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I Know You Are Important….But Am I?

My reminder

A recent experience with my pediatrician has become a reminder about what service is and how one can create the infamous Raving Fan.

Last week my daughter was sick with a fever and a horrendous, croupy sounding cough.  We have three children so I am no stranger to stomach flus, colds, strep, you-name-it.

A few years ago, the pediatrician that had treated each of our children since they were babies, sadly passed away and his practice transitioned with two new, young, very nice doctors.  I was a little reticent about the change at first because we had loved our previous doctor, but we decided to stay with the practice and see how things went.

Maybe someone can help…

So last week after we put our daughter to bed, it didn’t take long for the coughing to begin even though we had her on a strong medication.  ‘Maybe I can get someone to call me back with some ideas to help her.’  It was 11:15.

My doctor, groggy and with sleep still heavy in his voice, answered the phone.  Now, I know that this may be common in some parts of the country, but here – unheard of.  I called and my child’s doctor actually picked up the phone.  I could barely spit out my question I was so surprised, but I can’t tell you the relief I felt.

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A Raving Fan Is Born

  • When we go in for an appointment, they actually take the time to really talk to us – books, sports, vacations – oh yeah, and why we came in, of course.
  • I never feel rushed.  I’m sure there are others waiting but I always feel as if we are the only ones there. They always answer every question and the appointment ends when I feel like we’re done.
  • They seem to remember all of us.  They even comment on things they remember from the last time we came – from the previous sickness to the book I am reading.
  • I never feel ‘talked down to’.  There is no arrogance or sense of self-importance.
  • There is this feeling that they are really present during our appointments.

“When They Discover The Center Of The Universe, A Lot Of People Will Be Disappointed To Discover They Are Not It” Bernard Bailey

Surprisingly, you’d think this would be the easy stuff.  It’s not expensive.  It’s not new.  It’s not complicated. But, why do I feel so impressed?  Why does that small gesture of actually answering my call, feel like such a generous thing to me?  Why?  Because it’s the exception, not the rule.

Wow, what a concept

I know these guys are busy.  I’m sure they must of get a lot of late night calls but they really have shown that they are in it for their patients.  What a concept – it’s not about them.

‘I Love You Not Because Of Who You Are, But Because Of Who I Am When I Am With You’ Roy Croft

This week, I called to reach an ‘important’ person in the real estate industry.  I was treated as if I was calling the Pope of Rome – and this is someone I personally know.  I understand time constraints – but it was the way that I was made to feel that left me less than pleased.

We are all busy – I get it.  But, how does your client feel when they call your office?  In this market, they may be calling with their own ‘sick child’ on the other end of the phone – a financial crisis, a divorce, a short sale.  And in that moment of their own personal pain – how are you showing up for that call?  Are you really there, or are you just so busy that they feel like they need to take a number?

And when you finish an appointment, what do you think your clients think?  ‘Wow, that guy is important/busy/successful’ or do they think, ‘Now that is someone that really, genuinely cares’?

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Written By

Linsey Planeta is the Broker Owner of Belterra Fine Homes in Orange County, California. Linsey rants regularly on her blog, OC Real Estate Voice. She also provides sellers with tips on how to get their home sold on Why Didn't My Home Sell? She has been an active Real Estate Coach and Instructor and loves working with agents so that they may look at their business with fresh eyes, renewed purpose, and defined systems. Linsey can be found in her office or you can also find her on Twitter@Linsey.



  1. Ken Brand

    February 10, 2009 at 10:55 am

    A warm reminder hug. Thanks.

  2. Missy Caulk

    February 10, 2009 at 8:32 pm

    Lindsey, one reason I love living in a small town, everyone knows your name. (or your kids)

    When you have a sick child you want help NOW and not between 8 and 5. Same thing with our clients.

    Although I am not a 24/7 Realtor I am there if it is an emergency.

  3. Marvin Jensen

    February 10, 2009 at 10:37 pm

    Agents that live by this example never experience a down market.

    Great story, Linsey!

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