Business News

Jobs come in all shapes and sizes, but one particular trait is universally sought

(BUSINESS NEWS) A recent study shows that while job opportunities vary across the country, there is one factor that both job hunters and job givers seek.

Captain planet

Despite the various issues that divide the country, there is still one that almost everyone can agree on: protecting our planet.

According to recent surveys, at least three quarters of U.S adults believe in doing whatever necessary to protect the Earth. This can range from reusing and recycling to taking a job that is considered “green.”

Indeed’s findings

As the largest jobs site on Earth, Indeed took it upon themselves to track down jobs where environmental protection is a key component. They partnered up with Laura Schultz, who works at the SUNY Polytechnic Institute, to analyze data from 2016. What they found is that green jobs are highly sought after.

Even in areas that don’t boast their environmental consciousness.

Indeed compiled a list of states that promote these kinds of jobs while also investigating what specific types of jobs people are seeking out. To start, Indeed had to identify what they meant by “green” jobs.

For them, this term means job opportunities that focus on earth protection.

They researched job postings during the 2016 calendar year in the US that included specific key terms such as “ecologist,” “methane,” and “climatology.” They also counted the clicks on these types of postings.

Not an exclusive priority

In terms of leading green job opportunities, Vermont ranks number one. However, Indeed also found that green jobs are a priority in most states. This is true no matter the political affiliation or population density.

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In fact, states that are major coal and oil producers round out the top five.

This includes Alaska, Kentucky and North Dakota. Although there is a pretty even split between blue and red states in the top ten, with six considered blue states, and four as red. However, as the list continues the results concluded that overall blue states have more green job opportunities.


The good thing is that the results of Indeed’s study showed that green jobs are everywhere. Though Vermont leads in green jobs, West Virginia is first for people seeking out green opportunities. In addition, green jobs are the the most searched by US job seekers, with “environmental specialist” being the number one searched job.


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