How to

Top 10 Ways to Use Blogging in Real Estate: Introduction

    There are approximately 23,454 blogs about real estate, according to Technorati. (Or, Search Real Estate Blogs Here.) But why? Why are real estate agents writing, maintaining and promoting their blogs about real estate? Of course many RE bloggers enjoy writing and like the social aspects of the Blogosphere.

    But ultimately …

    Your Real Estate Blog should help your real estate business grow.

    Otherwise it is a big, fat waste of time. IMHO.

    I began real estate blogging with a leap of faith, back in the fall of 2006. I had no preconceived notions as to what I was doing or why I was even doing it. It was a mere late-night-past-time. Then one day, I got “the call” …

    “Hi. I have been reading your blog. Please list my house.”

    No interview. No listing presentation. No nothing. Just a call to list a house. All because of my blog.

    I began to realize that real estate blogging could be a great tool in my business. So, I slowly began figuring out all the ways that I could use this new tool in real estate. See, besides the micro-blogging of Twitter, I have a hard time justifying putting my time into something that is not going to give me and my real estate business a great ROI (Real Obtainable Income).

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    Now, almost 2 years later (okayfine, 1 year and 10 months later) I have defined some specific ways that blogging can be (successfully) used in real estate. … And the teacher in me starts nagging.

    “Happiness is not so much in having as sharing. We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give.”

    In an effort to share what I have learned about the benefits of real estate blogging in my time as a successful Real Estate Blogger, I have put together a 10+ Part series, called:

    Top 10 Ways to Use Blogging in Real Estate

    I will share one new way to use blogging in real estate a week, here on Agent Genius, and I will update this post with live links to each new post. No, not everyone will find every post enlightening, but I would bet that even the more experienced real estate bloggers will find a little nugget of information that they can use here and there.

    Additionally, I welcome any input that YOU may have on how to use blogging in real estate…


    1. Jay Thompson

      June 13, 2008 at 10:28 am

      Dammit, how did you get this idea out of my head? 😉

      I held a blogging session yesterday and said to myself, “Self, you should write a series on AG about how/why to blog….”

      Looking forward to your series! Should be a winner. (no pressure… 🙂 )

    2. Chris Shouse

      June 13, 2008 at 10:32 am

      I will look forward with great anticipation:) Jay how do you get smileys in?

    3. Mariana Wagner

      June 13, 2008 at 10:35 am

      Jay – I live inside your brain. … Just in case you were wondering. 😉 We really could co-op this series, you know. Might be a good idea, actually.

      Chris – Use a semi-colon and a parentheses ; and ) = 😉 or : and ) = 🙂

    4. teresa boardman

      June 13, 2008 at 10:37 am

      but Jay we have already written it, in my presentations too. 🙂

    5. Jeremy Hart

      June 13, 2008 at 10:39 am

      Looking forward to this, Mariana! This is a well-timed topic for me, I was waiting for Jay to actually write it but I’m glad he deferred to you!

    6. teresa boardman

      June 13, 2008 at 10:43 am

      I guess I am a has been

    7. Bill Lublin

      June 13, 2008 at 11:25 am

      Marianna; I am really looking forward to this one. I just wrote a post on my new blog REreflections
      about my finding what I wanted to wirte about, but this is much more sensible. Can you write it really really quick to help me out? 😉

    8. Carson

      June 13, 2008 at 11:26 am

      I can’t wait to hear. I can already tell it will be an instant classic.

      “Hi. I have been reading your blog. Please list my house.”

      Has that been happening often? Wait don’t tell me.

    9. Christopher Zabka

      June 13, 2008 at 11:40 am

      I’m looking forward to this, Mariana! I read your blog frequently being that I work with Brian Wilson, and you’ve got great insight and writing style!

    10. Erion Shehaj

      June 13, 2008 at 12:29 pm

      I’ve read your real estate blog many times and I would list my house with you over your posts.. you know… if my house was in Colorado 🙂

      That’s because your blogging “voice” is truly distinctive as opposed to the wide majority of Realtor blogs that remind me of car dealer commercials.

      Looking forward to the series.

    11. Holly White

      June 13, 2008 at 2:25 pm

      Looking forward to the series Mariana. You’re blog is very impressive!!! I can always use help with my blogging skills! Can you also teach me how to get an extra 4 or 5 hours in the day to utilize my new blogging techniques? I have a feeling you could copyright that and make BAZILLIONS! 🙂

    12. Jim Gatos

      June 13, 2008 at 4:28 pm

      May I ask, how many houses sold from the blog?

    13. Danilo Bogdanovic

      June 13, 2008 at 4:52 pm

      Couldn’t give us tip #1 yet, could you?! Tease…

    14. Mariana Wagner

      June 13, 2008 at 6:42 pm

      Jeremy – I am hoping that (maybe) Jay will help me??

      Bill – Thanks! I am looking forward to sharing all of this…

      Carson – Yes. That is a call I wish for you … often. That is an awesome call.

      Christopher – Thank you.

      Erion – Sweet … I would love to sell your house. 🙂 Thank you!

      Holly – believe it or not, I really do not spend THAT much time blogging.

      Jim – That is a hard number to peg. Blogging brings me potential clients. How I turn them into clients and actually close a deal with them has nothing to do with blogging.

      Danilo – Patience, my friend, is a virtue … 😉

    15. Jim Gatos

      June 13, 2008 at 7:33 pm

      Okay, I REALLY think it’s important to track numbers, a- la Mike Ferry… What’s so hard about that?

      You should be able to immediately identify.. # of prospects acquired (within a specific time period) …

      How many were converted into listings or sales…

      Out of those, how many actually closed?

      Total amount of commissions.

      What’s so hard about that? I do that with everything I do.. Blogging for me did not work. If it worked for you, I will try to copy what you do. I am in Massachusetts, so I would not be competition to you.. If anything, I’ll try to give you a referral.. What’s so hard about that?

    16. Jay Thompson

      June 13, 2008 at 7:54 pm

      “What’s so hard about that?”

      Jim – what makes it difficult is the “blurring” of ones Internet presence.

      I ask a client / prospect, “How did you hear about us?” And the response is typically, “On the Internet.”

      Was “the Internet” the blog, the static site, a social networking profile, another blog I contribute to, a mention in an on-line article, a forum posting, a guest post somewhere? You can’t always tell exactly where they come from. most of the time, they don’t even know,. They know it was simply, “The Internet”.

      I have several thousand people in my database. Some have been there for three years. How they first found us is impossible for them to say.

      Since I do no “traditional” prospecting or marketing, I can tell you that other than repeat or referral business, all my clients come from the Internet. (One could argue that even that business originated on the Internet…). I do track traffic to my major sites. I know what types of blog posts generate the most traffic, and the most inquiries. But tying a specific prospect to a specific web page or blog post is extremely difficult. Often our clients look at both the static site and the blog before they make contact. In that case, which one do I “credit”?

    17. Jay Thompson

      June 13, 2008 at 7:54 pm

      @mizzle – I’ll be happy to help!!

    18. Jay Thompson

      June 13, 2008 at 7:56 pm

      T wrote, “I guess I am a has been”

      Hardly!! You’re the Blog Goddess!

    19. Jim Gatos

      June 13, 2008 at 8:08 pm

      Okay, thank you…. I’ll “bite”…

      If you don’t mind me asking, and the only reason is because I get two different, opposing viewpoints all the time.. one that says “blogging is the way of the future”, and the other says “blogging is such a waste”…

      Let me ask…

      How many “internet” prospects have you acquired in a specific time period?

      Out of those, how many have you closed?

      How many called you without a specific property in the conversation?

      How many do you “think” or “highly suspect” came from blogging?

      Thank you and I’m sorry if i may have come across as a little difficult, but inefficiency is what I am trying to eliminate…


    20. Jennifer in Louisville

      June 13, 2008 at 8:11 pm

      Looking forward to your insights. As far as how I personally use blogging in real estate – TONS of ways. Providing useful information for the consumer, social networking, the list could go on and on. Though if I had to pick the top reason for me: To establish myself as THE authority for a particular area of expertise in the minds of the consumers and my peers (which leads to referrals).

    21. Benn Rosales

      June 13, 2008 at 8:49 pm

      Hey Jim,

      I have a quick question…

      You’ve been blogging for over a year, how much success have you had?

    22. Jim Gatos

      June 13, 2008 at 9:26 pm

      I’ve been blogging for almost 2 years and I have had absolutely NO sales directly attributed to my blog, or any listings. I have had under 5,000 hits and I have had my sphere of influence read my blog. Admittedly, handling a blog is like being a publisher, problem is, I have to er, work. Content is hard to create daily. I don’t want to wind up trying to be another “BloodhoundBlog” because Greg’s (Swann) is different, plus, for good or bad, I don’t need the controversy (LOL, I say that with good humor).

      I have been noticing and looking at a lot of top producers and I don’t think any of them blog. It is sooo time consuming it boggles the mind. I did say on my first post I didn’t make a dollar. A strong point on blogging is I can send articles by email to my sphere.

    23. Carson

      June 13, 2008 at 9:55 pm


      I can see your frustration. The top dudes in your market don’t seem to be doing much with a blog or trying to ‘put it all out there’ I see the same thing in my city. If they are too busy for it or don’t take the time to learn how to do it properly, it means more success for you in the future.

      Just looking over your site, I noticed you seem to be giving up on articles and posting listings lately. It may be easier but it is may not be accomplishing what you are going for . I would make a separate static page to show listings and update that… the you can have a tab at the top for current listings and they wont get in the way of your ‘real personality’ shining in your posts.

      Also, you may want to analyze your traffic. You might not be getting as much local traffic as you would like. I’m not driven by all things SEO, but it definitely should not be overlooked. You might want to work in some regional and city-specific keywords in your post titles (without weakening them or sounding cheesy)… and pepper a few in the content tastefully. It may help you with drawing regional traffic.

      The title of your blog could contain the words “MetroWest & Worcester County MA” also… it will help draw the right traffic.

      Another thing, you may want to move your categories on the sidebar above the archives’ for better usability. I almost never click the archives.

      All I am saying is that if you aren’t converting any leads from your site, you might want to constructively look at how you can improve your local relevant traffic flow, and the path from discovery to contact on your site. Some people are doing it successfully so we know it can be done. I believe if you keep it up and focus on improving user experience, you will be rewarded and see results. You already have great content, try tweaking the titles… and don’t be afraid to go back and tweak old ones.

    24. Jonathan Dalton

      June 13, 2008 at 10:10 pm

      Actual phone call today from someone in Regina, Saskatchewan …

      “I’ve been reading your blog for some time now. It’s quite entertaining, by the way.”

      He’ll be here in August to purchase a place. I keep fretting over the short-tail not being where I want it but the long tail keeps sweeping in clients.

      Oh, but it’s not prospecting. 🙂

    25. Jonathan Dalton

      June 13, 2008 at 10:13 pm

      Almost forgot today’s other item … prospect calls yesterday after finding homes new to the market on my blog. We wrote an offer today. That, I admit, doesn’t happen often but it’s nice when it does.

      Did “blogging” do it? Well … yes and no. They went to the blog but what they wanted was the listings. So, you tell me? More importantly, does it matter if an offer was written?

    26. Jim Gatos

      June 13, 2008 at 10:24 pm

      Interesting ideas and comments. Thank you. I will make some changes very soon. Very appreciative. And Jonathan, thank you too. Your blog did work..

    27. Benn Rosales

      June 13, 2008 at 10:40 pm

      Jim, that is a fantastic point you mention about direct articles to your sphere, obviously if they’ve invited you, you should be doing that anyway, regardless of the blog.

      I disagree with you that top producers don’t blog, afterall, that is Russell Shaw on our sidebar, and the balance of our contributors are not to shabby either- not to mention the success of other businesses in general in the use of new media cannot be ignored- many of us will fail trying but damn at least we tried.

      But I’d like to take this a step further in several ways- one way is I have a post coming up on Monday I’d like for you to read, and I’d also like to connect with you offline as well- I had a suspicion of what your answer might be when I asked the question and I’m happy to have a quick conversation with you tomorrow and offer my direct help.

      We have to be really careful in this medium expecting a carbon copy answer in a box, because to be honest, all of our talents vary, not to mention the paths in which we use our talents are inumerable.

      The questions a failing blogger must ask of themselves are the same we’ve learned the hard way in this business-

      What am I doing right
      What am I doing wrong
      Am I looking for a reason to quit
      Am I looking for a reason to succeed
      What must I do to obtain the outcome I seek

      The answers to these questions are absolutely important because in my practice, I’m looking at everyone’s failures and asking myself this question- how can I do it better, and just how much real effort will I put into it. Blogging is like everything else- you get out of it exactly what you put into it. We determine our outcome.

      An email is going out to you now… Benn

    28. Paula Henry

      June 13, 2008 at 11:19 pm

      Like many here – I get people who “find me on the internet”. 75% of my business the last year has been from the internet. I’m not exactly sure how many are from blogging.

      I am always looking to improve and can’t wait to read your 10+ posts on the subject, whoever writes it.

    29. Jay Thompson

      June 13, 2008 at 11:40 pm

      Jim – first, you aren’t coming across as “a little difficult” — not at all. You’re trying to learn and improve, and that is NOTHING to be sorry about!

      You mentioned you didn’t want to become another Bloodhound blog. And that’s a good thing. I can’t speak for Greg, but having been a Bloodhound contributor myself in the past, and knowing Greg personally, I feel confident that he would tell you that you shouldn’t attempt to recreate what he is doing. Bloodhound is an industry focused blog, written specifically for people in the industry — it isn’t good at, nor is it designed to be a prospecting / real estate marketing blog. It has a completely different focus and target audience than a local real estate agent/broker blog. Greg himself has written several times in the past, “don’t do what we’re doing” (I’m paraphrasing)

      I can give you a few numbers from my blog, but I have to extend the same caution Benn did — every blog, and every blogger is different. It’s virtually impossible to mimic or repeat what another blogger does. In fact, it’s probably a very bad idea to even try. Get ideas, certainly. But to attempt to duplicate what someone else is doing simply isn’t going to work.

      I installed an new IDX search solution on my blog on April 8, this provides a clean start date to give you some numbers.

      In the 60 days between April 8 and June 8, I had 138 people register for the IDX search. It should be noted that I don’t force registration. People can search listings forever on my blog without ever providing any personal information. The only time they have to register is if they want to save searches and receive automatic updates on new listings. Some of those 138 likely came from our static site that employs the same solution, but the blog gets 5 times the traffic of the static site, so it’s probably safe to assume it generates 5x the number of saved searches, give or take a few.

      In that same 60 days, the blog received 55,357 unique visitors and 188,099 page views (per Google Analytics). The IDX search page itself received 13,988 unique visitors and 78,829 page views.

      (someone is going to look at these numbers and see a horrific “conversion rate” from visitors to registered searchers. And they are right. I could capture a ton more names and email addresses if I forced registration to see listings. But I have a fundamental philosophical problem doing that.)

      I am not a “top producer” by any stretch of the imagination. We are currently carrying 22 listings, 2 of those were referrals from other agents (bloggers incidentally) and the other 20 are all directly related to our “internet presence”. Of those 20, I *know* 13 can be attributed to the blog. 6 are from either the static site or the blog or some combination — the “we found you on the Internet” folks. 1 is from another agent who I first “met” online. I suspect she might say it was from the blog as well.

      Of our current three deals in escrow, 2 are from the blog, and 1 is a referral from another real estate blogger.

      We are actively working with 6 buyer clients. By “active” I mean clients who are pre-approved, and are or will be placing offers within the next 30 – 60 days. Of those, 4 are Canadian buyers who I’m virtually certain came directly from the blog (I say that because the blog is the only place I “court” Canadian buyers). One is another referral (again from another blogger) and 1 “found us on the Internet”.

      We’ve got several hundred “prospects” on auto-searches and email updates. Likely many of those will never work out — such is the nature of internet prospecting. But many will. Some maybe not for 2 years (our current record is having a prospect receiving listings for 29 months before we ever exchanged emails or a phone call and they became a paying client). We’ve had some people on listing updates for over 3 years. I suspect our 29 month record will be broken this year.

      My blog has been online for three years. I got very little traffic or prospects in the first year. It *is* a lot of work. But like any form of prospecting, it takes consistency over time, and hard work.

      I hope no one considers my posting traffic numbers as bragging. I assure you there are other blogs getting more visitors, and certainly more “leads”. But blogging is so much more than just getting prospects. I can’t measure how much I’ve learned doing this. Putting a price on that is impossible. The clients I’ve gotten are great (I’d be hungry with shoeless children without blogging) and are the primary purpose of doing this, but the knowledge I’ve gained, and the friendships I’ve made are priceless to me.

      I’m in the group that thinks blogging isn’t for everyone. It’s not that a successful (however that is defined) blogger is “better”. Just different. Not every prospecting method works for everyone. I am horrific at converting expireds or FSBOs. I can’t do squat walking a neighborhood. I suck at working my SOI. I blog, and it works for me. Other people’s “mileage may vary”.

    30. Jim Gatos

      June 14, 2008 at 4:34 am

      Thanks, everyone.. I really appreciate it..

      Benn, I didn’t mean to imply ALL Tio Producers don’t blog, PS.. Russell is great! Noticed he’s on the “sidebar”…

      I’ll contact you later but before the weekend is over, hopefully.. Your 5 questions were right on the nose.. Interesting though, I mentioned to a couple of people I was thinking of killing the blog and they all jumped and said No! They definately think it needs a change and improvements (even a template change) but they don’t think I should kill it. The attraction? My writing style… and that’s interesting. I never considered myself a writer.

      Jay, you’re the best! I really appreciate your input! I can tell you, Worcester County, Massachusetts NEEDS a blog like yours! I’ve read your blog before and I will now RSS subscribe to it.
      I know Bloodhound is an industry blog; ie that’s what was on my mind when I previously posted. I read Bloodhound daily and wheras I can see the value in terms of trying to cause change in the industry, or in possibly starting a new franchise (LOL), like you said, it isn’t meant to be used as a prospecting or client retention tool. Probably doesn’t hurt in the long run anyway..

      I totally agree with you about NOT trying to do what others are doing, Jay, and I wasn’t trying to do that on my blog. If you notice, most (if not all) of my articles were my own, and I have been told I have my own “style”.. I did put my listings on which I now think was a mistake and an IDX would have been better. I am going to check on the IDX you use and see if it’s available in Massachusetts. Your blog is easy reading; the articles aren’t overwhelming, and the layout is easy on the eyes. Of course, your numbers are great, however, that may be that you’re from Phoenix. Bigger metro area generally not as “New England” as we are LOL.. (just a joke)…

      I do enjoy blogging and I have learned a lot too. I learned how to write websites over this, (no kidding, LOL..I learned how to have the patience to sit down and express myself in a blog. I switched from platforms of Blogger to Typepad to WordPress, learning about things like “social networking” and so many other tidbits it will be impossible to write them all down here now. The biggest point I have to say is I honestly think Worcester and Metrowest county NEED a blog like some of the ones I see written here; really haven’t seen anything yet. I could’ve thrown the towel, said nothing, killed the blog and moved on. My basic personality won’t allow me to do that however. I figured it wouldn’t hurt to get involved in THIS thread and I’m glad I did. Thanks…

    31. Holly White

      June 14, 2008 at 8:10 am

      For me blogging (as little time as I put into it) is not just about finding a client from a particular article I wrote. It’s that and so much more. For example, I recently wrote a post on a listing I have in Brentwood Tennessee, it’s not a great post, in fact it’s pretty ugly (still working on a better way to do featured listings), but the point is that within two days that post was ranking #2 for the term Brentwood Luxury Real Estate and #5 for Brentwood Luxury Estate. So for me it’s about the increased visibility of my site from a particular post, which turns into online registrations. After that it’s up to me to convert those registrations to hot leads. I rarely get calls from my website users saying they called because of a post we wrote. It happens, but not that often. I see more traffic because I have improved my ranking from writing such posts. Blogging will help your site rank and is a crucial element in keeping you there as well as broadening your keywords.

    32. John Sabia

      June 14, 2008 at 8:13 am

      Wow, is it my birthday? I just read Jay Thompson’s post about single property sites and 5 minutes later Mariana Wagner promises 10 ways to share blogging in real estate! all I can say is happy birthday to me!

    33. Mariana Wagner

      June 14, 2008 at 8:50 am

      First, Teresa … You are so NOT a has-been. You made me laugh at that one. 😀 I guarantee that there are multiple people both here on AG and other places that answer “How could i use blogging in Real Estate?” on a regular basis – I know that I sure do! I just decided to reformat it to a series of posts, here on AG. I would love your feedback…

      Second, Thank you Jim, for your questions, and thank you everyone who helped answer them. I hope that you can figure out how to make your blog successful and it looks like there are more than enough people here to help. You sure came ot the right place!

      I also completely agree that you need to track your numbers. I am looking at my numbers a bit differently than others though. We get 1,000- 1,500 “hits” a day to our blog and that is where the effectiveness of my blog STOPS. Blogging brings traffic.

      Here is my issue:
      Sometimes we get clients directly from that part in the equation, but more times than not, our clients start with our IDX. How I implement my IDX system to get people to register (with the correct information) is OUR talent, not blogging-related. How we “convert” to an appointment is our talent is not blog-related. How we turn prospective-clients into clients is our talent, not blog-related. How we negotiate contracts and get them to close is OUR talent, not related to blogging. Etc.. I cannot give a bullet-proof blue-print to making money with a blog, because blogging is only a facet of the business equation, and so much of the business of real estate is talent and education. Blogging just gives me the opportunity to show off my talent and education, by giving me a large audience to work with. As a blog coach, all I can do is help people build and maintain a blog that brings in traffic. What they DO with that traffic is up to them.

      General Numbers? People ask how much business I get from blogging, and here is my answer… 100% of our NEW business (not return clients, referrals or SOI) comes from the internet. Of that, about 80% is due to my blogging.

      Jay – I liked how you broke it down. So, I will do the same … Currently? Of the listings that we currently have, 15 of them “found us online” because of our blog – (either directly or indirectly). Between me, Derek and our buyer agents, we are working with over a dozen ready, willing and able buyers “because” of our blog. 5 of our clients that are under contract and clear to close “found us online” because of our blog. But again, “finding us online” is only a small part of the puzzle… an IMPORTANT part, but only part.

      Benn – I love your questions and I look forward to your post on Monday.

    34. ines

      June 14, 2008 at 9:03 pm

      HC!! (as in Holy Cow!) – remember or book review series at AR and how much fun we had? I have to tell you that you are the queen of series posts and I am sooo looking forward to this. The beauty of blogging is that no matter how long you have been doing it and how much you think you know….there is plenty of room for more.

      to my Colorado Springs buddy!

    35. Mariana Wagner

      June 15, 2008 at 9:04 am

      Thank you, Ines! I remember that book review as well… SO MUCH FUN!

    36. Susan

      June 15, 2008 at 5:18 pm

      Great idea. I have gotten leads from my blog…I know that for a fact because they tell me about what they were reading. Its not nearly as elaborate as it can be, but I am hoping that I can step it up a couple notches. The listing phone call is obviously the ultimate! I am looking forward to the series of ideas. Thanks.

    37. Mariana Wagner

      June 22, 2008 at 6:37 pm

      Susan – Good Luck!

    38. West End in London

      August 18, 2008 at 7:49 am

      Like many contributors I understand the role of the internet in this game. I think you have to enjoy the blogging process to devote the time to generate traffic. How long does it really take to become one of you well known bloggers? I think the UK are just at the beginning of this phenomenon and I hope to learn and lead. So thanks for all you write

    39. realtor jake

      February 7, 2009 at 11:39 pm

      Mariana – Fantastic series of posts and great conversation everyone. To throw in my experience…I just converted my website over to a blog format after it lay stagnant and unknown for a few years. I now dedicate a tremendous amount of time to content development and research as well as search engine optimization and it has been quite a learning curve. But what I have done is committed myself to it, on my calendar as my primary xx hours of focused lead generation time per week. As a result, I have already seen my hits increasing quite a bit. Like others have said, what I then do with those hits is up to me and has nothing to do with blogging. I think SEO is key or your website will never get you leads, doing your homework and learning from others (like yourself) is essential, and as with all things, consistent time put in on a specific task over an extended period of time is the formula for success!

      Thanks again for the great posts.

    40. Grant in Nashville

      February 11, 2010 at 10:14 am

      How much time a day should an agent spend blogging in your opinion? My concern is that I spending way too much time on the computer and beginning to ignore some of the more traditional real estate practices.

    41. Mariana Wagner

      February 11, 2010 at 10:29 am

      Never replace what is currently making you money with anything (blogging, social media, traditional media…) until you can see that it is making you money. Use your current “dead” time to blog – after business hours, instead of playing solitaire, instead of watching TV … I spend an average of about 1 hour a day on my blog.

      • Grant in Nashville

        February 11, 2010 at 10:43 am

        LOL – I know, solitaire used to be a favorite past time until I found Pogo and there went another year! Thanks for the advice, I am actually spending a heck of a lot of time reading through your site and picking up tons and tons of tips.

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