherever you fall on the arguments for AI, you should be aware of these really cool tools that could make your video meetings less...

Two clients seated at a table speaking with a sign language interpreter to explain a document that she points at. She also wears a face mask with a clear window so lips can be read. Two clients seated at a table speaking with a sign language interpreter to explain a document that she points at. She also wears a face mask with a clear window so lips can be read.

Tech News

Accommodating a job applicant's interview needs is not only polite, it's ADA required - and a sign language interpreter is a big one to...

A person searching for a website on a laptop in a cozy modern office, filtering AI-generated content results. A person searching for a website on a laptop in a cozy modern office, filtering AI-generated content results.

Tech News

Google has implemented new rules for its search results that could feature AI generated content - here's how it affects your AI tools.

AG on Marketing Trends

blemish effect blemish effect

Business Marketing

The Blemish Effect dictates that small, adjacent flaws in a product can make it that much more interesting—is perfection out?

AG on Entrepreneur Trends

An older Black woman and another woman sit at a meeting table with notes and pencils in hand, chatting animatedly at a startup table.

Business Entrepreneur

Many people see stories like Zuckerberg and assume you have to have a startup early, but this rules out experience as a key factor.

Employee typing representing the marketer life Employee typing representing the marketer life

Business Entrepreneur

Being a freelancer, it can feel like a luxury to fire a client, but there's a few clear signs they're not worth your time.

Employee typing representing the marketer life Employee typing representing the marketer life

Business Entrepreneur

Many are turning to a side hustle to compensate income. Knowing your options can help you decide if you want to join the gig...

A business man with a book open on his desk looking thoughtfully out a window as he reads about efficiency. A business man with a book open on his desk looking thoughtfully out a window as he reads about efficiency.

Business Entrepreneur

Efficiency is the name of the game when you run your own business, and luckily, these practices and tools will make that task much...

AG on Media Trends

AG on Business News

A younger man in healthcare work deserving of fair wages supporting an elderly Black man with his arms stretched out to either side.

Business News

Following an investigation into lost payment for health workers, the Department of Labor is reinforcing fair wages for health care staff.

A security guard in all black wearing a body camera and calling after a delinquent running away out of frame. A security guard in all black wearing a body camera and calling after a delinquent running away out of frame.

Business News

Shoplifting has become such a concern that body cameras are going to become standard for security in some of your favorite retailers.

A horse trainer leads a race horse across the lawn on overtime. A horse trainer leads a race horse across the lawn on overtime.

Business News

These thoroughbred horse trainers work overtime for horses that will run the Kentucky Derby, but their pay hasn't crossed the finish line.

A plate of pancakes with strawberry topping inside of a franchise restaurant with a tip pool, being picked apart with a fork. A plate of pancakes with strawberry topping inside of a franchise restaurant with a tip pool, being picked apart with a fork.

Business News

Employees are allowed to have a tip pool, but there's rules for its use, as this franchise owner found out from the Department of...

AG Editorials

A trio of confident qualified women walk together in an office environment, with one Asian woman, a Black woman, and a white woman and talking and laughing together.

Opinion Editorials

It's easy to look at a job and feel like you're not qualified to try it. But when it comes down to it, you...

A blonde woman stands in a modern style cafe reviewing her entrepreneur planner and smiling toward her work. A blonde woman stands in a modern style cafe reviewing her entrepreneur planner and smiling toward her work.

Business Entrepreneur

Being an entrepreneur can be overwhelming at times, but here's some ways you can work smarter, not harder, to make your life easier.

A man in a doctor's office, fingers on his forehead as he deals with the stress of health insurance, being filled out by a woman in the blurred background behind him. A man in a doctor's office, fingers on his forehead as he deals with the stress of health insurance, being filled out by a woman in the blurred background behind him.

Opinion Editorials

Looking back on the history of health insurance, it started with high hopes, but now all businesses are beholden to a bloated system.

A man and a woman sit in front of a computer discussing how to sell a business. A man and a woman sit in front of a computer discussing how to sell a business.

Business Entrepreneur

There are many hurdles that can arrive when you are trying to sell your business - here are some tips to meet yours and...



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