Green Live & Work

Shifts Happen From the Inside Out


Feng Shui is working with the elements in the environment to create positive change.  By creating goals for yourself, removing blocks and taking action you allow the Law of Attraction to bring you what you most desire.  Applied together, you see greater opportunities open to you.

Are you looking to create positive change in your life?  Feng Shui is working with natural energy in the environment around you to remove blocks and to create healthy and vibrant energy flow.  If you want to see serious improvements fast, know that while your environment has a definite influence on what happens in your life, you have to set in motion within yourself the intention and the actions to make those shifts happen.

Knowing what you want in your life is the first part to having it become a part of your life.  You begin to attract that which will help you achieve your goals by understanding for yourself how and why it is going to bring you happiness.  Create an action plan and begin living as though you are already in your perfect life.  Visualize your ideal life and how it feels.  Get into the details, really enjoy the visualization.  Write your plans down in detail.  The Mortgage Cicerone has an article on how to Develop a Mortgage Business Plan, but you can apply these principles to any part of your business.   Once you have your action plan complete and know what you truly want your life to look like, you can look at the space around you and see if it reflects the lifestyle you have chosen for yourself. 

Do they match?

If so, great!  Take a look around and make sure there are no areas of clutter building and take the time to vacuum under and behind the furniture.  This will prevent any stagnation from forming.  Ensure that everything in your home and office is working and if you have anything broken, fix it now.  Repair any leaking faucets and replace any burnt out light bulbs.  Maintain the small things in your home to see a huge difference in the overall well being of those that live there.

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If your home or office is not the perfect reflection of where you want to be, start making changes now.  Remove anything that reminds you of bad times.  Do you have a piece of furniture that you keep banging your knee on?  Get rid of it or move it another room where it fits better.  It is amazing how many small annoyances that people can tolerate on an ongoing basis without realizing how much they irritate.  These small obstacles in your space are representative of obstacles in your life.  Annoyances that bang into you that you continue to overlook.  When you recognize something like this in your space, look outside at your life and see if you can identify what it is representing so you can deal with that.  Once these small irritations are removed from your life, you find that things flow much more smoothly.

Now that you are attracting the people and things into your life that you want now, bring the things into your home and office that are going to bring you joy.  If you have removed furniture, artwork or accessories that no longer represent who you are, look for something to replace them that reflect the life are living now.  Choose only things that you love for your space.  Do not purchase things that will “just do”.  Honor yourself by choosing home and office furniture that supports your body and artwork that nourishes your spirit.

Change starts on the inside.  You make it happen when you take the steps to turn your dreams into your new reality.  Feng Shui can create positive energy shifts in your environment to support you and make it easier to achieve your goals.  Shifts happen from the inside out.  Working with Feng Shui in your home and office and the applying the principles of the Law of Attraction helps you achieve your goals faster.


  1. Irina Netchaev

    July 24, 2008 at 7:09 pm

    Nickie, you are so right… there are little things that I just accept, but when I think about it find irritating – like the little picture hooks in my bathroom that I didn’t get to yet. It’s bothering me that I don’t quite know exactly what to buy for that space and until I read your post, I was just trying to ignore it. Maybe, you can give me some of your expertise next time I see you? 🙂

    As far as clutter goes, I have one spot in my office that I collect things in and I have not gotten out of the habit of doing that. Need to work on that one… seriously work on that one!!!

  2. Nickie Rothwell

    July 26, 2008 at 4:38 pm

    Hey Irina!

    Any time you need help, just let me know, my pleasure. Since you just moved, most likely those missing hooks aren’t representing happening in your life. If they are really bugging you though and for some reason you are feeling a strong resistance to taking care of them, you might ask yourself if there is some other bigger issue that is snagging you up and causing you to neglect something that needs to be taken care of on a larger scale.

    Corners of clutter in an office are not uncommon. Trouble arises when the little pile turns begins to turn into a big one. Scheduling a particular day a week to deal with filing or whatever it is that tends to pile up can alleviate the compiling stack. In general, clutter represents stagnation or a weighing down-neither of which you want to see happen in your business. Better to take care of it regularly before a problem has a chance to get its roots in.

    When looking at your office from a Feng Shui perspective and you notice something that feels amiss, ask yourself what it might be representing in your life and how this information can help you. It can be very insightful.

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