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Business News

Hear from the experts why professionals should get involved in politics, the value they present to the community and their own brand, and how...

Business Articles

Growing your company based on success stories of others can lead to some common misperceptions - let's discuss the most common myths.

celebrity ceo celebrity ceo

Business Entrepreneur

It seems today that the quest for many executives is to become a public figure, a celebrity CEO if you will. Is this good...

growth hackers growth hackers

Business Entrepreneur

What are growth hackers, exactly, and why do you hear the term primarily in the startup world?

business meeting business meeting

Business News

Productive team meetings isn't an urban legends, no, they actually exist. If you want to have meetings that follow Steve Jobs' method, here is...

risk management risk management

Business Entrepreneur

There are simple methods business consultants can use to manage risk and avoid unexpected losses.

american flag american flag

Business News

You already know it's patriotic to hire veterans, but there are many skills veterans have based on their military experience that make them a...

brand management brand management

Business Marketing

Brand management can be difficult when you're focused on the work of getting your work done. Here are some opportunities you shouldn't overlook.

veteran's day veteran's day

Business Articles

Veterans are so very valuable in the workplace, and veterans wanting to be entrepreneurs now have many resources - let us look at resources...

military veterans military veterans

Business News

There are amazing perks to hiring vets, but attempting to retain military veterans takes a different approach than your other employees - here are...

chinese chinese

Business Articles

A lot has changed in China in recent years, and if you're doing business with Chinese clients or seeking to open up shop abroad...

socialbro socialbro

Social Media

SocialBro is many entrepreneurs' missing ingredient with their Twitter efforts, giving actionable insight into followers and competitors.

open book management open book management

Business Entrepreneur

Open-book management is a controversial style, but done properly, can be a tremendous tool at your startup or small business.

gen z gen z

Business Marketing

A new study reveals what Millennials have in common, and some of the stats may surprise you.

design lab design lab

Tech News

When you want to learn to code from scratch or learn a new programming language, more and more startups are popping up to help...

contacts networking contacts networking

Business Articles

There are ways to master your network aside from the standard "go to networking events" advice.

shake shake

Business Entrepreneur

When picking a co-founder for your company, there are key factors that should never be compromised, regardless of your industry.

cool cool

Opinion Editorials

Want to be cooler than your competitors? Times have changed and there is only one real way to be cool...

stress stress

Business Entrepreneur

Career burn out happens to the best of us, and it can be a frustrating and scary state of mind - there are ways...

networking challenges networking challenges

Business Articles

No matter your city or industry, there are common networking challenges that can be overcome to help you improve your networking skills and boost...

business meeting business meeting

Business Entrepreneur

When it comes time to sell your business, no matter your motivation, you may not be ready to leave, so prepare appropriately, and you...

flag flag

Opinion Editorials

The current government shutdown may make sense to some people, but comparing it to how the real world operates boggles the mind.

fatigue fatigue

Business Entrepreneur

The accelerator concept is still relatively young, but demo day fatigue is already setting in as they expand in number and frequency - but...

Chinese laws Chinese laws

Business News

Shanghai launches its first free trades zone in hopes of bolstering economic reform and as a testing ground for other progressive financial and economic...

career path career path

Opinion Editorials

As our children embark on their higher education, let us reflect on what the future holds and how to be a trailblazer.

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