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This Slack bot helps make social media marketing a breeze

(MARKETING NEWS) She’s your hip millennial intern who knows about social media and Slack, without the learning curve.

slack bot

Yala’s got your back

Remember that article you just read about the best times to post to various social media accounts? Forget it. Yala is a new Slackbot here to take control of your social media. You tell her what to say and, based on a series of algorithms, she posts it when your audience is most engaged. The best part is, it’s free.


Always a full house

Brought to you by the minds who established Mad Mimi a simple, easy e-mail marketing web app, Yala is a brilliant solution for the small business (and big business too!) that wants easy social media analytics paired with results-driven action without a lot of effort.

Once Yala is installed in your Slack channel you can call her up at any time, upload an image or compose a post, and she’ll do the rest. She analyzes when your audience is online, “So,” as they tout on their info page “you’re always performing in front of a full house.”

Boost your engagement

Right now Yala works with Twitter and Facebook, and will publish asynchronously based on which users are engaged on which platform. You never have to schedule posts on multiple sites and you don’t have to open a third party app to use Yala.

She’s right there in Slack like the rest of your team members, and you know she’s not slacking off (heh heh).

For those with businesses that don’t use Slack, Yala will be coming to Facebook messenger soon and will be accessible to everyone in the same way – summon her via direct message, upload text and photos, watch her post and engagement skyrocket.

Yala saw a 10% boost in engagement during testing, and because she’s a learning bot, those numbers could easily increase.

Get it while it’s hot

Yala could make a lot of jobs easier for a lot of people, and did I mention it’s free? For folks with an addiction to likes and LOLs, this bot could be a boon to social media engagement on all levels.

Pretty soon it will cost businesses (and influencers) not to use Yala. She’s your hip millennial intern who knows about social media, without all the whining and coffee spilling, and a heck of a lot smarter.


Written By

C. L. Brenton is a staff writer at The American Genius. She loves writing about all things, she’s even won some contests doing it! For everything C. L. check out her website


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