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Preload app in beta is a kick ass video magazine for offline viewing

Taking Preload for a spin in an internet-free zone gives you a way to stay up to date (or entertained), even when wi-fi is questionable.



Playing the waiting game

Too often I find myself playing the waiting game during daily endeavors. Whether it is on a train waiting to get to my destination or sitting in a doctor’s office waiting for my name to be called, there are many situations where I have too much time on my hands.

The natural go-to for a way to kill time would be to mess around on my phone. However most applications on smartphones require use of the Internet. And being that spaces such as a train or doctor’s office rarely offer free Wi-Fi, it is hard to play games or stream videos while thinking about the toll it is taking on your data plan.

But as the world around us evolves, we know that with each new day comes a new idea. Such a new idea is the concept of Preload. Preload is an up-and-coming application in beta, designed for these lying in wait situations. It is designed to pre-download videos while you are on a wireless Internet connection so that they will be available for when your phone is running off of its data.

The first truly mobile video magazine

Described by their website as “the first truly mobile video magazine”, Preload seeks out the most popular videos that the Internet has to offer and saves them into your phone. Preload is run by a team of journalists and filmmakers who browse the Internet in search of the best videos every day.

Preload allows you to subscribe to high quality video magazines and offers selections covering a wide range of interests. The application is designed to be user-friendly and takes up less space than an average iOS gaming application.

The pros and cons of Preload

While this is a great idea and would be beneficial for those who love to watch videos on the go, Preload is still in beta so its greatness lies in its execution. While it may not be harsh on your data plan, it could be draining to your phone’s battery depending on the settings.

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Those interested in breaking information regarding the progress of Preload can request an invite for closed beta at by entering their name and e-mail. This application definitely has the potential of making the waiting game much less tedious than before.


Staff Writer, Taylor Leddin is a publicist and freelance writer for a number of national outlets. She was featured on Thrive Global as a successful woman in journalism, and is the editor-in-chief of The Tidbit. Taylor resides in Chicago and has a Bachelor in Communication Studies from Illinois State University.

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