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Become an email and task management whiz with these apps

(TECH NEWS) Tokyo-based company focuses apps on managing your email and to-dos.

Tokyo-based BHI has been offering solutions focused on protecting users from information overload with their apps targeted at managing your email and to-dos.


Producitivity to the max

The first of their pair of apps is Swingmail. Swingmail is a minimalistic inbox and reply-only app that aggregates messages from multiple social network accounts.

Their second app is called Swingdo. Released a couple of weeks ago, Swingdo aims to help users streamline their task management by managing to-dos and calendar appointments. The app also automatically checks emails that a user has forgotten to reply to and adds it as a to-do list item. Based on a user’s input and its history, the app determines the priority of every task and inserts appointments scheduled on the Swingcal or scheduler app within these tasks when necessary.

Priority and estimated task time

Within the Swingdo app, the priority of each task is automatically determined according to the due date and estimated amount of work required to complete the task.

Regarding tasks based on received e-mails and scheduled appointments in a calendar app, work amounts are set as 15 minutes by default but users can change this manually.

Following the priority that the Swingdo app presents, all a user has to do is complete tasks.

In their own words

According to Yasuhiro Himukashi, CEO of BHI, “When using our app, one will no longer experience the pain of thinking what to do next. Regardless of the pros and cons in our team, we decided to make the app that automatically determines the priority of each task and can’t be manually adjusted. Otherwise, users would be likely to put off tedious tasks for later and tend to forget to do them.”

Future updates and hopes

While this latest Swingdo app is version 1.0 and does have some bugs to work through, the company plans to keep updating it as their development advances.

BHI said they also want to incorporate natural language processing and machine learning into the app so that it will better understand context when adding tasks based on e-mails and calendar updates.

Coinciding with the launch of the Swingdo app, BHI has upgraded the Swingmail app to version 7.0. With this version comes new functionality like curating e-mails and highlighting critical messages. The company has plans to integrate with messaging platforms of mobile carriers around the world to give users a better experience.


Written By

Nichole earned a Master's in Sociology from Texas State University and has publications in peer-reviewed journals. She has spent her career in tech and advertising. Her writing interests include the intersection of tech and society. She is currently pursuing her PhD in Communication and Media Studies at Murdoch University.


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