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10 iPhone apps that are now free

$30 worth of apps now free

Business-related apps for the iPhone are relatively fluid, as they come and go and the prices fluctuate often. Because there are so many changes when it comes to prices and availability of apps, it can be incredibly beneficial to stay on top of price drops, as they won’t stay around forever and you may miss your chance to download the perfect app for your business needs. So, here are ten iPhone apps that are newly free and won’t stay that way for long.

1. Used to be $2.99

DNoteIt – This stand-alone app is marketed for those who want to do three basic things with their notes—search, organize, and edit. Even though it’s marketed as “not the prettiest or most user-friendly notepad…it aims to be as functional as it can be,” it works for those looking for a simple solution to a complicated problem that similar apps pose, even if doesn’t seem like DNoteIt’s developers are very confident in their own product.

2. Used to be $0.99

Checklist Again! –  As a small business professional, your to-do list is constantly growing and changing. The Checklist Again! app allows you to keep track of all your tasks, add notes and descriptions for each task, and even reset lists so you can do it all over again the next day, week, or month.

3. Used to be $0.99

HearAtMe – Your days may be filled with conferences and meetings, but it can be difficult to remember everything that goes on and everything that is discussed throughout these important events. HearAtMe is a simple sound recorder. So, you can just record the whole meeting and review it later. As long as your phone battery is fully charged, HearAtMe can record up to ten hours while your phone is in sleep-mode.

4. Used to be $0.99

Audio Job Interview Professional – If you’re reaching out to potential clients or customers and you need to prove that you have adequate speaking skills, whether that’s in a foreign language or your native language, Audio Job Interview Professional allows you to record yourself and send that recording along with your resume or your emails. This can cut down on the time spent determining if you’re the right fit for a potential client.

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5. Used to be $1.99

Quick Contact Swap – Using QR codes, you can swap contacts with anyone. This is particularly helpful if you need contact information that an employee has collected for potential or current clients and customers. Instead of manually inputting each contact into your phone, you can do it all with just a few clicks.

6. Used to be $7.99

HooK – Just like the above app, HooK works off of QR codes. You can transfer files, give or receive virtual business cards, or even instant message. And it’s all in this one app. With so many features, HooK could be the ideal app for a variety of modern business professionals.

7. Used to be $9.99

LifeForms – Depending on the industry you’re in and your specific job, you may spend a lot of time filling out forms. Once you enter your information into the LifeForms app, it will auto-fill any PDF form you push its way. Using the LifeForms app can save you hours each day, and your many forms will be completed with just a few taps on the screen.

8. Used to be $0.99

hExpense – hExpense is a simple app that most every business professional can use to track expenses. You can track everything from meals to gasoline purchases to hotel stays. While this app is simple to use, it also allows you to track expenses for more than one trip at a time. Once all the information has been recorded, you can then choose if you want to view the data through graphs or charts.

9. Used to be $1.99

ScanCard – This app is specifically for scanning business cards. When you scan a business card, it automatically syncs to the cloud and quickly and effectively recognizes characters and letters in English and traditional and simplified Chinese. Once all your business cards are scanned, you can search by keywords or names to find the right contact information.

10. Used to be $0.99

Sales Planning – Planning and preparation can equal success in any small business. The Sales Planning app will help you to understand how many leads or clients you need in order to make your goal profit or income. Just input previous data from years past, including customer loyalty and retention rates, and it will give you a good indication of what you need to accomplish professionally this year. You can’t make a plan of action unless you know where you want to end up.

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Maintaining productivity, increasing organization, and staying on top of your business needs can be as simple as finding and using the right app. And when the apps are free, what do you have to lose? Download the applicable free apps this week and have the potential to see improvements in the way you manage and run your business. After all, there will be even more free apps next week, and you wouldn’t want to miss out on that.

Written By

The American Genius Staff Writer: Charlene Jimenez earned her Master's Degree in Arts and Culture with a Creative Writing concentration from the University of Denver after earning her Bachelor's Degree in English from Brigham Young University in Idaho. Jimenez's column is dedicated to business and technology tips, trends and best practices for entrepreneurs and small business professionals.


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