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This tool helps you design graphics like a pro – no design skills required

(REAL ESTATE TECHNOLOGY) Projector affords you graphic design options for a fraction of the cost, and gives you the tools to get started with your newest endeavor.

graphic design Projector

Graphic design is one of those fields that looks hilariously simple, yet confounds–and can make or break–even the techiest of startups. Fortunately, there’s an affordable alternative to the pricey business of contracting design work: Projector.

Projector–actually the second iteration of a product by the same name–is a graphic design template generator and collaborative workspace that is geared toward social media implementation. The app boasts simplicity, intuitive controls, and easy integration with a myriad of social media platforms, making it an easy pick over costly graphic design firms or contractors.

Projector even offers quick rendering thanks to its proprietary WebGL engine, and the potential for real-time collaboration and adjustments makes it a welcome team-based experience.

Graphic design doesn’t stop where social media ends, of course. Projector includes templates and creative possibilities for website, presentation, and advertisement design for Instagram stories–once again boasting that “no design skills [are] required” to be proficient with the platform.

The allure behind Projector should be apparent. It’s not that graphic design is so easily replaced by an app; far from it. However, by making aesthetically passable graphic design–a relatively gate-kept, and thus, expensive, industry–accessible to any team with an Internet connection, Projector’s developers have both extended an existing utility and created a virtual marketplace for existing designs and collaborative efforts.

In doing so, Projector may have done for graphic design what LinkedIn did for the dynamic résumé. Brand creation is contingent on positive reception, so by using an in-house option to make your brand come to life in the Instagram era, you’re solidifying your company’s future without locking it into a specific presentation style for the foreseeable future.

Social media presentation is also perhaps the most important aspect of anyone’s marketing and media footprint, and being able to put one’s best foot forward from a visual standpoint is imperative. By opening the door to custom designs, ongoing brand visualization, and generally affordable imagery, Projector makes the establishing and maintaining of a brand as close to “easy” as one can feasibly do.

If you’re looking for a simple solution for your company or brand image, Projector may be the answer. You can currently sign up for an account for free.

Colin is a Web Producer at The American Genius that spends more time with reptiles than a normal person would expect. Care for animals is one of his many passions alongside writing, drawing, gaming, and thinking of things to add to bios.


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