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Search results for "social media"

Housing News

First Instant Leads, now comes part two Last week, announced “Instant Leads,” a lead notification system powered by that automatically calls the...

Social Media

Social media class of 2011 In February 2011, Flowtown created an infographic asking “what if social media were a high school?” Since the launch...

Business Marketing

Amex is serious about social media You’ve seen the video above on television and rewards points are an old concept for credit card companies,...

Social Media

Google has announced their newest Gmail feature called the people widget which adds a simple small column next to your emails that displays context...

Social Media

Social networking users AdAge has taken a look under the hood of the major social networks and analyzed user profiles rather than traffic and...

Social Media

Facebook’s milestone In honor of Facebook’s “Like” button’s first birthday, created an infographic timeline outlining the history of the social widgetization of Facebook....

Social Media

Ignite breaks it down: When analyzing global social media, it is interesting to see the rise and fall of networks over time. MySpace serves...

Social Media

Digital media addiction We recently wrote about research that shows media such as smartphones, social media and the like as addictive, rewarding the brain...

Social Media

What is Common Red? New social network Commonred is now in closed beta and available by invite only, but while you wait on your...

Tech News

We wrote last year about using services such as and magntize for your online business card and discussed why it was important. Free...

Business Marketing

The Setup: Brokers around the country have had to adopt the idea that their agents are free agents and have big mouths- they like...

Social Media

Last week, we asked you all which devices you used to engage Facebook, Twitter and to blog as well as where you most commonly...

Social Media

In studying digital communications and consumer habits, it is frequent that we review national and international habits of social networks and blogs, but it...

Tech News

It’s all over, now Today marks the day that you no longer have to use a separate tool to syndicate your blog’s RSS feed...

Social Media

Getting to know you better There is a long roster of writers here at Agent Genius but we wanted to reach out to you...

Social Media

Yoono is a FireFox add on. Managing your social life on line is time consuming. I am a Realtor first, a blogger second and...

Housing News

Law enforcement is watching you In the same week that Facebook sets up a Safety Advisory Board and streamlines privacy settings, privacy watchdogs, Electronic...

Business Marketing

Communication is changing. As a species we’re very focused on increasing the speed and breadth of our communications. Pony express, telegraph, snail mail, email,...

Social Media

Opinion Editorials

Dear Ginny WTH, With all of the social networking sites cropping up, blogs, Q&A opportunities, I am challenged with my time management. After all,...

Business Marketing

Are You The Antisocial? In part one, we discussed the antisocial at some length, and for good reason. In social media there are two...


When We Gauge Value Almost every day, a person or product lands in front of me and you and we’re left with a choice...


Social or not? Some of you heard me joking about being antisocial.  I am not really antisocial, in fact quite the opposite.  My participation...

Social Media

SocialMention Search Awesomeness The image above is pretty self-explanatory but in case you haven’t had your coffee yet, SocialMention is a search engine designed...

Social Media

Before I start let me just say ….TWITTER ROCKS!! I love when people share articles in Twitter that they are reading, but no one...

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