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Survey: What are Realtors using mobile devices for?

(TECHNOLOGY) Don’t be like the 190 realtors surveyed that don’t utilize their mobile device this way.

Man giving out phone number using his phone representing addiction.

Mobile devices are the crowd favorite

A recent survey by Realtor Property Resource (RPR) looked at how Realtors are using mobile devices. The 2017 REALTOR Mobile Usage Report surveyed 190 Realtors regarding their everyday use of mobile devices for business.

Unsurprisingly, the vast majority reported mobile devices are extremely important in their daily work as a Realtor.

Unlocked potential

“Consumers appreciate experiences that are convenient, quick, and personalized,” notes Reggie Nicolay, RPR Vice president of Marketing. He suggests that “with a smartphone and the right app, REALTORS are empowered to adapt their communication strategies to meet those consumer needs.”

Consumers want instant communication that is convenient and personalized.

Apps allow Realtors to get in touch with clients quickly and efficiently, building relationships based on instantaneous communication. It shows clients you care if you get back to them in a timely fashion.

Communication is key

In fact, 89 percent said they use mobile devices to communicate with clients. Of those, 87 percent say clients prefer updates sent directly to their mobile devices, including housing alerts, marketing activity, and reports.

Using a mobile device makes this communication more convenient, with 96 saying using a mobile device saves time.

Since most of us keep phones on us at all times, it’s easy to quickly look up information. Rather than whipping out a laptop or accessing a desktop, Realtors can research on the go. Over 70 percent reported they use mobile devices to look up housing data.

Plus, using a smartphone or tablet to research means it’s easier to get this information to a client through emails or texts.

It’s one less step if you’re able to copy/paste a link to a text directly rather than switching devices.

The survey also found Realtors use mobile devices for financial calculations (44 percent), prospecting clients (34 percent), and client presentations (26 percent). As more apps are developed, client communication and convenient research become more accessible.

Apps are game changers

Apps like Supra eKEY, Homesnap, ShowingTime, MLS apps, and those offered by RPR make Realtor’s lives a little easier. In an era where it’s almost impossible to disconnect, make sure you’re taking advantage of time-saving apps to use mobile devices to their fullest potential.


Written By

Lindsay is an editor for The American Genius with a Communication Studies degree and English minor from Southwestern University. Lindsay is interested in social interactions across and through various media, particularly television, and will gladly hyper-analyze cartoons and comics with anyone, cats included.


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