Social Media

Trolldor: the blacklist for Twitter users behaving badly

(Social Media) It isn’t always easy to tell whether or not a Twitter account is spam or legit, but Trolldor has launched to help illustrate the quality of all public users’ accounts.


Find your Valid Twitter Contacts

As with any social platform, combating the constant influx of spammers can be a problem. Trolldor, wants to help you tag spammy contacts so you can avoid, or unfollow them. Trolldor allows users to report other Twitter users who are not respecting people: a bit like a blacklist for Twitter users behaving badly.

Trolldor has compiled a list of behavior or habits they feel makes a user likely to be a troll; these include: following too many accounts, only mentioning others, following too many people that are not of your native language, or getting too much content from other people’s accounts. Trolldor sifts through these “behaviors” and shows you a graph of their downfalls, so you do not have to look at each contact.

To see information about other users, simply enter the user’s Twitter handle on Trolldor and the information will load. You will see how many daily tweets on average the person has, how long they have been on Twitter, as well as their mentions. You will also see what Trolldor considers to be “normal” percentages for these behaviors.

The downside of this: you cannot currently see who has checked your profile. And users who report your profile can choose to do so anonymously; this opens the gateway for people who are simply disgruntled with you to make a case regarding your Twitter usage.

How registration works

You can make two queries a day on Trolldor without signing up, or if you can register and check as many profiles as you like. If you want to report users, however, you will need to sign up; you will also be able to see if someone has reported you as a troll, provided they did not do so anonymously. When you register, you log in with your Twitter account. Trolldor states they do not store your login information, but there is no additional information regarding security.

Note: By reporting a user, it has no effect on their Twitter account at all. It only registers them as spammy within the Trolldor platform. However, you can report users for violating Twitter’s terms, including spam, directly to Twitter, by following these steps.

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