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Business Marketing

Inexpensive guerrilla marketing campaign wows crowds

EVOC’s interactive, indestructible billboard is not only a hit with crowds, but generated massive buzz through social networks as it taps into several desires of humans, including interactivity and instant gratification.

Marketing on a budget can still yield results

In an effort to truly showcase the shock absorbent backpack designed by German outdoor sports brand, EVOC, ad agency Publicis Munich created an “indestructible billboard” in an area with high foot traffic, and challenged pedestrians to test out their strength. Passerby were encouraged to punch, kick, or headbutt the backpack that was installed into a billboard with a camera.

The results of the strength of the hit is displayed above the backpack, and a camera on the billboard captured images of the hitter and uploaded it live to EVOC’s Facebook page alongside stats of the force of the hit to the backpack.

People were encouraged to visit the Facebook page to share their results with friends and tag themselves in the photo of their hit, and while visiting, they learn that the backpack helps avoid spinal injuries as it absorbs up to 80 percent of all force (thus “indestructable”).

Why the campaign works

EVOC could very simply have bought a traditional billboard near the highway or mailed flyers to countless homes, but their budget was limited as most dollars still go into development of their product – a common story of newer companies.

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To get around their budget issues, EVOC took it to the streets, and for many reasons, the campaign is brilliantly effective and more than doubled the company’s Facebook engagement.

  1. The first reason the campaign is effective is that it is fun. It lets people be child-like and taps into one of the fundamentals of the human condition – that people like to let go, be silly, and not be spoon fed marketing messages.
  2. Secondly, the campaign is a challenge and pits one person against the next, and inherently leads to more interactivity with the brand and branding message. Not to be outdone, many will return to the backpack to try to get the high score.
  3. Thirdly, the results are live and pushes people into an environment they already know – Facebook. The campaign gives instant gratification to people without being obnoxious that they are marketing.

While there are many other reasons, these are three simple ways EVOC has made a campaign that helps them to meet their goals. As a brand, thinking outside of the box is more than just choosing modern colors for a website, it can be more interactive, fun, and challenging for people. How can you hit the streets with your brand? EVOC is not the first successful guerrilla marketing campaign, and they won’t be the last – will your brand be the next guerrilla marketing hit?

The American Genius is news, insights, tools, and inspiration for business owners and professionals. AG condenses information on technology, business, social media, startups, economics and more, so you don’t have to.



  1. Jim Fay

    May 14, 2012 at 11:40 pm

    FOOLS ! In this country, someone would hurt their pretty little wrists on your device and hire a lawyer. They will argue that YOU should have known that unqualified people would attempt to defeat your machine and cause themselves INJURY. good luck with this one.

  2. Pingback: Guerrilla marketing: Why does it work so well? - AGBeat

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