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Ember is like Pinterest for creatives, plus an in-app feedback tool

(Social Media) Ember is a new tool that allows creatives to get useful and legitimate feedback, a loop that competitors should try harder to follow.

ember app


Ember simplifies customer feedback

Ember is built to help designers and artists make sense of their ideas and influences. Think of it as a bit like Pinterest for the creative minded. Ember helps you collect all the things that inspire you. This can be anything from typography to website layout. You can also use Ember to get feedback and create mark ups, using the annotation tools on website or design mockups. You can snap pictures of anything you like using Ember.

But the best part of Ember, at least from a customer service standpoint, is the in-app feedback. This is a feature from which most businesses could benefit. Instead of a static feedback page with data fields for email address and phone number, the app asks you how you feel about Ember. Does it make you happy, confused, or unhappy?

Happy users receive encouragement to write a review of the app and share this review on Twitter and Facebook. They also receive the option to contact the Ember team. Confused users are directed to the help section, along with the option to email the Ember team if they cannot find the answers to their questions in the help guide. The unhappy users are simply given the option to email the team, taking the emphasis off the social media aspect and simply letting them leave a message.

Why this is such a tremendous benefit

This is definitely beneficial because it increases the likelihood that positive reviews will be left, while still helping customers who are unhappy or confused. The only problem I see with this is that often times negative reviews let companies know where they are falling short and help them gain meaningful feedback.

Also, people could get a bit suspicious if the only reviews they see are positive. But if customers with grievances are smart, they will seek out the companies’ social media channels on their own and voice their opinions. In theory, I think this type of in-app feedback could lead to less time wasted answering customer responses and more time publishing positive reviews. At the very least, it gives you a good way to direct website traffic in a more effective manner.

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