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Want a gold Apple Watch? Here are 21 things you can get for the same price

While new tech trends are fun to follow, often the comparison of what you get and what it costs just don’t add up, such is the case with the Apple Watch.


The gold Apple Watch… yum!

With news spreading far an wide about the Apple Watch selling out, it makes you wonder, why people are flocking to it. Apple is still only taking pre-orders, so anyone anticipating getting their hands on one will have to wait until April 24, 2015 when they actually begin to ship out. However, most customers will be waiting even longer.

Some models will not be available until July and others are showing a four to six week wait time. The cynic in me can’t help but wonder if Apple doesn’t do this on purpose to build up the anticipation and “hype” surrounding their products.

$17k for a watch? Huh?

I love Apple products, but with Apple Watch prices ranging from $349 for the basic Sport model, to $17,000 for the 18-karat rose gold model, this particular accessory seems a bit out of my league. The Apple Watch allows you to purchase things with Apple Pay, track your health status, check in at airports, and send your heart beat to another Watch user.

It’s definitely cool, but does it do anything my iPhone won’t already do? I can connect a low in health monitor to my iPhone and have basically the same deal (sans heart beat sending) as the watch, but that’s just my personal preference. This does bring up the most common complaint I’ve heard about the Apple Watch: it must be paired with an iPhone to operate. It does not, in fact replace the iPhone’s functionality. Basically, the Apple Watch is an expensive iPhone accessory.

I’m not alone, others have sticker shock

Apparently, I’m not the only one who finds the Watch a bit pricey. Here are a few things, all in good fun, courtesy of Stylightn, that you can buy instead of the Apple Gold Watch: a year of rent on a studio apartment in London, a new car, a pizza every day for the next five years (but you won’t want to see your heartbeat afterwards), 150 small tattoos, one bottle of Vueve Cicquot a week for the next six years, one yacht, and my personal favorite: thirty one pairs of classic Louboutins.

Okay, who wouldn’t rather have a yacht than a watch? Raise your hands. I’m betting the resale value of the yacht will be better than the Apple Watch, but again, that’s just my opinion. Now, here’s just one more “what you can buy for the same price of the Apple Watch:” you could donate $1 per day, for the next 46 years to the Wounded Warrior project and still not quite reach the price of the gold Apple Watch.

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apple gold watch

While new tech trends are fun to follow, especially if they add functionality to our daily lives, often the comparison of what you get and what it costs just don’t add up. The Sport watch is a great option for Apple-lovers looking for the wearable tech fun on a more realistic budget, but the gold Watch seems a tad bit ridiculous, in my opinion.


Jennifer Walpole is a Senior Staff Writer at The American Genius and holds a Master's degree in English from the University of Oklahoma. She is a science fiction fanatic and enjoys writing way more than she should. She dreams of being a screenwriter and seeing her work on the big screen in Hollywood one day.



  1. Stan Kerns

    April 20, 2015 at 12:25 am

    You can walk into any quality jewelry store and walk out wearing a $70,000 Platinum Rolex President–all you need is money and a wrist strong enough to support a watch that weighs a bit over half a pound–this “make an appointment” is a bunch of you know what

  2. James Katt

    April 20, 2015 at 2:03 am

    China has over 400 MILLION wealthy people They buy over 1/3 of the luxury goods in the world. To them, an Apple Watch under $10,000 would be insulting. They are the ones who gladly pay for the Gold Edition Apple Watch.

    Anyone who can purchase the Gold Edition Apple Watch can obviously afford other luxury goods. In fact, they can also purchase SEVERAL Gold Edition Apple Watches.

    Since when did a $36,000 Rolex give people sticker shock? The price is expected of the Rolex. The Gold Edition Apple Watch is in a similar league.

    If you cannot afford it then simply get a better job.

  3. Pingback: Inked & incensed: Apple Watch won't work on tattooed or scarred wrists - AGBeat

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