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This new Slack app keeps your teams informed and engaged

(REAL ESTATE TECHNOLOGY) Kaapi is a team feedback & engagement surveys app built completely inside Slack. It can easily keep your team informed and boost morale.

Team discussing the pivot of a business model.

As we all settle into the reality that we don’t know how long WFH will be the norm, Kaapi has come out with a Slack app focused on making remote managers better leaders. Kaapi is a team feedback & engagement surveys app built completely inside Slack. It allows teams to get actionable insights and feedback from their team, and utilize pulse surveys to better understand team member satisfaction.

The app can be personalized by team leaders to discover insights like team morale, leadership blindspots, and feelings about the larger mission and values of your organization. It encourages celebration of wins, and gives the chance for leadership to understand who is not in sync with organizational values. It also has the option to send personalized weekly check-ins to teams. A happy team performs better together, and this app tries to build that cultural bridge for remote teams through making feedback accessible.

Kaapi’s founder, Aditya Rao, launched Kaapi after 10 years of seeking fast growth in VC funded tech startups out of India. He taught himself how to code in 2019 and won the Pioneer tournament with Timewise, an app that analyzes your calendar and gives you a report of what you spend the most time on. Along with engineer Ankit Arora, Rao claims the two are the engineers, marketers, and customer support all rolled into one.

Answers sent over Kaapi are not affected by the free 10k messages limit at Slack, and pricing is per manager. The number of team members does not raise pricing, so onboarding teams can continue with growth without worrying about per-user fees. They are offering a free trial period right now for new users.

The app was launched on June 18th via ProductHunt, and finished #8 that day. Launch day yielded 1200 page views, 550 unique visits, and 139 new users from 37 new teams. On an average, a manager added 4.9 team members into their team, with the previous average of 7.3. There was 91% primary goal completion (9/10 visitors clicked on the install button), showing a huge interest in this product. Kaapi went from 9th page to 5th on the Slack App directory under HR & Team Culture category.

The traffic data is available publicly here.

Yasmin Diallo Turk is a long-time Austinite, non-profit professional in the field of sexual and domestic violence, and graduate of both Huston-Tillotson University and the LBJ School of Public Affairs at the University of Texas. When not writing for AG she should be writing her dissertation but is probably just watching Netflix with her husband and 3 kids or running volunteer projects for HOPE for Senegal.


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