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Search results for "entrepreneur"

Business Entrepreneur

(Entrepreneur News) has launched in beta to help you to train new hires more effectively, saving everyone time and saving you money.

side hustle maybe worth something maybe? side hustle maybe worth something maybe?

Business Entrepreneur

(Entrepreneur News) When considering launching a new business, there are proven steps that must be taken to insure that the business succeeds and continues...

entrepreneur entrepreneur

Business Entrepreneur

(Entrepreneur News) Women owned businesses are increasing in number, so how does this particular demographic improve revenues given their specific challenges?

ptsd ptsd

Business Entrepreneur

(Business News) When a veteran with PTSD is on the job hunt, how should the waters be navigated? Directly or passively? Should coworkers be...

hiring programmers hiring programmers

Business Entrepreneur

(Entrepreneur News) Hiring programmers can be an overwhelming task if you don't know what to look for, but we tap the experienced folk to...

hired hired

Business News

(Business News) One in three companies hire talent without a vacancy existing, so job hunters, remember that there is value in networking no matter...

big data t big data t

Business News

(Business News) Big data sounds like a geeky nerd phrase, but every business has the capacity to use data already available to them to...

gibbon gibbon

Business Entrepreneur

(Entrepreneur News) Gibbon has launched to offer bite-sized lessons on a variety of topics from coding and photography to art history, all for free...

rainbow cake rainbow cake

Business News

(Business News) A Colorado baker has been hauled into court for refusing to bake for a gay couple, which the owner says puts him...

y-combinator y-combinator

Business Finance

Y Combinator funds early stage startups and accelerates the brand, often regarded as a leader in the field, their new finance tool is the...

shopper shopper

Business News

You may think consumer shopping habits have shifted in ten years because of the iPhone, but let us reflect on other changes like globalization,...

negotiation negotiation

Business Articles

Negotiation is one of the most valuable skills any professional can have, but so ignored in lieu of social media and shiny tools -...

construction jobs construction jobs

Housing News

Construction spending for both the public and private sector improved this fall, and while this is good for housing, what does this spell for...

Business News

Thanksgiving is a wonderful American tradition, a time where we reflect on our lives and what we are thankful for. Here are some inspirational...

roommate screening roommate screening

Business News

Move For Hunger turns moving into a positive experience for many in need, taking a load off of people moving and feeding hungry locals....

leadership leadership

Business News

When we reflect upon the personality traits of those with success, we often miss the one commonality that every single successful person shares.

seasonal business seasonal business

Business Entrepreneur

Seasonal business is tricky, and can be the bane of many brands' existence, but knowing how to prepare for and execute during the roller...

windows windows

Tech News

Microsoft should be pleased that their Windows Store is growing, but it remains far behind the beloved Apple App Store, which has had several...

mistake mistake

Business Marketing

Because entrepreneurs are typically focused on the business of doing business, there are startup branding mistakes that are quite common, but can be overcome.

square payments square payments

Business Finance

Square has made a minor announcement today with major implications, opening up many more businesses to actually use the service.

politics politics

Business News

Every professional should get involved in politics, not just for the good of the community, but of their respective industries and even careers.

saint steve jobs saint steve jobs

Tech News

Steve Jobs has inspired a generation, but a new book out today may expand fanatics' awareness of other genius within the Apple ranks.

job interview job interview

Business News

While we know there are common mistakes job candidates can make, but what about interviewers? They're equally fallible and have room for improvement.

myths myths

Business Entrepreneur

When weighing options for benefits, many startups and small businesses have wild misunderstandings about administering web-based health benefits, so let us dispel these myths.

pay-gap pay-gap

Business News

Ten jobs have extremely wide gaps between what men and women earn, but why, and how can this be solved? The answer may not...

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