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Search results for "social media"

google plus redesign google plus redesign

Social Media

Google+ has redesigned its stream and changed the way users connect - and it might even win over Facebook's endless feed of people you...

baby boomer baby boomer

Social Media

Many seniors and older individuals find themselves alone. A new social networking platform is striving to help ward off this feeling of solitude.

growth hacking growth hacking

Social Media

After years of testing and investing, the clear winner for social media marketing is Facebook, but where do the other platforms rank?

social media social media

Business News

Social media consumption is on the rise and the trend is expected to continue according to the latest report from the Global Web Index.

social media social media

Social Media

Apparently, as a whole, brands are bad at social media. It has become a megaphone, not a listening post, so the few that pay...

demand media demand media


Demand Media is quietly closing their Austin offices after a rough Q2 earnings report, but the Austin team tells us they had no idea...

Social Media

We all use social networks, but features change and we may miss some of the new tweaks, so here are some to help get...

Ways People and Businesses are Making a Splash on Social Media in 2014 Ways People and Businesses are Making a Splash on Social Media in 2014

Tech News

A new startup is responding to the idea that social podcasts are not only popular, but a part of our lives that are becoming...

social-media social-media

Social Media

Members of the Senate want to make sure that when particular red-listed topics appear, the owners of the social media platform report them, or...

Social Media

With all the chat apps on the market, how can a brand differentiate itself? Japan-based LINE has one answer and it's working like magic.

social media social media

Social Media

To get the most out of your efforts on social networks, it helps to know where the users are paying attention and what they...

Opinion Editorials

Social Hunt is a new tool that allows users to track other people's moves on social media so closely, it's like a private investigator....

instagram instagram

Social Media

Instagram is fast becoming a platform for brands to further push their image across social media. Here's a look at last month's favorites.

Social Media

(Social Media) Facebook at Work has finally been unveiled and helps you and your team communicate more effectively, but will brands actually use it?

luxy luxy

Social Media

(Social Media) Luxy has launched to match affluent daters, but why are the rich separating themselves online and will this trend catch on?

netropolitan netropolitan

Social Media

(Social Media) Netropolitan has launched to connect wealthy folks - why the high price tag, and is it worth it?

orkut orkut

Social Media

(Social Media) After a decade of life, Orkut is being shuttered. When will it all go down, and what does this mean for existing...

connect6 connect6

Social Media

(Social Media) Connect6° is set to launch in beta, and helps add context to your social networking connections to help you to better connect...

nextsociety nextsociety

Social Media

(Social Media) With the launch of nextSociety, professional networking might actually work, connecting people in a relevant way.

livedeal livedeal

Business Marketing

(Marketing News) LiveDeal is not a new kid on the block, but they are an underdog and they plan to eat Groupon and LivingSocial's...

social media psychic social media psychic

Social Media

Privacy is dead, and we killed it ourselves. Voluntarily. In this social media experiment, people are somehow shocked that the information they've made public...

newspapers newspapers

Social Media

News consumption in America is changing, with more people flocking to social media as their source of news.

socialbro socialbro

Social Media

SocialBro is many entrepreneurs' missing ingredient with their Twitter efforts, giving actionable insight into followers and competitors.

iversity iversity

Business News

German startup, iversity has launched to offer free college courses that allow you to brush up on skills or learn new ones.

fake banksy fake banksy

Business Marketing

Fake Banksy hits the streets of New York City to mock the power of social proof in a fascinating experiment.

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