Business News

Unemployed Americans universally intimidated by job search, resume creation [study]

It is no mystery that being unemployed can be daunting, but did you know that most people are insecure about their resume and their ability to search well online?

job search resume

Unemployed folks are struggling

Finding a job has gone almost completely digital. Pew Research Center recently looked at the number of people who have been applying for jobs in the last two years, and surprisingly, they discovered that many unemployed individuals are behind the curve when it comes to job-seeking and creating resumes.

It is clear that more Americans are utilizing technology to access employment information. One-third of these job seekers believe that the Internet was the biggest source of information as part of their job search. Those with the college degrees used the Internet more than those who had not graduated college.

Confidence levels varied based on education levels

One key finding of the Pew Study was that those who have not graduated college were not as secure in their Internet skills and using digital technology in their job search.

College graduates are much more comfortable than those with less education when it comes to creating a professional resume. Many college classes help students prepare a resume for their future endeavors, while in high school, the focus is on jobs that only require an application. High school students do not have the same kind of job accessibility nor do they have a history of employment to build a resume.

Unemployed folks are lack confidence in resume creation skills

Those who are not currently employed also believe it is more difficult to create a resume than those who are employed. This is not surprising. When people are successful, maintaining a resume is much easier. Those who have lost their job, for whatever reason are also fighting a lack of self-esteem. Creating a resume in which you’ve lost your last job can seem demeaning or discouraging.

Fortunately, there are plenty of resources online which can help you make a resume. We’ve highlighted some of these sites in the past. If you know someone who is out of work or under-educated, they may need more assistance when it comes to looking for a job. Make sure to direct them to resources which can help them create a resume to move past their unemployment.

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Note from the Editor: This is an issue very close to our hearts, and we’ve done something about it. We launched the Austin Digital Jobs Group on Facebook, and while it’s not a national offering, and not applicable to all industries, we do care very sincerely about the issue of unemployment. We invite you to join us.


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