
Engage Us!

Engage us, please.What’s an organization to do to maintain relevance to its paying members and the general public? What if the current presidential campaigns ignored Web 2.0 (whatever that means)? The same thing that’s happening to the National Association of Realtors – they’d lose the public’s confidence.

Take this comment from a Virginia Realtor last week in an excellent conversation about Realtor PAC money:

I think this discussion illustrates the chasm that is developing between the generations in America. It is my opinion that the main issue does come down to communication. Some people, myself included, will not accept the current explanation of what RPAC does, or whom it supports. The value proposition of past accomplishments and supporting all Realtors is no longer enough. The newer generations look at raffles for vacations or quotas or your name in a program as a deceptive way to generate contributions. If it is such a good cause and it does so much good for all realtors, why do we have to be tricked into giving.

The younger generations have no problem giving to causes but they need to know everything about the cause, all the players involved, the consequences if the cause is defeated and they must be able to have open discussions about these things before any contributions are made. If you want the younger generations to contribute and get involved, you need to be more transparent, more open, and more engaging.

There are links to websites but the websites are old and static. Take some of the money that has been contributed and build something reflects how important the RPAC really is. Bring it out from the back rooms.

It’s not that we don’t trust the National Association of Realtors (ok, many don’t with justification). It is that they don’t engage us on our own turf. What if Obama or Hillary or John or Mike did nothing to market themselves and their respective messages other than run elaborate and expensive print ads? What if they ignored those voting for them who spoke the truth? What if they ignored the netroots?

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Here’s food for thought –

– I don’t have a landline.
– The only reason I have a phonebook is because it was delivered, unsolicited, to my house by a non-phone-company company and I haven’t recycled it yet.
– I canceled my subscription to the Wall Street Journal but still pay for online access.
– I don’t read Realtor Magazine unless somebody brings an article to my attention (typically via a blog). NAR could save us all money by not sending it to those who don’t want it.
– I don’t watch television news unless it’s a clip on YouTube or some other site.
– I block web ads. I am far more likely to trust something or someone because of what they say, not because they figured out how to do a banner ad.

And I consider myself old at 32! However – I represent the next generation of leaders within NAR, assuming NAR doesn’t irreparably alienate Gen X and Gen Y. Don’t miss Pat’s relevant post about today’s consumer titled Culture 2.0: the end of Arrogance; it should be required reading for anybody seeking to be successful in today’s world. We are in the midst of a cultural shift; NAR is baby-stepping its way along, but Realtors and consumers need more.

As Realtors, we are constantly defending the value proposition we bring to the clients’ equation; NAR needs to do the same for its membership. Take note that print media generally doesn’t fall into that equation, and it’s declining rapidly. Communication is a two-way street.

The fact that two comments by Dale Stinton, CEO of NAR, warranted a story on Inman’s blog speaks volumes to how out of touch the NAR is perceived to be.

Wake Up.

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Try to earn our trust. Engage us. Don’t ignore us. One day, we just might be in charge.


  1. Missy Caulk

    March 4, 2008 at 2:12 pm

    NAR should start a blog.

  2. Lani Anglin-Rosales

    March 4, 2008 at 2:30 pm

    Jim, this is a really critcally urgent topic that you’ve brought up because the feeling with any unnaturally slowly evolving organization (like NAR) is that the passing of the torch will occur too late in the game.

    If NAR remains in their ivory tower, despite all of us with innovative minds (regardless of age) being involved, and until the hierarchy is headed by a mind like yours or Ben Martin’s, no change can possibly come because the value proposition offered publicly by NAR is ridiculously gimmicky as you asserted.

    Why it is enraging that NAR’s massive machine gears are stuck is that the playbook has already been written, even if it has been trial-and-errored by companies NAR wouldn’t jump to endorse- Zillow, Redfin, Trulia, even Southwest Airlines for that matter.

    Transparency is just an empty buzzword unless those *truly* in charge understand its value. Having a face person on your cause or company brings that missing tangibility to the online experience- just ask Rudy’s new employer. This isn’t brain surgery, people- it’s just popping a Tylenol.

  3. Toby & Sadie

    March 4, 2008 at 2:41 pm

    I sat in a recent meeting at an Ohio Association of Realtors meeting and the presenter asked a room of 100 people how many had done a podcast. A single hand went up, mine.

    That’s right. And I’m sure at an NAR convention this would have been the same situation. Instead of creating a blog, NAR has asked the Young Professional Network to establish its own blog – and the president does have his “page” but it is nothing but spin, so much spin that an old PR person like myself was made sick.

    I’m active in my local Delaware County board – and doing everything possible to change the “good old boy” attitude of our board. Next step is OAR, then NAR, then the World

  4. Jody McLeod

    March 4, 2008 at 2:44 pm

    Nice Article.

    We have to ask our customers what works for them, and then adjust accordingly. Why shouldn’t it be the same for NAR? We are their customers.

  5. Matthew Rathbun

    March 4, 2008 at 2:59 pm

    Missy, NAR has a blog… and to illustrate Jim’s point; it’s interesting that as connected as you are to social media applications and technology that even you didn’t know that. I have to go search it out, and frankly after seeing it – it was a waste of time to do so.

    I’ve commented on this very topic in a variety of places. My opinion remains the same. NAR simply can’t reach the ever increasing age demographic of Gen X and Y agents flowing into the market place. The process of becoming a letter at the National level takes almost an entire career to get there, and by the time the President and Vice-President’s have gotten to those positions, they’ve simply become part of the system. The fact that they are only in those positions for a year gives no real time to enhance their Association. They simply…. maintain.

    The real change needs to come from the staff level at the National Association of REALTORS. That is the constant factor and they are the ones giving counsel to the Volunteer Leadership.

    However, having said all of that; we’re having issues changing the mindset of the individual Realtor to be more client-centric and less engrossed in traditional ideology. Floor duty, open houses and flyer’s simply aren’t what the client is looking for. Being the “keepers of the data” and MLS books isn’t meeting the consumer where they are.

    If NAR doesn’t become more consumer orientated (Realtors being their consumer) they are going to be left behind. Does a Realtor need MLS? Not really, we need to know what to do with Zillow data that actually will, one day, have a better database than Realtors (i.e. Unrepresented Sellers). That day is fast approaching. I don’t need the association for lockboxes, Lowes has combo boxes for less money… So, what does a practitioner need the Association for?

    Research, standardized level of professionalism, education, tools, effective media control and marketing and to re-invent themselves as quickly and effectively as possible to anticipate needs before the evolve. Moreover, I have to disagree with the observation of the quote above. RPAC is very much needed. I am fully convince that RPAC is essential to all of our industry, because frankly it does protect us. You may not like it, but we’re having a hard enough time changing one association. Until the entire political program is altered, we have to have a weapon to protect us and consumers. I know were my money goes for RPAC, because I’ve taken the time to go research it. A failing our our generation is we are so accustomed to food being delivered to a window in 5 minutes and our newspaper being delivered to us in a reader, that we get irate when we aren’t hand-fed all information in the way we want it. That is coming one day, but for now we’ll need to look it up.

    I hopefully offended everyone equally (not my intent to offend at all – but it happens) and I apologize or the longest comment ever in the history of AG…. sorry.

  6. Jim

    March 4, 2008 at 4:04 pm

    Matt –

    Great comment. I’ll disagree with you on one thing – change should be member driven, in conjunction with staff. Members are the ones paying the dues, after all.

    Your comment about the leadership is probably dead-on. I remarked in a conversation last week that when volunteering is no longer a hardship with regards to sacrificing one’s business, then perhaps volunteering has taken on too much importance.

  7. Steven Stearns

    March 4, 2008 at 4:40 pm


    Quite the deal, as we would say in the Midwest:

    -Most Realtors (kind of) suck at being on the web. Most of them do not even have a web presence.

    -Most Realtors have brokers that suck (a little less) at being on the web.

    -The fragmentation of services offered in the 2.0 world, the debate about social media fatigue and
    whether or not anyone is getting rich 2.0 style is driven by the fact that most Realtors are not social media consumers or technology consumers, and most brokers offer little or no incentive or substantially invest in their agents by providing quality services and new technology.

    The general population of which we speak-Realtors as consumers-well, most of them will not even see these words or care about them.

    This market is going to effectively weed out those Realtors, as consumers, regardless of whether or not NAR sucks.

    Since Realtors are consumers of NAR serivces and information, Realtors will ultimately decide-by education or inaction-what they want from NAR.

    Steven Stearns

  8. Matthew Rathbun

    March 4, 2008 at 5:19 pm


    Thanks for pointing out my need for clarification. I agree that the Realtor members as a whole must change; my point was the volunteer leaders (president, pre-elect, regional VPs) at the National level it is going to be harder to change the staff who recommends and influences policy to these leaders.

    I know for a fact that when John visited with us from NAR that he was going to positivly relay VAR’s success. That’s a huge step in the right direction.

    The paying / voting members is going to have to pressure National staff to relay our needs to those voting member-leaders who can effect the changes.

  9. Jay Thompson

    March 4, 2008 at 5:40 pm

    Matthew wrote: “NAR simply can’t reach the ever increasing age demographic of Gen X and Y agents flowing into the market place.”

    They can’t reach the Boomers either. It’s not just Gen’s X & Y….

    Missy: The NAR has more than one “blog” (and I use that term loosely).

  10. Jim Little

    March 4, 2008 at 7:21 pm

    I don’t believe the problem is age demographics, blog or no blog, social media etc. It is that the NAR is an entrenched beauracracy with no interest in change.

    I have been a member for 10 years, and cannot remember a time when the organization made any meaninful or effective attempt to poll members as to its effectiveness. No customer satisfaction surveys, no “what do you think of course A vs course B”. I don’t even know how the officers are elected, if they are.

    I, like many others, have felt the heavy hand of NAR wrath about using the “R” word in a domain name, and I resent it since they are only doing it to protect the lucrative “R”dotCom. I am glad that I am not using the “M” word in my domain name, at least I will not have to deal with that.

    Frankly, I don’t see very much value in the organization as it exists today. I do hope that this and other similar forums will help, but only if Gaylord and others will pay attention.

  11. Ben Martin

    March 4, 2008 at 8:16 pm

    On NAR’s ability to really get into social media, I swing between optimism and pessimism. One week I hear something that sounds promising. The next, I hear something awful about NAR’s approach to social media. In the meantime, VAR is content to charge ahead into uncharted territory.

  12. Teresa Boardman

    March 4, 2008 at 8:30 pm

    Isn’t NAR that organization that exits to teach people how to say REALTOR and to make sure we don’t use MLS in our key words and domain names?

  13. Matthew Rathbun

    March 4, 2008 at 8:35 pm

    No, they’re the folks who did that feature article on a certain snarky Realtor-blogger 🙂 Well deserved article, BTW.

  14. Mariana

    March 4, 2008 at 9:06 pm

    “And I consider myself old at 32!” Me too!

    I agree with your points, here. I have had my license since 2002ish but only JUST became an actual Realtor(r) a year or so ago … and that was so I could get my own MLS password, instead of using Derek’s.

    Let’s see a REAL value proposition, folks!

  15. Lani Anglin-Rosales

    March 4, 2008 at 10:33 pm

    PS: for those who couldn’t smell what Missy (#1 comment) was cookin’… I’m willing to bet it was sarcasm… just sayin’…

  16. Mark Lesswing

    March 5, 2008 at 3:50 am

    NAR appears “sloth-like” to many. The ship does not turn quickly. If you know anyone who works at NAR, you can verify that efforts are being made in the following areas:

    1) Recognize the medium. Hey, there are NAR people who engage the medium rarely get recognized. I would not actually say words like “wake up”, but missing these contributions create hyperbole. Should more people attempt, for sure. Continuing to say there is a lack of response creates internal confusion because folks are watching how the blogoshpere recognizes the smallest efforts.

    2) Educate – The first blog for NAR started in August 2005 and editorial content was first published by NAR, well long before that. It takes time (and sometimes courage) to explore areas like this. Some good news, the second NAR blog appeared in 2006, RSS content in 2007 and the CEO posted in 2008. Actually, for being sloth-like, this is a rather mind blowing when looked at from the inside. At this pace, some of may even be using Twitter accounts soon.

    3) Courage – It is difficult to be a change agent. Yep, it is easy to criticize, tough to be engaged in the process. How hard should you push? Hmmm, does this have employment implications? Will someone go postal? Are your work relationships not what they should be? You know what, I push because I believe it is the right thing to do for members. Again good news. What stared with only two staffers a few years ago has now grown substantially. The pace is increasing.

    4) Thick Skin – Some have this more than others. I have been the subject of attack in the past. Not the let’s have a debate variety either but more of a let’s get him fired variety. This included whispers, phone calls to my boss, posts and letters. My offense, calling it like it was. Actually, NAR is interested in the space so they let me keep going. Proof of two things in my book; a) the ability to separate constructive criticism from lunacy and b) genuine interest.

    Oh my. I just read my last last point and realized some people may just like to see my bloodied carcass from time to time. I’ll forget that thought because I’m the optimist.

    Good post Jim.

  17. Mark Lesswing

    March 5, 2008 at 6:33 am

    We hear you. Believe it or the medium is recognized. Here are some notes:

    1) Medium – NAR is watching and the hyperbole I read about “NAR is doing this” And “NAR is about to do that …” diminishes credibility. This makes the job of convincing others difficult. If speculation was labeled as such, dialog will soon follow.

    2) Activity – NAR regognized the blogoshpere in August 2005. Other blogs appeared in 2006. RSS became available in 2007 and the CEO even posted in 2008. Not fast enough? You may not think so, but this is radical pace for NAR. The good news is that the rate is accelerating. Are we there yet? of course not.

    3) Culture – Doing what I am doing here is fine. Talking about the internals of NAR is frowned upon. Members make the decisions, staff carries out the orders. I am staff. I must be honest and say that the medium is a culture shock to many staffers, but not all. A couple of years ago, there were only two advocates for engaging. Today, the opinion is shared by many others.

    4) Thick Skin – I’ve been attacked before but I’m a believer.

    Can anyone be more specific on what you would consider a “REAL proposition”? Just curious. Rant is good reading, but specifics would help me.

  18. Jay Thompson

    March 5, 2008 at 12:14 pm

    Just wanted to point out for those that may not be aware, that the Mark Lesswing commenting above is the Chief Technology Officer and a senior vice president for the NAR…

  19. Jim

    March 5, 2008 at 12:26 pm

    And to followup on Jay’s point – NAR and its members are lucky to have Mark.

  20. Mariana

    March 5, 2008 at 12:27 pm

    Hi Mark –
    What I mean by “Real Value Proposition” is this: I am a Realtor(r) for the main reason of obtaining my own login to the local MLS, I like the stats that NAR provides and I really admire the COE. Maybe those are the only reasons I need, but beyond that I am unaware of what specific, forward-thinking things NAR is doing to truly better the a.) businesses and b.) reputation of real estate agents that are members.
    I am certain that there are others out there that can offer better specifics than that, but this is all I am asking.
    (p.s. I have no interest in seeing your bloddied carcass … ew. )

  21. Mark Lesswing

    March 5, 2008 at 6:45 pm

    I believe there are both business and reputation enhancing things being done. You are probably thinking …. “he’ll probably give me a URL”. Nope. Let me think of way(s) to get this information out in ways that work for you.

    I ned a little time, is that OK?

  22. Mark Lesswing

    March 7, 2008 at 6:51 am

    I have a few thoughts but need guidance.

    I was wondering if you could give me some feedback on ways to distribute information about business and reputation enhancing activities at NAR. What would be effective:

    1) short videos

    2) summaries on dedicated “mini sites” (as opposed to organized within the association website)

    3) blog externally (like here and others)

    4) blog format

    This is the beginning of a conversation.

    Is this the proper format to discuss this issue?

    How long would you refer back to comments on a post?

    Jim, thanks for getting this going.

  23. Maureen Francis

    March 7, 2008 at 8:48 am


    I think a goal is to be interactive, not just informative. Jim’s point “engage us” is excellent. I’ve got more than a decade on Jim, but my media consumption habits are identical.

    I recall watching a long video by NAR’s legal counsel about the DOJ lawsuit on-line a long time ago. It was fascinating. A place for Realtors to discuss the video would be the next step. Just like it would be on YouTube.

    Like all blogs that work, it can’t be written by the PR staff and passed along as a blog. We know better and we are looking for a dialog, not a lecture.

    Oh, and if there is something NAR wanted me to know right away, they could notify me from Twitter.

  24. Mark Lesswing

    March 7, 2008 at 9:44 am


    Thanks for the concrete suggestion. Anyone else care to offer suggestions?

    Regarding the venue, should this exchange be conducted in a public forum (like this) or in a members-only place? We are talking about the value of the Association to members so I thought I would ask.

  25. Maureen Francis

    March 7, 2008 at 10:46 am

    You might need both. ActiveRain allows us to chose whether our blog posts are “members only” or for the whole world. I can see that need from a NAR blog.

  26. Jay Thompson

    March 7, 2008 at 11:13 am

    Mark –

    In my opinion, a public forum is the way to go. Yes, you’re wanting to “speak” to a membership, but transparency in the World Wide 2.0 Web almost dictates public discourse.

    With all due respect, with the exception of the CRT blog, what the NAR has done elsewhere with “blogs” falls short of what most would consider a truly interactive, 2-way open dialog.

    To specifics on your four suggestions:

    1) short videos – Certainly not a bad medium for delivering a message. Not so good for receiving feedback.

    2) summaries on dedicated “mini sites” (as opposed to organized within the association website). – Again not bad for delivering a message. Not good at all for two-way interaction. Tends to lead to more of a “here it is, take it or leave it” sort of presentation.

    3) blog externally (like here and others) – Probably the best way for reaching out to your constituency. Shows a willingness on the NARs part to openly engage in dialog

    4) blog format – I’m not sure what you mean with this one…

    I think the fact that you and Dale are both commenting and contributing on venues outside of the NAR domain is fabulous!

  27. Russell Shaw

    March 7, 2008 at 1:42 pm

    I agree with everything Jay said. I believe that the best results will occur from you (and others at NAR) just continuing to read and comment on various blogs. The friends I’ve made on the net were not forced relationships but naturally happened from getting into communication. The “problem” (as I see it, anyway) is that most individuals who become “NAR leadership” aren’t really working Realtors anymore. I don’t say this as an attack but an observation of what I see. This doesn’t make them bad or wrong but to some degree it does make them out of touch with the day to day problems of a working Realtor. Having the leadership seeing and listening to what real agents who list and sell houses for a living are thinking and saying will do more to enable leadership to keep their finger on the pulse of what is happening “out there” than probably any other thing they might do.

    If you see a post that you think is way out line, say something. If you see a comment that you agree with, say so. If someone is rude towards you, say so. I don’t think any special forum is needed – just you and your friends looking at what is being said. Sure, loads of it will be stupid and utter crap. Most of it (I know this will come as a shock to some) pointless. But some of it will be so incisive and clarifying that if you don’t read it, you will miss out on something really really good. You’ve already figured out which writers “seem to matter”. Don’t be shy. Chime in. Disagree with the crap. (Hint: there will be enough of it that no shortage is expected in the crap department until much later in the year)

  28. Toby & Saide

    March 7, 2008 at 2:32 pm

    I’ll second Jay’s comments.
    I’m a new (compared to many here 1-1/2 years) agent and was blown away how HARD it could be to get information from NAR, OAR, or even my local board.

    I’m taking the local board issue on head-on. And I’m not – yet – in a position to really make changes at the state or national level. However, that said, I think there is a great opportunity for NAR to really change its image by being open and not “hiding” behind walls.

    We are talking about the value of NAR to its members, but I think it will also enhance the value of each REALTOR if, by chance, a member of the general public is able to read and possibly take part in the dialog.

    I like Maureen’s idea on an Active Rain type thing where if something truly does need to be “for certain eyes only” it can be marked as “members only”.

    I think the key is that whatever format you take has to be done in, to steal from Bill O’Riley, a “no spin zone.”

  29. Toby & Saide

    March 7, 2008 at 2:50 pm

    This discussion that is/was going on at VABuzz is something that I think speaks directly at what I’d like to see.

    It down and dirty discussion of RPAC. I’ve named the RPAC chair for my local board … and I’m not 100 percent on what the money is used for. I want – need – to feel like my organizations are supporting me, and it isn’t enough to just say “you are here because of what we’ve done.”

  30. Bob

    March 7, 2008 at 3:00 pm

    >Can anyone be more specific on what you would consider a “REAL proposition”?

    How about credibility? The two most recent NAR economists have done more to damage Realtor credibility than anyone or anything in the 100 year history NAR. Start with firing Lawrence Yun and DO NOT replace him. That action alone would do wonders. Get out of the economic prediction business and leave it to the far more qualified and accurate professionals at the Weekly World News.

    How about no longer trying to spin market conditions? It makes us look completely self-serving. Portray me as the expert with the FIDUCIARY DUTY to help you make the best decision possible and then execute that decision.

    NAR having a clue about Web x.0 is unimportant to me at this point. Not making my industry looking like a bunch of buffoons is very important to me. I am proud to be a real estate agent, where agent means fiduciary. But the badge that reads “REALTOR” has become greatly tarnished, and I no longer want to wear it.

  31. Scott Rogers

    March 9, 2008 at 12:00 am

    Bob — have you checked out some of Lawrence Yun’s latest commentaries on the market? Thing may be changing as far as the credibility of NAR economists…

  32. Bob

    March 9, 2008 at 12:45 pm

    Yun is now like the weatherman saying it is going to rain while it’s already pouring outside. Anyone can state the obvious. NAR has ZERO credibility with the public with regard to the present housing crisis and they won’t get it back.

    I am calling for Yun’s immediate termination.

  33. Scott Rogers

    March 9, 2008 at 10:20 pm

    Bob — Your comment of “Start with firing Lawrence Yun and DO NOT replace him.” leaves me a bit baffled. Aside from the need to continue to move towards greater credibility, why on earth wouldn’t we want our industry’s trade association to be the voice for the state of our industry? It certainly isn’t worth it to try to be that voice if it isn’t done in a credible and objective way — but I have hope that NAR is moving in that direction, and am not ready to throw in the towel as far as NAR being authoritative on the state of the U.S. housing sector.

    I guess we now have two votes:

    Bob — eliminate Yun, eliminate the position.

    Scott — keep Yun, keep the position, keep making the message more accurate, objective and credible

    I wonder what the other 1.something million REALTORS think. 🙂

  34. Bob

    March 9, 2008 at 11:03 pm

    I didn’t say disband NAR. I have no problem with our trade group continuing to do the bang up job they have done in lobbying Congress and protecting the rights and interests of the American homeowner. However, that yeoman’s work, which involved the labor of many, has been overshadowed by the embarrassing errors of two.

    What I did say was eliminate a single position that has been manned by two wholly incompetent so-called economists. None of their housing projections dating back 3 years have been even close to accurate. You don’t regain credibility by keeping those who destroyed it in the first place.

    At the very least, fire Yun and fill the position with someone who isn’t a spin doctor. Few could tell you the name of the NAR president, but many know Lereah and Yun as the voices of NAR that have been wrong time after time. I would like NAR to have a voice that isn’t seen as either a paid shill or just plain clueless, but I don’t think they can pull it off. I would settle for no more embarrassing morning TV show performances and self-serving but continually incorrect economic predictions.

    NAR will never again be seen as authoritative on the state of housing as they were in the past, because they no longer control or dictate the conversation and they can’t spin the data without being called out. The ultimate irony here is that they have the web to thank for that.

  35. Scott Rogers

    March 10, 2008 at 12:03 am

    The web certainly does add transparency and accountability! Out of curiosity, have you attended any of Yun’s economic updates that he often gives at NAR conferences (annual and mid-year)?

  36. Bob

    March 10, 2008 at 7:00 am


  37. Toby & Saide

    March 10, 2008 at 9:03 am

    I split between the two of you.

    Fire Yun. I’m sure he’s a nice guy, but in this case he’s the “sacraficial lamb” to end the spin-doctoring of NAR.

    Hire a new economist and (this is the most important part) create an environment where this economist can be honest with the numbers. The only way NAR will EVER return to its place as a formidable voice in the housing industry is through transparency and “no spin zones”.

    I doubt that Yun and others didn’t know what the market was doing, but a culture within NAR was pressuring them to continue running the numbers until they came out with something “better”.

    That’s the thought of 1 more agent.

  38. Jim

    March 10, 2008 at 10:08 am

    @ Bob – What do you think about Lawrence Yun’s commentary today?

  39. Scott Rogers

    March 10, 2008 at 5:48 pm

    @ Toby & Sadie – I have no insider information with which to document this, but I keep seeing small indications that the culture within NAR that you referenced may in fact be changing. We have some fantastic things going on at the Virginia Association of Realtors (, for example), and for all of these reasons, it is exciting to be a part of our state association. It seems like NAR might be undergoing some changes in culture and that too would be very exciting!

  40. Bob

    March 10, 2008 at 11:10 pm

    Toby, I’m good with your solution. Getting rid of Yun is the first step in getting anyone other than Realtors take NAR seriously.

    Jim, my day is going on 19 hours, so I’ll reread it tomorrow.

  41. Mark Lesswing

    March 11, 2008 at 9:28 am

    I’m still working on Mariana’s points about business and reputation enhancing activities at NAR.

    I understand other people’s opinions regarding getting information out and sense that many are just happy with a model that has engagement on the industry blogs.

    My question would be …. is this an effective way (reacting to posts) to distribute information?

  42. Mark Lesswing

    March 12, 2008 at 6:53 am


  43. Mark Lesswing

    March 12, 2008 at 9:33 am

    Perhaps examples of positions NAR lobbies for on behalf of members?

  44. Robin | Fort Lauderdale Real Estate

    May 31, 2008 at 5:44 pm

    I am glad I am not the only one who thinks that Lawrence Yun makes it tough for us. The NAR needs to up their game big time.

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