Public Relations

April 3rd is “GOOD PEOPLE DAY”

Pass it on!


  1. Mariana

    April 2, 2008 at 7:05 pm

    “Good People Homes” was our team name for 6 months, back in 2006.

  2. Lani Anglin-Rosales

    April 2, 2008 at 7:23 pm

    I LOVE IT!!! Blog about good people? Okay… does commenting count? (hope so)

    Good people:
    1. Benn Rosales who lets me have 3 cats, laughs at my jokes even when they suck, feeds me Taco Bell at 9am or 2am when I want it, helps random people he’s never met on their Word Press themes, watches lots of stupid reality TV with me and is the most loving, selfless person I know!

    2. Andy Kaufman who speaks quickly and gets you motivated just by being in his presence! He’s always got his finger in the next tech pie and is a HUGE social media advocate. He’s extremely easy going, says “for sure” a lot, secretly wants to move to Austin and wears GaryVish wristbands.

    3. I have connected personally with EVERY SINGLE AG contributor and they are ALL good people. We’ve all spent countless hours offline supporting each others’ blogging, businesses and personal lives and they’ve all changed who I am.

    4. Susan Reynolds has quietly touched my heart and is helping me through some personal things and she doesn’t even KNOW what a huge support she is! She’s like my mom online- always asking how my symptoms are and how MY mom is. Love her! With her battle with breast cancer, she never withdrew into herself, rather started a non-profit called the Frozen Pea Fund (she is why we all have peas on our Twitter avatars on Fridays) for the good of others. I’m always amazed!

    5. Jay Thompson. Period. When my little brother died, he immediately stepped in and handled everything- set up a fundraiser to help, pulled all of his connections to make money flow (my brother had a wife and two babies but no insurance) he even followed up on comments for me to thank people for their kind wishes and contributions to the family. Jay continues to amaze me at his selflessness (he even got beat up by being the guy on the white horse)! You can’t NOT like Jay!!!

    6. Almost everyone I know is a good person, but the last I would like to highlight is Vicki Moore who has become one of my best friends on AND offline. She has no idea how amazing she is and anyone who gets a chance to be personal with her should- she’s just so sparkly! 🙂

    Who are YOUR “good people”??

  3. Matthew Rathbun

    April 2, 2008 at 8:21 pm

    Man that guy has energy!

  4. Andy Kaufman

    April 2, 2008 at 8:24 pm

    Matt- You should check out some of his recent videos, he’s been on a tear recently.

    Also make sure to follow him on twitter- @garyvee

  5. Matthew Rathbun

    April 2, 2008 at 8:39 pm

    Ok, I was being snarky with my last comment in order to get ebay points (just checking to see who has been following the other AG blog posts)

    I had all but given up on positive people on the internet and began fading away from the blogs that I had been reading until I found twitter and AG. I have a great deal of respect and greatly enjoyed my twitter and AG family. The social media venue allows one to be who they really are and not be judged, for the most part. There is always some who just look to put people down – just ignore them.

    I really feel I’ve connected with most of the AG and twitters folks and it’s added value to my life. Lani, Benn, Jim, Sarah, Nick, Kim etc… are all worth blogging about. I think we should all move to the same area and start a new civilization – oh wait!

    Even saying that, I have to wonder if anyone else has issues explaining the connection available with twitter?

  6. Bill Lublin

    April 2, 2008 at 10:29 pm

    My good people ? Wow – you wguys won;t know these people because they aren’t all 2.0 and even so I have to abbreviate the list –
    My lovely wife Sheila- she has been my family for 32 years and through all of the good things and bad things, successes and failures, has been my family and my world.

    All of the people who work with me in my corporate center keeping our company together so I can do stuff like this – Gwenn, Paula, Nancy, Evelyn, Mila, Danielle, Eileen, Chrissy, Sonia, Mary Kay, Michelle, Cheryl (do you see a pattern here – Yes, I am the only guy who works in the building)

    Dick Gaylord who honored me with an appointment to one of the most important jobs I ever had – And Cliff Niersbach and Rodney Ganshoe, Kevin Milligan, Mike Thiel, Diane Mosely, Jennifer Pinnick, Bernice Baranjas – the most amazing people that any organization was ever graced with

    Diane Lucidi, the EVP of GPAR, who works to make the 100th Anniversary as special as the inaugural year.

    The partners in my real estate company – Anne Rubin, Al Perry, Janine Miller, Harold defazio, Mike Galdi, John Silvidio for helping us to grow as we do –

    My real estate investor partner Jim Walsh – for always holding up his end of the work load and helping with mine when it gets heavy –

    Jim Duncan, Liz Luby, and Mark Lesswing for helping me with their takes in technology- and their insights into a rapidly evolving world

    Jay Thompson for being a man who does the right thing without regard for his own safety-

    All of the men and women of this community who have opened their hearts and minds to the new guy-

    And Lani and Benn who asked me to become part of a community that they treasure and nurture – extending their trust and friendship

    And I would like to thank the Academy … (oops sorry wrong speech)

    Happy “Good People Day” everyone

  7. Andy Kaufman

    April 3, 2008 at 1:11 am

    Agent Genius supports GOOD PEOPLE DAY, do you? Repost & retweet it. Let’s do this!

  8. Andy Kaufman

    April 3, 2008 at 11:46 am

    #4- Alright Matt, you got me. ::shakes fist::

    Here’s my good people contribution.

    1. MOM. She has been there for me every step of the way and is one of the truly GOOD PEOPLE in this world.

    2. My fellow MyEastBayAgent team members– You guys rock. Seriously. They’re GOOD PEOPLE & real estate ninjas with wide ranging talents who give me the freedom to do what I need to do. (Even if they have no idea what I’m talking about; which believe it or not happens from time to time). They make coming to the office exciting and challenging & without them, my work would be pointless.

    3. Nate Koechley – For blazing a trail from Wisconsin to the Bay Area and then relentlessly leaning on us to join him. He also just happens to be the guy who introduced me to ‘web2.0’ in 12/04 Thanks Nate, we’re getting closer to that private Churchcats island. GOOD PEOPLE represent!

    4. Chris Heuer & Kristie Wells – Back in 05, I took a chance and went to an ‘un’event that Chris & Kristie organized called ‘Web2.1’ which ended up being a huge inflection point in my life and set me on the amazing, exciting path that I’m on today. They’re the reason why Social Media Club exists and are two of the most GOOD PEOPLE that I’ve ever met.

    5. Lani & Benn for building this awesome community & for noticing what I was up to and reaching out. I thought they were GOOD PEOPLE, then I met them in person and they ended up being even cooler GOOD PEOPLE. Getting to know them has been an absolute pleasure.

    6. Almost every person that I’ve met through leveraging social web tools is a GOOD PEOPLE, including Gary Vaynerchuk, who I had the pleasure of connecting with at SXSW in Austin (No Lani, I’m not moving there, but I WILL come back to visit often 😉 ) . Social geeks are truly the s**t!

  9. Andy Kaufman

    April 3, 2008 at 5:48 pm

    Just left a comment on with a list of some GOOD PEOPLE #GPD08

  10. LOL Account

    April 15, 2016 at 5:23 pm

    What a great idea. “Good people day!”

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